A lot of my readers have been asking me about programming. This week, I was luck enough to have my friend Steve write a guest post for me. Steve Bare is a professional strength coach (CSCS, USAW) and competitive weightlifter. His experience includes work in the private industry and an internship at...
strength training etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
strength training etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Changing up Your Rep Scheme
By Fitness ve Body Blogçusu at 12:06
Bodybuilding, exercise, Fitness, Hypertrophy, Lifting, repetitions, Strength, strength training
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If you seek out nearly any fitness-related website for information regarding rep schemes, you'll see something like this:For size, do 3-4 sets of 8-12 repetitionsFor strength, do multiple sets of 5 of fewer repetitions at a heavy weightFor muscular endurance, do sets of 20 or more repetitionsWhile this...
Revamping the Dumbbell Row
By Fitness ve Body Blogçusu at 11:59
Bodybuilding, Lifting, Mechanics, strength training
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Rowing movements, like the dumbbell row or the kettlebell row, are a staple in any weight training or bodybuilding program. In fact, I would venture to say that a well-developed back is a fantastic indicator of overall strength and athleticism.When you implement these movements into your routine, you...
Training Simple for Maximum Results
By Fitness ve Body Blogçusu at 09:51
exercise, Fitness, Programming, Strength, strength training
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There is a seemingly infinite list of exercises to work any given muscle group. With websites like YouTube, it's pretty easy to find new exercises on the internet and feel inclined to add them into your routine. The question, however, is are these circus tricks necessary to take your performance to...
The Biggest Mistake You're Making in the Gym
By Fitness ve Body Blogçusu at 09:24
cardio, exercise, Fitness, HIIT, interval training, Sprints, Strength, strength training
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When you walk into any fitness center, where do you see the most people? Most likely they're all crowded around the treadmills, stationary bikes and ellipticals. The common misconception is that you can achieve the body that you want and get in great shape by spending half an hour to an hour doing "cardio."Day...
Strength Training for Women: Lift Weights for the Body You Want
By Fitness ve Body Blogçusu at 10:28
exercise, Fitness, Muscle, strength training, Women
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Every single woman should lift weights. Yes, every one of them. I don't care if you're 14 or 72, you can still benefit from strength training.
The media has condemned strength training for women for years, saying that lifting heavy weights will make you appear "bulky" or manly, and that is 100% false. Some women seem to think that a dumbbell heavier than 5 pounds will give them magical giant biceps that appear overnight. I've heard so many celebrity fitness trainers perpetuate this myth and say that women are better off lifting really light weight for more repetitions to "tone" their muscles. First of all, the word "tone" does not mean anything. Our muscles either grow (hypertrophy) or deteriorate (atrophy). We can lose body fat to make those muscle more apparent, but we can't "tone." Lifting light weights for a lot of repetitions will not make you stronger or more toned, so you are effectively wasting your time. There, I said it. If you want to make the most out of your time in the gym, you need to lift heavier weights. Our bodies need to adapt to a stimulus. If we are doing the same exercise everyday (i.e. going on the elliptical for 30 minutes, and then doing 15 minutes of crunches and light dumbbell exercises), our bodies will never adapt.
I can promise you that in my two years of strength training so far, I have never been mistaken for a man!
Now that that's out of the way, strength training has tremendous benefits, specifically for women, who already have less muscle mass than men.
Those with more muscle mass burn more energy (calories) at rest. Yes, you read that correctly. If you have more muscle, you can eat more, because your body simply needs more calories to sustain this extra muscle tissue. "Each day, your body uses more than 35 calories to maintain each pound of muscle, while only 2 calories are needed to sustain a pound of fat (Westcott and Baechle 1998)."
Not only will you burn more calories in the course of the day, it has been proven in several studies (see sources below) that individuals with a higher lean body mass live longer, healthier lives. Strength training obviously makes your muscles stronger, but many fail to realize that lifting weights also strengthens our bones, tendons and our ligaments. If you want to avoid degeneration of your bones (osteoporosis) and connective tissue injuries later in life, strength training is extremely important. "Osteoporosis is partially preventable with adequate amounts of calcium in the diet, along with progressive high-intensity resistance training (Graves and Franklin 2001)." For women who are pre or postmenopausal, strength training is especially important to prevent further loss of muscle tissue.
