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Evergreen Park and Recreation District etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Evergreen Park and Recreation District etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Evergreen Lake North Trail is OPEN ... thanks to EPRD's Parks Department!

Meet Heart Cameron, EPRD's Park Operations Manager. Heart and his crew, working with the Evergreen Metropolitan District, are the reason the Evergreen Lake Trail between Upper Bear Creek Road and Evergreen Dam along Highway 74 is finally open! They have been working diligently to replace a...

EPRD Meyer Ranch 5-Miler Results

It was all in the family for last Saturday's Meyer Ranch 5-Miler.Michael Medsker won Evergreen Park & Recreation District's trail race in Conifer in a blistering 48 minutes. Trina Ehrenberg, his mother, was the first woman finisher in 55:27.Thirty-three people registered and 15 ran the third race...

How Disabled People Can Stay Active

By Guest Blogger Travis WhitePlaying sports and staying active is natural to people. More than that, it’s basically a necessity. There are the obvious physical benefits to staying active such as getting fit, building muscles, and avoiding obesity. But there are mental benefits as well. Learning teamwork...

Healthy Living! from EPRD for November

The cold weather is finally here after a springlike fall. A couple days ago, as temperatures hit 70 degrees, winter seemed a lifetime away. But the white flakes that fell yesterday mean we can finally start thinking about ice skating on Evergreen Lake and heading to the mountains to ski! But first,...