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Meal Planning etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Meal Planning etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Meal Planning and Shopping Tips!

Part 2 -Meal Planning and Shopping tips to help you!Before you head out to the store, be sure you are well prepared.  This will save you time, money and inches in your waistline!1 – Be prepared!  Be sure to have a detailed grocery list that is based on a healthy meal plan for the week.  This will not only promote meal planning, but will save you money in the long run. 2...

Squash Galore

Firstly, I want to say GOOD LUCK to everyone racing this weekend! There are a bunch of people doing the RW Half! Go get 'em! Also, a big fingers crossed, for Lisa, who is trying for a sub 4 marathon today! To everyone else, I hope your feet are swift and you end the race with a smile on your face. As...

My Bye Week

I have to admit, this week, I am taking the lazy man's way out and having a cleaning out the fridge week! Luckily I made a few staples this weekend, so it should be pretty easy! Planning consisted of a couple variables this week.(1) I got a food box. In it: broccoli, carrots, apples, pears, radishes,...

Lunch Time

If you haven't already, go here and see how taking stock is critical to easy meal planning!  Next comes the meal planning. This week (and many), the plan went like this:1. Shopping. Stock up on the things that are missing from this list. Usually this means going to buy a bunch of vegetables and...

Taking Stock

Before you go grocery shopping each week, you have to first take stock of what you have on hand. From there you can decide what you are going to cook for the week and what you need to buy at the grocery store. For me, what is on sale or what is fresh that week at the store often determines what I make.There...

WIAW (1) & Meal Budgeting

I have never done one of these before, but I always sometimes take photos of my food and so all I needed to do was get on the ball and take everything in one day and then remember to post them! (I didn't know it was green month, but oh well).I know that some people get tired of food photos; everything...

Eating For One

So I am living alone now. It's a little weird.First I was on the road, where you barely stay in one place for more than a day or so. Your meal plan consists of whatever you can carry that won't melt or spoil OR eating out (if it's cheap). So, you eat a lot of tuna and crackers and top ramen.Then I stayed...