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2012 etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
2012 etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

The Last Half

Last week I asked my brother if he would want to run one last race with me in 2012. It was a trail race and there were four options: 8k, Half Marathon, 30k or 50k. I was going to run the 30k and assumed he would want to run the 8k, since it was a pretty steep race and I figured he would want to take...

Best of 2012: Experiences

I have been trying to figure out a good way to recap the year without being too cliche, and Lisa gave me just the idea. So, here it is, the best of 2012, in list form!1. Becoming a better runner. This year I learned a lot about myself as a runner. I learned how to run smarter and faster and I had a...

Best of 2012: Running

Misszippy recently did a recap of her running year here and I thought I would follow along! Best race experience? My favorite was probably the Skyline 50k. I started doing trail races earlier this year and I really enjoyed the experience, but the best feeling was completing 50k in my own backyard, and only coming in seconds behind Dean Karnazes. Best run? Most of my runs on the Bay Area Ridge...

Best of 2012: Books

This year, I made myself a goal to read at least one book a week, or 52 books. I just barely squeaked over the wire with 57 books. Some were pretty bad and there were others that were much better. Here is a list of 10 that I would recommend. The Forgotten Garden - Kate Morton : This was a fun, easy read about a woman who goes searching for her grandmother's ancestors and finds out more than she...

Nobody Wants a Partridge

On the first day of Christmas my true love gave to me....You know the drill. And you have to sing it. Out loud!  On the Twelfth day of Christmas, my sneakers gave to me... Twelve Half Marathons!Eleven Running RoutesTen PRsNine Thousand Feet Eight Shiny MedalsSeven Running FriendsSix 10ksFive Golden Trail Races!! Four Relay LegsThree 5ks Two Marathons ....And An Ultra in the East Bay!!!! This...

Currently: December

Current Book - A Land More Kind Than Home. Actually to say I am "reading" it is kind of a lie; it is sitting on my bedside table though. Current Favorite Celebrity - Brandon Flowers of The Killers. He rocks. Literally. Current Drink - Wine. It's the holidays.  Current Excitement - Last weekend...

Then and Now: November

Okay everyone, let's say it all together now: I can't believe that November is already over! I know; you have heard it before. But yes, it's December (already). November is over. What happened? Luckily I take photos, because lately I can't remember! Due to my blogger issue with photos, I am doing this...

I am a Beast

For the number 12 race in the 2012 Challenge, I accidentally competed in the Spartan race in Sacramento. Okay, it wasn't an accident. However, I was always one of those people who kind of poo-poohed obstacle races, mud races and the like. But when my friend said that we could get a group rate of 13...


The holidays were good, there was running to be had, and plenty of stuffing. I am not going to go on about it. Instead, here are a few other random things that have been happening around these parts. - I found all the seasons of Greys Anatomy on the DVR. The past weekend was full of McDreamy, Christmas...

10 Days of Thanksgiving: Days 9 & 10

Happy Thanksgiving Eve! Today I will be working and then joining the masses in the great Thanksgiving migration. I hope everyone has a great day today and tomorrow and that you eat lots of great food and have a great day with your friends and family. Here are my last two of ten things that I am thankful of this year! 9. My Feet   “Running isn't a sport for pretty boys...It's about the sweat...

10 Days of Thanksgiving: Day 6, 7 & 8

There are only two more days until Thanksgiving! And so many more than two more things to be thankful for! Here are a few more things that I am happy about this year!  6. EmploymentWe tend to take this for granted, but after having several months off, I don't sneer at a steady income. Of course,...

Sugar and Spice and Everything Nice

Many people get stressed out with all the extra work that the holidays bring. Not only do you have to do your regular day to day things, but throw in grocery shopping, having a kitchen or house full of people and having to get up early and plan and cook everything so that it hopefully comes out of...

10 Days of Thanksgiving: Day 4 & 5

I will be foregoing my weekly Fitness Friday post today for a continuation of the 10 days of Thanksgiving. Today we have number 4 and number 5 of the 10 things I am thankful for this year. 4. Where my Parents LiveI have posted about this a million times before, but the place I grew up is so beautiful....

10 Days of Thanksgiving: Day 1, 2 & 3

Lately, I have so many things going around in my head that I cannot make them settle coherently. This is good timing though, since last year I joined up with Lisa to do the 10 Days of Thanksgiving and it's about that time again! Like last year, I will not necessarily do one a day, but there WILL be...

Looking Forward

Today I am looking forward to hopefully talking to my Mom on the phone before she leaves to go Back East to see HER mother. She and my Dad are finally taking a couple weeks off to go travel and have fun and see some family. I am so excited for both of them. I am also looking forward to my lunch time...

You Are What You Eat

I track my food. I don't do it because I am on some wild diet fad; I do it because I am a number cruncher. I love spreadsheets and lists and comparing how one day or week or year compares to another. I like knowing if I am eating too much sodium or not enough vegetables. I think it's fun! I have been...

Currently: November

Current Book - Blood, Bones and Butter by Gabrielle Hamilton (it's not what I thought it would be, as in, it's not as good as I thought it would be). Current Favorite Celebrity - Paul from Top Chef (my Mom and I just watched the finale) source Current Drink - Water. I have been drinking a ton of...