In addition to the physiological benefits, there are many psychological benefits. Personally, I've proved to myself that I am capable of so much more than I realized. I recently set a deadlift personal record at 275 lbs (2 times my own bodyweight). I never would've dreamed of lifting that much weight. I know too many women who are unable to perform a push-up or a pull-up without assistance, which I believe are two movements everyone should be able to do.
Being a woman is not an excuse for being weak! Step out of your comfort zone and try something new. Make sure you have a friend with you who can make sure you are moving correctly. I promise you, you won't regret it!
- "Strength Training during Menopause Offers Multiple Benefits." Human Kinetics. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 July 2014.
- Physical Activity Across Adulthood in Relation to Fat and Lean Body Mass in Early Old Age: Findings From the Medical Research Council National Survey of Health and Development, 1946-2010
- Toss F, Wiklund P, Nordström P, Nordström A. Body composition and mortality risk in later life (2012)
Weight Lifting 101 for Women
If you have read about me and/or my fitness journey, you know that I first began exercising when I was 13 years old, at home, doing exercise videos. They all required free weights/dumbbells/whatever you want to call it. I always thought lifting weights was just a part of exercise. I did not worry about becoming "big and bulky". The women in the videos were not big and bulky, they were just really toned and had pretty muscle definition. I liked it. However, I can see why women worry about lifting weights. It is understandable. There are some women who partake in bodybuilding and try to become bigger. Women can, if they eat a very high caloric diet of protein and carbohydrates and pair that with lifting extremely heavy weights; but truth be known, they will need assistance from an artificial substance to become as big as some of them do. That is just the bold truth. I have friends all across the United States who are bodybuilders, bikini, and figure competitors, etc. and I have been around the industry for a long time. Naturally, women do not have the testosterone in their body to have the muscle enlargement that men do. However, every woman is different. What works for one woman may not work for another so when it comes to exercising, engage in activities that most positively respond to your body.
Weight lifting is important for every woman. There are so many benefits to it that cardio alone can not provide. If you pair weight lifting with a clean diet, you will start to see more results than you do with just cardio. Weight lifting and strength training increases bone density which is essential for us women, it burns more calories at rest, helps with stress and depression, increases "good" cholesterol, makes you stronger, it can assist with lowering blood pressure, and lowers the risk of breast cancer; as it reduces high estrogen levels linked to the disease.
The first thing to understand about weight training is how important your form is. Correct form comes above anything when you are lifting weights. If you have lift a piece of paper because any other weight is too hard to do with correct form, then do it. If your form is not correct, you are wasting your time, not building muscle, and you are very susceptible to injury.
There are many ways one could divide their workouts for weight training. You could do two body groups a day; a lot of my friends who are more focused on building muscle rather than fat loss, do this. I do not right now, as my primary focus is just fat loss. I have plenty of muscle, I just need to lose the fat on top of it.
If you decide to do two muscle groups a day, paired with cardio, I would recommend one "push" muscle and one "pull" muscle. The reason I recommend this is since the two body parts engage in different ranges and motions on the exercises, you do not burn out. You are able to lift heavier, more reps, and with correct form.
12-15 reps are ideal for most women. If you want to focus more on really building muscle, go with 12 reps. That will be hard and it should be. The last two reps should be a struggle for you. If your focus is more on fat loss, go with 15 repetitions. However, even then the weight should not be easy. If you can perform all of your exercises with correct form, and are not struggling at the end, you need to bump your weight up. Your work outs should always be a challenge; if they aren't, you will stay where you are. I recommend 3-4 exercises per muscle group and 3 sets per specific exercises with 12 repetitions. A 60-90 second rest should occur after each set. Often times you will see it written as "3 x 12" - that means 3 sets of 12 repetitions.
