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Parkinson's Disease etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

EPRD Healthy Living Newsletter / January 2018

2018 Brings New Fitness Opportunities

Winter is a big season for EPRD this year, with lots of new classes for you to take advantage of! Here are our Winter Superstars! 

POUND is a full-body cardio jam session inspired by drumming, offered Tuesdays at 8 AM at BPRC. This incredibly fun class uses weighted drumsticks called "ripstix" and taps to the beat of great, motivational music while improving strength and flexibility.

Rock Steady Boxing for Parkinson's classes launch Thu., Feb. 1, running Tues/Thu/Sat. at BPRC. Rock Steady Boxing empowers people with Parkinson's Disease to fight back, improving quality of life through a non-contact boxing-based fitness curriculum proven to reverse, reduce and delay symptoms.

Other New EPRD classes:
Strong by Zumba, a fat-burning, muscle-toning plyometric workout set to music.

New Yoga Classes, including Yin Yoga (gentle, restorative class), Yoga Nidra (deep meditation and emotional cleansing), and no-cost Yoga for Veterans (free, especially helpful for those suffering from PTSD).

A wide variety of SilverSneakers classes and outdoor excursions.

EPRD is also part of Humana Health Care's Go365 Program. Patrons use an app to track their activity and earn points based on what they accomplish - then get gift cards for their work! 

Healthy Women

Women - don't ignore your symptoms! Your health concerns are important.

Healthy Family

With a bad flu season upon us, here are 9 easy things you can do to boost your child's health.

Healthy Eating

Is Breakfast Important?
Everything you ever wanted to know about the first meal of the day.

Healthy Mind

EPRD's New Yoga Classes
Stay serene with Yin Yoga (gentle, restorative), Yoga Nidra (deep meditation), and Yoga for Veterans.

Healthy Body

Failed Resolutions?
What should you do if you've already failed at your New Year's resolutions? Don't give up.

Healthy Aging

Don't be Lonely
Loneliness isn't healthy - make friends through EPRD's SilverSneakers program.

Winter is a big season for EPRD this year, with lots of new classes for you to take advantage of! Here are our Winter Superstars!

POUND is a full-body cardio jam session inspired by drumming, offered Tuesdays at 8 AM at BPRC. This incredibly fun class uses weighted drumsticks called "ripstix" and taps to the beat of great, motivational music while improving strength and flexibility.

Rock Steady Boxing for Parkinson's classes launch Thu., Feb. 1,
running Tues/Thu/Sat. at BPRC. Rock Steady Boxing empowers people with Parkinson's Disease to fight back, improving quality of life through a non-contact boxing-based fitness curriculum proven to reverse, reduce and delay symptoms.

Other new EPRD classes:

Strong by Zumba, a fat-burning, muscle-toning plyometric workout set to

New Yoga Classes, including Yin Yoga (gentle, restorative class), Yoga Nidra (deep meditation and emotional cleansing), and no-cost Yoga for Veterans (free, especially helpful for those suffering from PTSD).

A wide variety of SilverSneakers classes and outdoor excursions.

EPRD is also part of Humana Health Care's Go365 Program. Patrons use an app to track their activity and earn points based on what they accomplish - then get gift cards for their work!

Healthy Women

Women - don't ignore your symptoms! Your health concerns are important.

Healthy Family

With a bad flu season upon us, here are 9 easy things you can do to boost your child's health.

Healthy Eating

Everything you ever wanted to know about the first meal of the day.

Healthy Mind

Stay serene with Yin Yoga (gentle, restorative), Yoga Nidra (deep meditation), and Yoga for Veterans.

Healthy Body

What should you do if you've already failed at your New Year's resolutions? Don't give up.

Healthy Aging

Loneliness isn't healthy - make friends through EPRD's SilverSneakers program.

Keep Your New Year's Resolutions!

Did you know Evergreen Park & Recreation District (EPRD) offers 86 fitness classes a week?

Photo by Morgan Barnes 
With 27 SilverSneakers® classes, 11 water exercise classes and 48 fitness classes on tap, as well as state-of-the-art exercise equipment and miles of trails, there's no excuse not to stay fit this winter! We also now have six night classes available for those who are busy during the day to choose from. 

Some highlights of EPRD's winter class schedule:

POUND, a full-body cardio jam session inspired by drumming, launches Tuesday, Jan. 23. It uses weighted drumsticks called "ripstix" and taps to the beat of great, motivational music while improving strength and flexibility. It will put a smile on your face! Learn about POUND.

Photo by Rock Steady Boxing
NEW! Rock Steady Boxing
Rock Steady Boxing, for people with mobility problems, especially Parkinson's Disease, empowers patients to fight back against the condition. Parkinson's is a chronic progressive neurological disease marked by tremor of resting muscles, rigidity, slowness of movement, impaired balance, and a shuffling gait. 

Studies show that rigorous exercise that emphasizes gross motor movement, balance, core strength and range of motion can help Parkinson's patients slow the disease's progression and improve their daily living skills. Rock Steady uses heavy bags, speed bags, and boxing gloves, and is aimed at every age group, including the elderly. Even patients in wheelchairs can benefit, says EPRD's Fitness Specialist, Susan Wescott.

"I personally just feel that the mental aspect is the biggest benefit," says Susan, who recently got certified to teach Rock Steady Boxing. We can say we are kicking Parkinson's butt. That's why we are here: to fight back!"

Learn more at

Strong by Zumba
Strong by Zumba offers a fat-burning, muscle-toning plyometric workout set to music.

Photo by Annie Coppock
New yoga classes include Yin Yoga (a gentle, restorative class, with a slower pace and lingering postures), Yoga Nidra (deep meditation and emotional cleansing), and no-cost Yoga for Veterans (free, especially helpful for those suffering from PTSD).

A wide variety of SilverSneakers classes and outdoor excursions (XC skiing, hiking and more) keep older adults fit and healthy and provide fun social interaction. 

Getting Started with Nutrition, to teach you to manage your nutrition for weight loss, gains in fitness, and better health metrics

This is just the tip of the iceberg! Indoor cycling classes help cyclists keep in shape over the winter. EPRD's weight rooms and cardio facilities help the cardiovascular system, muscles and bones. A huge variety of classes, from TRX to water aerobics, provide something for everyone. Deals on passes and punch cards can reduce your daily admission to just a couple of bucks a day. There's no excuse not to stay fit this winter!

See the complete class list.