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More is Not Always Better to Achieve Your Fitness Goals

When it comes to fitness more isn't always better. Overtraining, over supplementing, and consuming too much protein can adversely affect your body.

More is not better, better is better.

Getting fit and maintaining a healthy body is a simple process. It really doesn't require eating loads of protein or grueling workouts to reach your goals. All it takes is a consistent effort of eating right and exercise. Quality over quantity.

Focused workouts utilizing differing energy systems of the body throughout the week is sufficient. What this means is mixing up cardio, weight training, core work and flexibility for a well-balanced program. Exercising at least 4-times per week is shown to maintain a healthy body according to research.

Active rest days are a great way to have fun when not performing a structured workout. Enjoy being active and healthy is the point.

Food for Thought

Thinking about nutrition in a healthy way is also important. Eating more than is required of any macronutrient can backfire your good fitness intentions. Consuming a balance of whole nutritious foods including lots of veggies, lean proteins, and good fats in appropriate amounts is what maintains optimal fitness.

We require a certain amount of each macronutrient and over-consumption of one can actually have adverse health effects, just as eliminating healthy foods can cause nutrient deficiencies. More is not better, better is better. 

Effective Exercise

Spending hours in the gym thinking this is beneficial to your fitness is inaccurate. This is a perfect example of how many think more is better. Overtraining can have adverse effects on your body, not to mention an increased risk of exercise burnout.  

Over-use of joints and even muscle breakdown can occur when the body is overtrained. Overtraining syndrome is shown to decrease your immunities, decrease muscle growth, and increase stress levels.

Another problem is exercise addiction that may occur for those feeling guilty eating off track and psychologically beating themselves up in the gym. Obsessive exercise to relieve food guilt can increase the risk of overtraining syndrome. 

Appropriate workouts are focused and effective taking no more than an hour to complete.

Final Thoughts

What it comes down to is being fitness smart. This means not believing more is better. It allows you to enjoy the process of getting healthy with proper nutrition and workouts.

Often times, basic, simple but challenging workouts provide the best results. You are able to maintain your body without overworking to the point of burnout or injury.

Also, it's important to stay away from fad diets. Remember if it's too good to be true - it is. The only proven scientific claims to successful fitness are eating right and exercise. 

The takeaway is simply to eat right, exercise consistently, and enjoy a balanced life. This is true fitness and nothing more to it. More is not better, better is better.

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