The way I personally lift weights now is by a weight circuit. I do this 3 times a week. The other days I like to hike, do a plyometric workout, leg, and core workouts. When I do my weight circuits, I do each upper body muscle group; one specific exercise, 3 sets of the exercises, and 15 repetitions per set. The body parts are back, chest, biceps, triceps, and shoulders.
If you see below I have outlined each upper body muscle group and three specific exercises for each group. This is a sample you can go can buy for a week of training; this allows you three days of weight circuit. Engage in one exercise per muscle group, each day. Anyone can do this - you can do this at the gym or in your own home.
Weight Loss Fads I Do Not Follow
By Tarihçi at 09:00
Fitness, glutes, Health, strength training, weight loss, weight training
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One thing I have learned about people while on my weight loss journey, as a Personal Trainer, and as a blogger who not only writes, but loves to read other blogs is: a lot of people are looking for a "quick fix" when it comes to losing weight. They go crazy over a new product that has become available as it promises to deliver a miracle, they can do something for only 5 days and drop 10 pounds, etc. When I was younger, I fell victim to a few of these, but I quickly learned that nearly everything is a gimmick.
If you want to lose a significant amount of weight and live a happy, healthy life, you need to fall in love with clean eating and regular exercise. Executing those two things are what guarantees a life of being fit. I will add this disclaimer that every persons body is different; what works for one person, may not work for someone else. You may love doing some of the "fads" that I don't; that is fine too! My writings, research, and opinions are not the only way to do things. "Different strokes for different folks".
If you want to lose a significant amount of weight and live a happy, healthy life, you need to fall in love with clean eating and regular exercise. Executing those two things are what guarantees a life of being fit. I will add this disclaimer that every persons body is different; what works for one person, may not work for someone else. You may love doing some of the "fads" that I don't; that is fine too! My writings, research, and opinions are not the only way to do things. "Different strokes for different folks".
1) Juicing
I like this idea if you do this naturally to get in more fruits and/or vegetables. If you have a juicer at home and you put fresh produce in there, make your own, and have it WITH a meal, I think juicing is fine. I would not use it in place of eating vegetables and fruits though. Juicing as weight loss, meal replacements, and/or to "cleanse" you, I do not believe is a good idea. Juicing all of your fruits and vegetables takes away a lot of nutrients; the skin is where an abundance of those are found. Furthermore, a diet of only "juicing" slows down your metabolism. Your body needs proper fuel to burn fat and provide energy. Juicing lacks significant amounts of protein, fat, carbohydrates, and fiber. Juicing alone cannot provide all of those nutrients. When a person starts significantly depriving themselves of those, the body shuts down to prevent itself from going into "starvation mode". The body begins burning muscle and storing fat. Then once your juice cleanse is over and you are back to eating regular, solid food, your body has a slower time digesting it and using it as expendable energy. Juicing is expensive from what I have found and can add a ton of unnecessary sugar. Your body has a colon and kidney's that "cleanse" your body, you do not need a "juice" to do that for you. Eat proper foods and exercise - that cleanses.
2) No Carbs
I hate how carbohydrates have such a bad reputation. When I first started my weight loss journey, I told you guys how I researched and had notebooks full on information that I was finding. I not only wanted to lose weight, I wanted to learn and understand my body. I saw a lot of "low carb" diets and how it was the best way to lose weight. I thought I would try it and I did. I was miserable. How bad my mood was, was just the tip of the iceberg, plus I exercise far too much to deprive my body of essential carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are broken down into three different types: sugar, fiber, and starch. Simple carbohydrates are the delicious yet unhealthy types of carbohydrates to consume - a big base of those are sugar and starch. Complex carbohydrates such as fiber are essential for well-being, digestion, and energy. Carbohydrates provide a thermogenic effect that will increase calorie burning. The carbohydrates standard role is to be our MAIN source of energy and/or "fuel". Carbohydrates are also kind of like the "partner" for protein. This is called "protein sparing". The protein sparing effect conserves protein for muscle tissue, and expends carbohydrates for energy. Carbohydrates protect the protein you consume from being converted to glucose (sugar) to serve as an energy source when glycogen and plasma glucose levels decrease. Depriving your body of essential carbohydrates over a long period of time causes major stress on one's liver. The liver has to manufacture glucose from fats and proteins. Ammonia is produced as proteins are converted into glucose, which can be toxic to the immune system and cell function. Carbohydrates are especially essential to anyone who exercises heavily, athletes, etc. If you are not as active, high(er) carbohydrate intake is not necessary, but you still need to consume them. Consumption just needs to be the right items. See below for a list of complex carbohydrates.
