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goal setting etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
goal setting etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

We are Approaching that time of year again! Here are some tipe for setting and achieving Health and Fitness Goals!

It is that time of year again.  As this year is wrapping up we are thinking of our accomplishments and what we need to achieve for the next year.  Fitness and health are many times at the top of the list.  Here are some tips from Allyfitness to help you set and ACHIEVE those goals.

Flip through fitness magazines and look at before and after pictures of significantly overweight, unfit, real people who transformed themselves through exercise and changes in their daily eating habbits.  Shape and Fitness Magazines generally have a section on this every month.

Read about real people who have achieved great success in accomplishing their goals, like my friend Cindy Corn who went from sedentary and unfit to hiking over 100 miles a year now in the Smoky Mountains! These are real examples. If they can do it, what’s stopping you?

Getting fit is an ongoing process that takes consistency and work.

Tip 1 - Ensure Your Fitness Goals Are Achieving what YOU Want to Achieve
Don’t set your goals to please someone else. Think about what getting fit means to you and how it will make your life better. Don’t do it because someone tells you you’d look better if you lost ten pounds. That’s the wrong motivation.  I find it help to tie the goal to a Health Benefit you want.  For instance, do you want to be more active with your kids or grand kids?  Let's add life to our years.

Tip 2 - Be Specific and Make it Measurable!
Do you want to decrease body fat, build lean body mass, get stronger, increase your endurance and stamina? Focus on one goal at a time so you can pursue it with laser-like intensity. Once you know your main goal, narrow it down. For example, “I want to drop a pants size.”

Tip 3 - Be Realistic
It may sound like a great idea to hit the gym for an hour a day, but it may not be realistic if you work, have a family and other obligations.  If you goal is not realistic, you will not stick to it and you will give up.

Tip 4 - Put a Date to it and make it Time Based.  Have a Plan for the Week and Month!
It is a proven fact that putting goals on paper helps with  accountability. Once you’ve written down your main goal, break it down into smaller steps – like and action plan for the month and each week.  Make sure the steps you plan will move you towards your goal.

I suggest folks try to get 3 to 5 workouts in per week and limit fast food.  That is achievable and measurable over a 7 day period.   Then build a plan for the entire month.

Tip 5 - Get an Accountability Partner or Coach
Did you know that you are 50% more likely to be exercising a year from now if you do it with a Friend or Family member? 

You can also hire a health coach to help you develop your goals and action plans and stay on track. 

AllyFitness has many tools and services that can assist you on your journey to be more fit and healthy!  Check out the health coaching services and the vitabot online meal planning software. 

A Fitness Resolution Revolution

A New Year's resolution is a commitment that a person makes to one or more personal goals & is set apart from other resolutions in that it is made in anticipation of the New Year and new beginnings. People committing themselves to a New Year's resolution generally plan to do so for the whole following year. Generally, it is interpreted as a positive lifestyle change. A 2007 study by Richard Wisemen from the University of Bristol showed that those who set New Year resolutions shared a much higher success rate when they made their goals public and got support from their friends.

Quoting Frank Ra (author of the new year's resolution book "A course in happiness" ): "Resolutions are more sustainable when shared, both in terms of with whom you share the benefits of your resolution, and with whom you share the path of maintaining your resolution. Peer-support makes a difference in success rate with new year's resolutions".

Now, this brings about a very interesting point that I have found over the course of my career in the fitness industry. Working out with friends is possibly the greatest interpreter of success in terms of helping people to stick to their programs, and getting their desired results. Working out with a friend, or friends, makes you feel better than working out alone. Endorphins are released during and after the workout which aid in an overall feeling of of euphoria or a moment of bliss. Also, the competition that is inevitably generated helps people boost their exercise intensity and lose weight more effectively. A survey found that two out of three women said they pushed themselves harder when exercising with a friend. As an added bonus, over 50% of the women surveyed said exercising with a buddy also improved their friendship, which prefaces my next point! 

ACCOUNTABILITY…Having a partner ask you to be accountable for your workout schedule is a sure way to stay on track. When someone else is working out with you, it prevents the impulse to make excuses for not wanting to carry out your New Year’s Resolutions! On a different note, having a conversation while exercising dissociates you from the possible discomfort of the activity. So as long as the exercise outweighs the conversation, keep up the exercise induced socialization!.

MOTIVATION… Sometimes the hardest part of a workout regime or a weight loss program is staying motivated. Different things motivate everyone! Workout partners are a crucial ingredient in any fitness plan. You will quickly get to know your partner's hot buttons, which puts you in a great position to motivate them when the going gets tough.
Now, unless you are a hired personal trainer with an extensive kinesiology and exercise science knowledge base, there is no reason for you to push your partner to limits you don't know they have. However, you want to keep your partner from quitting. Workout partners must have a mutual understanding that both persons are there to inspire and motivate each other until the very end. If failure is not an option for you and your workout partner, you both will be less likely to give up or get lazy.

COMPARISON…Another reason teaming up with an exercise buddy works, is that you get to see someone similar to you facing the similar challenges. This will invariably strengthen your belief that you can accomplish your goals too.
Now remember, It's really important to find someone who has similar exercise goals. Sometimes your best friend isn't the best person to be your exercise buddy. You need to pick someone you like, but also someone who isn't going to have a problem telling you when you're slacking. This leads me to the next point. When your internal well of inspiration has run dry, you need outside forces to refresh you.

A great workout partner provides support, helps you stay focused, excited, and stays by your side through thick and thin helping you to achieve your fitness goals. Workout partners can be current friends, family members or someone you meet at the gym. They can be people who share your weight loss goals or fitness interests. Also, having more than one workout partner can be a great benefit. This gives the workout “group” the ability to work with many goals as well as learning from one another! Remember, workout partners should always be positive, friendly, and sometimes brutally honest, which means it is okay to be picky when choosing a workout partner. SO, there's no day better than today to commit to an exercise plan! Remember to stay positive and, most importantly, have fun! Now, find a workout partner and get started today!

Michael Prince RN, BSN, CPT has been inspiring the world to adopt a fitness lifestyle for over 15 years and is the co-owner of 360° Fitness, an industry leader in personal training and group fitness. As a fitness trainer, fitness columnist for various magazines and newspapers, featured commentator for several news stations, he is a registered nurse, father of 3 beautiful children, and wife to Melinda Prince his amazing wife and business partner of over 15 years.

How do you spell success?

For getting this new year off to a healthy start - it is spelled SMART!  SMART goal setting that is.  Your goals should be set using the smart technique.

What is your overall goal?  Is it to get healthier this year?    If so, then you need to break that goal down into smaller, achievable goals that are:

Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time specific.  So taking that big goal and breaking it down might look like this:

Get healthier - this year -

Move more, eat better - each week -

Exercise 4 times over the next 7 days and limit fast food to 1 day.

That is specific, measurable, achievable, relevant to the overall goal and time specific.

Lifestyle changes take time and persistence.  You can do it, just break down into managable steps that you can acheive each day.

Yours in Health,
