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Achieving a Lean and Healthy Body is Possible for Everyone

There have been fitness misconceptions that special diets, gym memberships, and other expensive gimmicks are required to get fit and healthy. These beliefs are nothing but diet culture hype without scientific backing. 
The truth is achieving a lean and healthy body is possible for everyone without anything fancy.

What is Needed

Getting healthy and fit doesn't cost lots of money and gym memberships are not required. The only thing needed to reach your fitness goals is to adopt a healthy lifestyle. 

Living healthy means being consistent with eating right, regular exercise, drinking plenty of water, adequate sleep, and life balance.

Buying nutritious food is a great start in maintaining a healthy body. If you're consuming processed foods, lots of sugar, and saturated fats it will be time to change up your grocery list with healthier options.

Living a sedentary lifestyle absence of exercise also contributes to being unhealthy. If this sounds like you, it is time to implement a regular exercise program. The American Heart Association (AHA) recommends at least 150 minutes of moderate exercise weekly.

Simplify the Process

We tend to complicate fitness and see it as a difficult process to achieve a lean and healthy body.

Honestly, it's as simple as eating nutritious food in appropriate amounts, exercise, and good rest. But many of us refuse to change this basic part of living. In order to change your body, it will require changing how you take care of your body.

As long as you are consistent with healthy habits, you will be healthy. I am referring to the majority of us not suffering from medical conditions out of our control.

Lean Up Naturally

You can lean up naturally by purchasing healthy foods and eating at home most of the time. Being in control of your food purchases enables you to know what you're eating. You will also be pleasantly surprised by the amount of money saved from not dining out.

Eating healthy 80 percent of the time will result in reduced body fat and being able to see muscle definition. If you are consuming alcohol, it is recommended to reduce or eliminate alcohol intake to see results even faster (according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), moderate drinking is considered up to 1 drink per day for women and up to 2 drinks per day for men). Drinking plenty of water is also an important part of being a healthy person. 

No gym membership is required to get up and move that body. You can even start burning extra calories by taking a brisk walk for 30 minutes several times per week. Add in a few push-ups, squats, crunches, and stretching to create a home program to build muscle.

Achieving a lean and healthy body is not complicated or expensive. What it comes down to are your daily choices and actions that control what you look like inside and out. We all have the ability, but the choice is always up to each of us.

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I Maintain a Fit Body Eating Lots of Carbs

Being called skinny has always bugged me. I have had my share of teasing as a kid and even into adulthood. Body shaming goes both ways in this life.

Love Yourself

What's important is loving yourself right where you are while working toward your goals.

It wasn't until discovering how to build curves with resistance training that my life changed for the better.

I was blessed with my Dad's genetics and thankful, but it has been a challenge to put on weight including muscle. I'm also constantly hungry and seem to burn up energy faster than the average person.

I turn to healthy carbs to fuel my body and feel good throughout the day. I can feel lightheaded if I go too long without eating, especially carbs.

Some of the carbs I eat on a regular basis include:

  • oats
  • quinoa
  • seeded whole grain bread
  • whole-grain tortillas
  • sweet and white potatoes
  • brown rice
  • veggies and fruits
  • 100% juice (pomegranate, green juice)

Metabolism and Gains

My metabolism seems to work faster than I can fuel my body. Some people say they can just look at food and gain 5lbs whereas the opposite happens to me.

I will not exercise if I feel hungry and prefer to down a healthy meal before hitting the weights. I'm definitely not a candidate for fasting to improve athletic performance or to reduce body fat.

I just so happen to be one of those people on the other side of the spectrum that works hard to gain weight. This doesn't mean I want to gain by eating lots of crap to achieve skinny fat. My goal is to maintain or increase lean muscle mass by eating healthy carbs, lean proteins, and good fats.

Genetics and Goals

Genetics do play a small role in your physical appearance, but you absolutely have the power to change things by what you eat and how you challenge your body. I work hard and eat to support my goals. I don't believe in diets nor do I teach that in my personal training practice.

Genetics may predispose some of us to obesity but that doesn't mean we're to accept it and not try to be a healthy person. The same goes for lean genetics like mine. We're all on this fitness journey together with differing body types and how they function.

Regardless of your body makeup, it's important to put up a fight for what you want and not give up.

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