3) Fully relying on squats
I have always had big legs and a big butt; even when I was a child. Part of it is definitely genetics and part of it was growing up taking gymnastics and dancing. I hated my big legs and butt growing up, but now I am different, thankfully! I love my big booty and it is my favorite part on me physically. I love working my legs and glutes to the core. I always plan my leg workouts the day before my rest day from the gym. Most days I can't walk after my leg workouts! However, squats are not the be all, end all. I did not start regularly squatting until May of 2013. My butt was built on high incline walks (seriously high inclines are the best), heavy leg press, hip thrusts (definitely do these, they are more glute focused than squats), walking lunges, leg extension, leg curls, and and plyometric workouts. Squatting is an awesome exercise and I love to do it (specifically back squats), but it will not make you nor will it break you. That is kind of like buying a sports car, but it only coming with an engine. The engine is very important, but you need other parts of the car to make it run. Same with glutes and legs.
4) Cardio only - no weight training
This makes me give the "side eye" more than anything. "Lifting makes you big and bulky! I only want to do cardio!". People want to "tone up", what do you think toning up is? It is muscle!
First off my arms are hands down the worst part of my body. Guys I hate my arms - I want to love every part of me, but my arms? No way. They are slowly... so slowly... getting smaller, but I think they make me look so much bigger than what I am. They did not start improving until I started adding muscle. Lifting heavier and 3 times a week is what is helping shape my arms and make them smaller. Clean eating is the root of course, but when I really dedicated myself to lifting weights, that is when I started to see a difference. Woman do not naturally have nearly the testosterone that men do. Therefore, we will not get "huge" by lifting weights like they can. Sure if you artificially inject testosterone into your body, women can get huge, but not by clean eating and weight lifting. Adding muscle mass to your body burns more calories when you are at rest. Cardio is great, you burn fat and calories while you are engaging in your activity, but once you stop, it's over. However that is not the case with weight lifting. Your body continues to burn calories even after you finish. Muscle is metabolically active tissue. Growing older leads to your bones decreasing in density and becoming more brittle - especially in women. By doing regular strength training, research has proven that you can both increase your bone density and work to prevent osteoporosis. Weight training enhances performance in cardiovascular activity. How awesome is that? Add muscle to your body by weight lifting, which burns calories at rest, and assists in burning extra calories while you do your cardio workouts. You are stronger therefore can go harder and longer which melts fat away from your body. No matter how old I get or what type of fitness activities I get into, I will always be in the gym lifting my weights!
[Update] I received a few personal emails and comments from women who want to lift weights but are aren't sure how to start, what to do, they're intimidated, scared, etc. I will write a post about how I started weight lifting with tips, ideas, and advice for you guys! I will have that up within the next 2 weeks.
