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Colorado etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Healthy Living from EPRD for Aug-Sept 2018

Healthy Living from EPRD for Aug-Sept 2018 

Women's Wellness Series

This fall, Evergreen Park & Rec is offering several classes to help help women in the mountain community stay healthy from the inside out! Classes include:
  • Empower Your Health: Gut Health - Uncover the connection between disease and the gut, and learn how to nurture and support it.
  • Chronic Inflammation - Chronic Inflammation is arguably one of our biggest health risks. Learn how to cool the inflammation for optimal wellness.
  • All Stressed Out - Understand how stress works in the body and what action you can take to reduce your body’s stress response and build resiliency.

Adult Adventures

EPRD's Fall Outdoor Adventure and Cultural Excursions programs for adults are starting soon. Ride the EPRD bus to a new experience, whether it's cross country skiing or visiting a museum!

Healthy Giving

Give for a Good Marriage
Want a happy marriage? Science says couples should do these 7 things for each other often.

Healthy Family

Evergreen Kids Tri Sunday
The Evergreen Kids Triathlon is this Sunday, Aug. 19. Bring the kids (5-13) and cheer them on!
(Source: EPRD) 

Healthy Mind

Your Brain on Exercise
Exercise is as good for your brain as it is for your body, and researchers are just beginning to discover why.
(Source: Outside Online)

Healthy Aging

Live Well Over 50
This guitar is helping him live better. Enjoy these tips to eat healthy, stay fit and live well as you age.

Healthy Eating

Keys to a Healthy Diet
Developing healthy eating habits isn’t as hard as you think. Here are guidelines!

Healthy Body

Practical Weight Loss
How do you lose weight quickly and safely, and then keep it off?

Hall of Famer Luke Williams: We Are So Proud!

Congrats to Luke Williams, who has been named Male Athlete of the Year for the state of Colorado and was recently inducted into the Special Olympics Colorado (SOCO) Hall of Fame. Luke participates in basketball, bowling, skiing and track. 

This is the 3rd time EPRD has been inducted into the SOCO Hall of Fame - previously, EPRD was honored for Best Program and the late Katie Matthewman was named Female Athlete of the Year.

Healthy Living! from EPRD for November

The cold weather is finally here after a springlike fall. A couple days ago, as temperatures hit 70 degrees, winter seemed a lifetime away. But the white flakes that fell yesterday mean we can finally start thinking about ice skating on Evergreen Lake and heading to the mountains to ski! 

But first, let's meet the ultimate challenge to healthy living head-on: Thanksgiving! 

Healthy Body

If you're like the average American, the pound or two of eight you're likely to gain this holiday season  is here to stay. But the Huffington Post says it doesn't have to be that way.

Healthy Mind

It's holiday time, the family is coming, there's too much to do! OK, stop a moment and let controlled breathing help calm your tense body down. Take a deep breath, expanding your belly. Pause. Exhale slowly to the count of five. Repeat four times. Congratulations, you've just calmed your nervous system! NY Times Wellness has more suggestions.

Healthy Eating

Thanksgiving and the upcoming winter holidays are a minefield of temptations that can dismantle the achievement you have worked so hard to attain. Take control and jump-start your motivation for a healthy and active holiday season-one where you lose, not gain! tells us how.

Healthy Parenting

Are you wondering how to go beyond mere gluttony to add some meaning and gratitude to the day on Thanksgiving? Start by reminding yourself that striving for that Martha Stewart holiday will only stress you out. Fortunately, perfection isn't necessary for you and your family to have a perfectly wonderful Thanksgiving, says Aha Parenting.

Healthy Aging

Ninety percent of people don't like change, and retirement pulls the rug out from under your entire life - changing your sleeping patterns, your social life, your relationship with your partner, how you spend your time and even what and when you eat! Here are 3 ways to make lifestyle changes easier, from Contemporary Retirement.

Healthy Giving

Volunteer or run in the 7th annual Turkey Trot put on by Evergreen Christian Outreach (EChO) on Thanksgiving morning. Proceeds help EChO support families in need through its resale shop, food pantry, jobs training and more. And you and the kids can burn off a few calories before the Thanksgiving feast! Learn more.

Healthy Planet

At the rate we're going, it can seem sometimes like we're out to destroy our planet. Luckily, there are a bunch of efforts you can make that are easy, quick, and cost-effective, so you can do your part in taking care of our irreplaceable home in the galaxy. Learn more.

Road Trip: Day Four

Country music is funny. Today on the radio, since I could not get any other stations, I listened to these songs:

1. All I Want for Christmas is a Real Good Tan
2. Pretty Good at Drinking Beer

After that I turned it off. I don't mind country, if there is nothing else, and I will definitely pick it over Christian rock, but how silly can you get? Speaking of driving through Kansas, I have found out a few things about Kansans:

1. They LOVE Jesus
2. They HATE abortion (there are tons of signs on the side of the road to prove both of these)
3. They make their bales in rolls. I like the rolls better than the cubes. (see photo at bottom)
4. Their BBQ is okay, but not "the best BBQ in the country". Sorry, Kansas. Actually Iowa so far has been the best I have eaten.

Today's journey: Denver, CO to Salina, KS.

Agate, CO

Agate, CO

Genoa, CO

near Grinnell, KS
Tomorrow is the last day. I will travel from here to Des Moines, which is about 350 more miles. There I will get to see my HS best friend and some old work buddies (in case you didn't know, I worked in Iowa for about 7 months and I learned a lot about corn while I was there).

Road Trip: Day Three

I have flown through Denver dozens of times and once had to spend the night due to a flight delay. However, I have never really BEEN to Denver (or Colorado in general!) So finally I made it. For real. I had a meal downtown and walked around the 16th street mall. So, now what do I have to say about Colorado?

1. They are worse drivers than CA, NV, UT or WY (but better than LA or FL!).
2. It is warmer here than in all the other states I have been through (the record was NV at -1 degree; it is in the 30s in CO)
3. There are a lot of bums downtown.
4. The mountains are BEAUTIFUL!!! but Denver is not as close to them as I thought it was.
5. There are a ton of towns with the name "springs" in the name. 

Also, let's not forget Wyoming. I thought it was flat; it is not. There are mountains and rolling hills both! It is beautiful. I only just skimmed the bottom edge of it, but I can't wait to come back when it is warmer and I have more time and go hiking, see Yellowstone, climb the Tetons and explore!

Today's stats:
Favorite license plate so far: Wyoming
Highest point: 8,640 feet
Number of pumps of chocolate in my Venti mocha this morning: 3
License plate from farthest away state: Alaska! My first one ever! (does anyone else play this game?) 2nd place: Florida (that guy must be freezing up here!)
Cost of parking for two hours in downtown Denver: $2.00
Miles remaining: 700

A couple of questions for you, readers: Have you ever taken a road trip? If so, where? What is your favorite place? And where's the coldest place you have ever been? The highest?

Today's trip: Rock Springs, WY to Denver, CO (a little bit of a detour to Denver, but I heard it was worth it)

Here are today's pictures. I noticed I have a lot of "road" shots, but hey, it IS a "road trip"!!! These were all taken in Wyoming. There is no snow in Colorado so I wasn't as photo crazy.