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Evergreen Park and Recreation District etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Evergreen Park and Recreation District etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Evergreen Lake North Trail is OPEN ... thanks to EPRD's Parks Department!

Meet Heart Cameron, EPRD's Park Operations Manager. 

Heart and his crew, working with the Evergreen Metropolitan District, are the reason the Evergreen Lake Trail between Upper Bear Creek Road and Evergreen Dam along Highway 74 is finally open! 

They have been working diligently to replace a bin wall (a U-shaped underground support structure) that had crumbled almost completely to dust because of 30 years of use and a lot of water, leaving the trail unsupported and unsafe. 

They also set anchors to complete maintenance on the handrails and resurfaced the trail. 

What's that in Heart's hand in the picture below? The last remaining bit of bin wall. We may mount it on the wall at Park Ops HQ!

This Should Last a While

But it's not over. This is a creative short-term solution that gets the trail open for the community.  We may still need to do maintenance from time to time on the trail, so expect occasional short closures. 

EPRD continues to work on the planning phases of a long-term solution for the trail system. Please monitor EPRD's website for updates.

We highlighted the piece of wall so you can see the only piece of bin wall that had survived. The rest had crumbled to dust.

The trail is open for your use!

EPRD Meyer Ranch 5-Miler Results

It was all in the family for last Saturday's Meyer Ranch 5-Miler.

Michael Medsker won Evergreen Park & Recreation District's trail race in Conifer in a blistering 48 minutes. Trina Ehrenberg, his mother, was the first woman finisher in 55:27.

Thirty-three people registered and 15 ran the third race in the Evergreen Trail Racing Series, a five-race series of running events on mountainous terrain around scenic Evergreen.

A mother-daughter pair finished together to take third among women, and each won her age group - Avalin Sapien (F10-19) and Mya Sapien (F30-39), both in 1:06:48.

(Photos by Diana Griffin,

Top 3 men with race organizers

Top women

Top male and female

Mother-daughter duo finished third among women
Photos by Diana Griffin,

How Disabled People Can Stay Active

By Guest Blogger Travis White

Playing sports and staying active is natural to people. More than that, it’s basically a necessity. There are the obvious physical benefits to staying active such as getting fit, building muscles, and avoiding obesity. But there are mental benefits as well. Learning teamwork and how to rebound after a loss are vital life skills.

But many people with disabilities think that opportunity is closed to them. They think that, because they are differently abled, they cannot participate in sports and similar activities. Thankfully, that is simply not the case. Sure, being disabled means you may not be able to do exactly what other people do. But with some accommodations and a little help, you can stay active even if you have a disability. 
Image Source: Pixabay

The Benefits Of Activities

Some people look at activities like sports and just think they’re an amusing way to spend the time. That’s true, but staying active has many more benefits than just avoiding boredom.

In terms of physical health, people who are active tend to have better hearts, blood pressure, and muscles. They also have lower rates of obesity, better flexibility, and coordination, all of which can be helpful depending on your specific disability. But there are a lot of social and mental health benefits as well.

Participating in activities with others can help someone make more friends, build a sense of accomplishment, and improve depression. That’s especially true for people with disabilities, as they can sometimes feel excluded from society as a whole. Even the physical benefits of exercising and staying active can help with your mental health, as people tend to have more self-esteem when they are physically fit.

Bridging The Gap

How can someone with a disability participate in these activities? While it depends somewhat on the activities in question, there are a few accommodations to make.

Part of the problem is one of perception. People with disabilities can sometimes think their condition prevents them from enjoying activities. That’s because there are often too few adaptive programs designed for them. If you’re not aware of how to participate, it’s easy to think you cannot and it can be hard to bridge the gap between thought and action. 

A great way to help with this is goal setting. This means setting challenging but realistic goals for yourself. For example, making a slam dunk might not be feasible given your disability, but is that really the most important thing about basketball? Take time to think about what really matters, such as making friends, getting exercise, and exposing more people to those with disabilities. Then make goals to reach those.

What About Service Dogs?

Some people with disabilities have service animals, with service dogs being the most common by far. Can people using these friends stay active? It might not always work, but the answer is normally yes.

First, sports facilities cannot ban service animals. As long as yours really is a service animal and not just a pet, you can bring your dog to basketball courts, field houses, and more. But if your service dog helps you get around and stay grounded, then there’s little reason why that cannot happen while staying active as well.

Get Out There Today

There are unique challenges to staying active faced by people with disabilities. That said, getting out there and enjoying the benefits of physical activity is not just possible — it can do some very good things for you.

Travis White writes about food in his spare time. He enjoys showing LearnFit visitors how to cook restaurant-quality meals at home.

Healthy Living! from EPRD for November

The cold weather is finally here after a springlike fall. A couple days ago, as temperatures hit 70 degrees, winter seemed a lifetime away. But the white flakes that fell yesterday mean we can finally start thinking about ice skating on Evergreen Lake and heading to the mountains to ski! 

But first, let's meet the ultimate challenge to healthy living head-on: Thanksgiving! 

Healthy Body

If you're like the average American, the pound or two of eight you're likely to gain this holiday season  is here to stay. But the Huffington Post says it doesn't have to be that way.

Healthy Mind

It's holiday time, the family is coming, there's too much to do! OK, stop a moment and let controlled breathing help calm your tense body down. Take a deep breath, expanding your belly. Pause. Exhale slowly to the count of five. Repeat four times. Congratulations, you've just calmed your nervous system! NY Times Wellness has more suggestions.

Healthy Eating

Thanksgiving and the upcoming winter holidays are a minefield of temptations that can dismantle the achievement you have worked so hard to attain. Take control and jump-start your motivation for a healthy and active holiday season-one where you lose, not gain! tells us how.

Healthy Parenting

Are you wondering how to go beyond mere gluttony to add some meaning and gratitude to the day on Thanksgiving? Start by reminding yourself that striving for that Martha Stewart holiday will only stress you out. Fortunately, perfection isn't necessary for you and your family to have a perfectly wonderful Thanksgiving, says Aha Parenting.

Healthy Aging

Ninety percent of people don't like change, and retirement pulls the rug out from under your entire life - changing your sleeping patterns, your social life, your relationship with your partner, how you spend your time and even what and when you eat! Here are 3 ways to make lifestyle changes easier, from Contemporary Retirement.

Healthy Giving

Volunteer or run in the 7th annual Turkey Trot put on by Evergreen Christian Outreach (EChO) on Thanksgiving morning. Proceeds help EChO support families in need through its resale shop, food pantry, jobs training and more. And you and the kids can burn off a few calories before the Thanksgiving feast! Learn more.

Healthy Planet

At the rate we're going, it can seem sometimes like we're out to destroy our planet. Luckily, there are a bunch of efforts you can make that are easy, quick, and cost-effective, so you can do your part in taking care of our irreplaceable home in the galaxy. Learn more.