First off my arms are hands down the worst part of my body. Guys I hate my arms - I want to love every part of me, but my arms? No way. They are slowly... so slowly... getting smaller, but I think they make me look so much bigger than what I am. They did not start improving until I started adding muscle. Lifting heavier and 3 times a week is what is helping shape my arms and make them smaller. Clean eating is the root of course, but when I really dedicated myself to lifting weights, that is when I started to see a difference. Woman do not naturally have nearly the testosterone that men do. Therefore, we will not get "huge" by lifting weights like they can. Sure if you artificially inject testosterone into your body, women can get huge, but not by clean eating and weight lifting. Adding muscle mass to your body burns more calories when you are at rest. Cardio is great, you burn fat and calories while you are engaging in your activity, but once you stop, it's over. However that is not the case with weight lifting. Your body continues to burn calories even after you finish. Muscle is metabolically active tissue. Growing older leads to your bones decreasing in density and becoming more brittle - especially in women. By doing regular strength training, research has proven that you can both increase your bone density and work to prevent osteoporosis. Weight training enhances performance in cardiovascular activity. How awesome is that? Add muscle to your body by weight lifting, which burns calories at rest, and assists in burning extra calories while you do your cardio workouts. You are stronger therefore can go harder and longer which melts fat away from your body. No matter how old I get or what type of fitness activities I get into, I will always be in the gym lifting my weights!
[Update] I received a few personal emails and comments from women who want to lift weights but are aren't sure how to start, what to do, they're intimidated, scared, etc. I will write a post about how I started weight lifting with tips, ideas, and advice for you guys! I will have that up within the next 2 weeks.
Why are you doing so much CARDIO? What should you be doing to lose FAT!
By Fitness ve Body Blogçusu at 08:00
burn fat, cardio, fat burning, Health E-Newsletter, Metabolism, Muscle, strength training
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Many people focus on cardio when trying to lose body fat, but that approach will not help you achieve your goals. You want to lose body fat, not calorie burning muscle tissue, right? So what do you need to do in your workouts to lose the fat?
Strength training is your magic bullet when trying lose weight and inches. Having more muscle boosts your metabolic rate. Muscle is definitely your friend when you’re trying to shed body fat. You need a fitness burns fat and preserves and builds muscle. Here are some tips from Ally on strength training when you’re trying to lose body fat.
What Exercises should you Focus on for fat loss? Compound Exercises!
Compound strength exercises are ones that target more than one muscle group at a time. These include squats, lunges, push ups, bent-over rows, presses and deadlifts. The reason you want to focus on these types of exercises is, the more muscle groups you use during a strength training exercise, the more calories you’ll burn. Also, using more muscle groups has a greater metabolic or “fat burning” effect.
Isolation exercises that work only one muscle group (like a bicep curl or leg extension) are important for shaping muscles and building symmetry but they burn fewer calories and do not burn the fat like compound exercises. If your goal is fat loss, make your strength moves compound and dynamic. When doing lunges, combine them with bicep curls. With squats, do an overhead press. Use as many muscle groups as possible. This will get the fat burning furnace going.
What amount of weight is require to lose fat? Lift Heavy – don’t be AFRAID!
Do not be afraid of bulking up! It is really difficult for women to put on that much muscle. You have to life heavy weight to stimulate the muscle to change your body, period. Lifting heavy will activate fat-burning hormones and rev up your metabolism. Lifting light weights will have little impact on your metabolism or the shape of your muscles. The most it will do is build muscle endurance. Go for the challenging weights and see a positive change in your body.
How does Cardio Fit in to to the Fat Loss Puzzle? Make sure it is High Intensity Cardio
High-intensity cardio will help you burn more fat just like lifting heavier weight. Short periods of high-intensity cardio forces your body to work harder during and after a workout. High intensity cardio, like strength training, has the “after burn” factor which helps your body burn more calories up to 48 hours after your workout! That is a GOOD Return on you exercise time! To lose fat you MUST get out of your comfort zone. Think high-intensity interval training and metabolic strength training – these are you FAT FIGHTING SUPER FRIENDS aka the DYNAMIC DUO! Check out the
AllyFitness metabolic training programs by clicking here.
Should you Incorporate Circuit Training? Yes!
One or two days a week, do circuit strength training. With circuit training you do strength training sets with little or no rest between exercises. Moving quickly from exercise to exercise without rest burns more calories and maximizes the amount of volume you can do during a single training session. Who doesn’t want to save time?
What is The Bottom Line?
Strength training MUST be a part of your fitness program if you are trying to lose fat. It is important for maintaining healthy bones as you age and prevent age related weight gain by keeping your metabolism high.
Click here to schedule your complementary consultation with Ally Today.
References: IDEA Fitness. “New Insights into Circuit Training”
The best Exercise to Burn Belly Fat – Body Fat
Strength training, which involves using your body weight, weights, bands, kettlebells, or tubing challenge your body to work harder than it does in everyday life. Endurance activities like running and biking also challenge your body. The difference is how long and how much these activities boost your metabolism. This is biggest factor in impacting your overall ability to lose body fat and/or decrease your weight.
What are the components of metabolism?
1 - Resting metabolic rate, or RMR. This is the energy or calories needed to keep us living and breathing. Your RMR makes up about 60 to 80 percent of our total metabolic rate.
2 - Thermic Effect of Activity, or TEA. The more active you are, the more your total metabolic rate will be increased. TEA includes all activity from mowing your lawn, playing sports, attending exercise classes, etc. TEA includes all activities that we engage in every day to live our lives, not just structured exercise.
3 - Thermic Effect of Feeding, or TEF. This is the amount of energy expended to eat and digest
food and convert nutrients to energy.
Metabolism is known as Total Energy Expenditure (TEE) = RMR + TEA + TEF. Each component is different for each person, resulting in unique metabolic rates.
Why is Strength Training so Important for losing body fat and weight?
Strength training increases the TEE by elevating the amount of calories expended in activity (TEA). The harder you strength train, the greater the amount of calories you burn through exercise.
Strength training also increases the amount of calories expended in your RMR by increasing the amount of lean muscle mass you carry. The more lean muscle mass you have, the more energy is required to maintain it. Both strength training and endurance exercise will increase your energy expenditure at the time of activity and for a few hours after.
Strength training is unique in that if the energy expended afterwards, known as EPOC (excess post-exercise oxygen consumption) can be elevated for 24-36 hours. Some people call this the “Afterburn” effect of serious strength training or metabolic training.
Strength training will boost your metabolism, but it has to be more challenging than activities you do every day. You can’t expect 3lb dumbbells to make much difference to your metabolic rate ( and I know most of you have pocketbooks that weight more than that!)
Strength training requires “strength” and requires a challenge to build muscle, lose fat, and look better in your clothes. That is what we are looking for, right?
What are the components of metabolism?
1 - Resting metabolic rate, or RMR. This is the energy or calories needed to keep us living and breathing. Your RMR makes up about 60 to 80 percent of our total metabolic rate.
2 - Thermic Effect of Activity, or TEA. The more active you are, the more your total metabolic rate will be increased. TEA includes all activity from mowing your lawn, playing sports, attending exercise classes, etc. TEA includes all activities that we engage in every day to live our lives, not just structured exercise.
3 - Thermic Effect of Feeding, or TEF. This is the amount of energy expended to eat and digest
food and convert nutrients to energy.
Metabolism is known as Total Energy Expenditure (TEE) = RMR + TEA + TEF. Each component is different for each person, resulting in unique metabolic rates.
Why is Strength Training so Important for losing body fat and weight?
Strength training increases the TEE by elevating the amount of calories expended in activity (TEA). The harder you strength train, the greater the amount of calories you burn through exercise.
Strength training also increases the amount of calories expended in your RMR by increasing the amount of lean muscle mass you carry. The more lean muscle mass you have, the more energy is required to maintain it. Both strength training and endurance exercise will increase your energy expenditure at the time of activity and for a few hours after.
Strength training is unique in that if the energy expended afterwards, known as EPOC (excess post-exercise oxygen consumption) can be elevated for 24-36 hours. Some people call this the “Afterburn” effect of serious strength training or metabolic training.
Strength training will boost your metabolism, but it has to be more challenging than activities you do every day. You can’t expect 3lb dumbbells to make much difference to your metabolic rate ( and I know most of you have pocketbooks that weight more than that!)
Strength training requires “strength” and requires a challenge to build muscle, lose fat, and look better in your clothes. That is what we are looking for, right?
What you should be doing today to get ready for summer!
By Fitness ve Body Blogçusu at 02:16
exercise, fat loss, Health E-Newsletter, strength training
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Summer is here! It is time for you to hit the weights or do body weight resistance training as well as clean up your eating!
Lifting weight will help build lean muscle to fuel your metabolism. It takes more calories to maintain muscle weight than fat. This is the first step at getting the fat reduced. You should be strength training at 3 times a week.
Next step is to add more fruit and vegetables to your diet. You should have a vegetable at each meal. Vegetables also make the best snacks because the water dense and low in calories.
Lifting weight will help build lean muscle to fuel your metabolism. It takes more calories to maintain muscle weight than fat. This is the first step at getting the fat reduced. You should be strength training at 3 times a week.
Next step is to add more fruit and vegetables to your diet. You should have a vegetable at each meal. Vegetables also make the best snacks because the water dense and low in calories.
Stop Weighing - Please
By Fitness ve Body Blogçusu at 07:07
Fitness, Health E-Newsletter, healthy eating, strength training, weight loss
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Yesterday, a dear friend called. She and a friend have been on weight watchers and trying to lose pounds. She was upset because she believed the results she had achieved were disappointing. She told me she had lost only 10 pounds in five weeks. I expressed praise and joy! I said to her "that is exactly what you should be losing if you intend to keep the weight off. That is the goal, is it not?" She agreed that long term success was the goal
I then asked if she had been exercising and she informed me that she had been riding her bike and working out with a circuit training video. I again praised her and told he that she is probably putting on some muscle - which is good- but that could be skewing her perception of her results. I explained that muscle takes up about 20% less space than fat and weighs more. It keeps your metabolism high and is the magic bullet for getting lean.
I then asked her to go into her closet and find a pair of pants that were a size smaller than she currently was wearing. She had to look for a while and called me back and said "I found of pair of pants that are old and a size smaller. I put them on and they fit perfectly! I am PUMPED!"
I then recommended she find another pair of pants- another smaller size - to measure her success by, and not weight because it was only discouraging her.
Here's to throwing out the scale and using your skinny jeans as a guide. That is our goal isn't it? To be smaller? Who cares about a number on a machine?
I then asked if she had been exercising and she informed me that she had been riding her bike and working out with a circuit training video. I again praised her and told he that she is probably putting on some muscle - which is good- but that could be skewing her perception of her results. I explained that muscle takes up about 20% less space than fat and weighs more. It keeps your metabolism high and is the magic bullet for getting lean.
I then asked her to go into her closet and find a pair of pants that were a size smaller than she currently was wearing. She had to look for a while and called me back and said "I found of pair of pants that are old and a size smaller. I put them on and they fit perfectly! I am PUMPED!"
I then recommended she find another pair of pants- another smaller size - to measure her success by, and not weight because it was only discouraging her.
Here's to throwing out the scale and using your skinny jeans as a guide. That is our goal isn't it? To be smaller? Who cares about a number on a machine?
Pump the Iron - strengthen your bones!
By Fitness ve Body Blogçusu at 07:31
cardio, Health E-Newsletter, Muscle, osteoperosis, strength training
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I subscribe to many magazines - just so I know what information is out there. This month, I am loving it! In Self magazine, Brooklyn Decker talks about how important it is to strength train and to get rid of the scale! I have been telling my clients this for years! In the USA Sunday paper, Jane Fonda was singing the same tune. Both articles mentioned the importance of strength training in prevention of osteoporosis.
In the Muscle and Fitness - HERS - the same thing AND that long sessions of cardio are not going to get you to your goals. Strength training and short, intense cardio sessions are the way to change your body.
Pump some IRON and get fit! Have a great day!
In the Muscle and Fitness - HERS - the same thing AND that long sessions of cardio are not going to get you to your goals. Strength training and short, intense cardio sessions are the way to change your body.
Pump some IRON and get fit! Have a great day!
Understanding Weight Training And Muscle Building
By Fitness ve Body Blogçusu at 01:54
best muscle building workouts, strength training, weight training
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Body building is the process of developing muscle fibers through various techniques. It is achieved through muscle conditioning, weight training, increased caloric intake, and rest. Workouts are designed to focus on certain muscle categories, and foods are consumed with the intention to build the body’s metabolism and increase mass.
This section will focus on weight training for body builders. Weight training develops both strength as well as the size of skeletal muscles. It uses the force of gravity to oppose the force generated by muscles through contraction. Weight training uses a variety of specialized equipment designed to target specific muscle groups and movements.
Some people refer to weight training as strength training. While they are not exactly the same, they are both similar to each other. Strength training focuses on increasing muscular strength and size. Weight training is one type of strength training using weights as the primary force to build muscle mass.
The basic principles of weight training are pretty much the same as those of strength training. It involves a manipulation of the numbers of reps, sets, tempo, exercise types, and weight moved to cause desired increases in strength, endurance, size, or shape.
The specific combination of reps, sets, exercises, and weight depends upon the desires of the body builder. Sets with fewer reps can be performed with heavier weights but have a reduced impact on endurance.
Equipment used in weight training include barbells, dumbbells, pulleys, and stacks in the form of weight machines or the body’s own weight as in push-ups and chin-ups. Different weights will give different types of resistance.
Weight training also focuses on form performing the movements with the appropriate muscle groups and not transferring the weight to different body parts in order to move great weight. If you don’t use good form in weight training, you risk muscle injury which could hinder your progress.
Another form of weight training is resistance training. Resistance training involves the use of elastic or hydraulic resistance to contraction rather than gravity. When your muscles are resisting a weight, the overall tone of that muscle will grow over time.
If you are a beginner at weight training, you should not just “jump right in”. You need to build up your strength and over-working your muscles can cause more harm than good. Some of your muscles might be naturally stronger than others. Building up slowly allows muscles to develop appropriate strengths relative to each other.
Most gyms offer the services of a personal trainer that comes with the membership fee. These trainers can suggest specific workouts for you to begin with. If you want to undertake it yourself, we highly recommend you to watch these FREE Muscle Building Video Lessons first.
This section will focus on weight training for body builders. Weight training develops both strength as well as the size of skeletal muscles. It uses the force of gravity to oppose the force generated by muscles through contraction. Weight training uses a variety of specialized equipment designed to target specific muscle groups and movements.
Some people refer to weight training as strength training. While they are not exactly the same, they are both similar to each other. Strength training focuses on increasing muscular strength and size. Weight training is one type of strength training using weights as the primary force to build muscle mass.
The basic principles of weight training are pretty much the same as those of strength training. It involves a manipulation of the numbers of reps, sets, tempo, exercise types, and weight moved to cause desired increases in strength, endurance, size, or shape.
The specific combination of reps, sets, exercises, and weight depends upon the desires of the body builder. Sets with fewer reps can be performed with heavier weights but have a reduced impact on endurance.
Equipment used in weight training include barbells, dumbbells, pulleys, and stacks in the form of weight machines or the body’s own weight as in push-ups and chin-ups. Different weights will give different types of resistance.
Weight training also focuses on form performing the movements with the appropriate muscle groups and not transferring the weight to different body parts in order to move great weight. If you don’t use good form in weight training, you risk muscle injury which could hinder your progress.
Another form of weight training is resistance training. Resistance training involves the use of elastic or hydraulic resistance to contraction rather than gravity. When your muscles are resisting a weight, the overall tone of that muscle will grow over time.
If you are a beginner at weight training, you should not just “jump right in”. You need to build up your strength and over-working your muscles can cause more harm than good. Some of your muscles might be naturally stronger than others. Building up slowly allows muscles to develop appropriate strengths relative to each other.
Most gyms offer the services of a personal trainer that comes with the membership fee. These trainers can suggest specific workouts for you to begin with. If you want to undertake it yourself, we highly recommend you to watch these FREE Muscle Building Video Lessons first.