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New Year etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
New Year etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Keep Your New Year's Resolutions!

Did you know Evergreen Park & Recreation District (EPRD) offers 86 fitness classes a week?

Photo by Morgan Barnes 
With 27 SilverSneakers® classes, 11 water exercise classes and 48 fitness classes on tap, as well as state-of-the-art exercise equipment and miles of trails, there's no excuse not to stay fit this winter! We also now have six night classes available for those who are busy during the day to choose from. 

Some highlights of EPRD's winter class schedule:

POUND, a full-body cardio jam session inspired by drumming, launches Tuesday, Jan. 23. It uses weighted drumsticks called "ripstix" and taps to the beat of great, motivational music while improving strength and flexibility. It will put a smile on your face! Learn about POUND.

Photo by Rock Steady Boxing
NEW! Rock Steady Boxing
Rock Steady Boxing, for people with mobility problems, especially Parkinson's Disease, empowers patients to fight back against the condition. Parkinson's is a chronic progressive neurological disease marked by tremor of resting muscles, rigidity, slowness of movement, impaired balance, and a shuffling gait. 

Studies show that rigorous exercise that emphasizes gross motor movement, balance, core strength and range of motion can help Parkinson's patients slow the disease's progression and improve their daily living skills. Rock Steady uses heavy bags, speed bags, and boxing gloves, and is aimed at every age group, including the elderly. Even patients in wheelchairs can benefit, says EPRD's Fitness Specialist, Susan Wescott.

"I personally just feel that the mental aspect is the biggest benefit," says Susan, who recently got certified to teach Rock Steady Boxing. We can say we are kicking Parkinson's butt. That's why we are here: to fight back!"

Learn more at

Strong by Zumba
Strong by Zumba offers a fat-burning, muscle-toning plyometric workout set to music.

Photo by Annie Coppock
New yoga classes include Yin Yoga (a gentle, restorative class, with a slower pace and lingering postures), Yoga Nidra (deep meditation and emotional cleansing), and no-cost Yoga for Veterans (free, especially helpful for those suffering from PTSD).

A wide variety of SilverSneakers classes and outdoor excursions (XC skiing, hiking and more) keep older adults fit and healthy and provide fun social interaction. 

Getting Started with Nutrition, to teach you to manage your nutrition for weight loss, gains in fitness, and better health metrics

This is just the tip of the iceberg! Indoor cycling classes help cyclists keep in shape over the winter. EPRD's weight rooms and cardio facilities help the cardiovascular system, muscles and bones. A huge variety of classes, from TRX to water aerobics, provide something for everyone. Deals on passes and punch cards can reduce your daily admission to just a couple of bucks a day. There's no excuse not to stay fit this winter!

See the complete class list.

Evergreen Lake Skating Opens Friday, Dec. 29

The Ice Rink on Evergreen Lake opens Friday, Dec. 29! Opening day hours are 8 AM-8 PM.  It's school break, so bring the kids to the lake to enjoy these winter days on the ice.

The ice is 12 inches thick, so Evergreen Park & Recreation District's (EPRD) ice maestros can flood the rink with water to get a smooth frozen surface. They can't start using the Zamboni until the ice depth reaches 16 inches, so expect a few bumps.

An Incredible Rink

Skating on Evergreen Lake is an unforgettable experience. EPRD operates the world's largest Zamboni-groomed outdoor ice rink, a stunning 8.5-acre stretch of ice with 11 pond hockey rinks and a huge public skating rink,  just a half hour from downtown Denver. This magnificent field of ice is spectacularly situated amid ponderosa pine-covered mountains and Evergreen Golf Course, and a short walk to downtown Evergreen on the Evergreen Lake Trail. 

Admission and skate rental prices are reasonable, and participants can escape the wintery weather inside breathtaking Evergreen Lake House, enjoying hot chocolate and snacks from the concession area near the giant stone fireplace. Apparel from Evergreen Clothing Company and hockey equipment are also available for purchase. Ice sharpening is available for $8.

CNN declares that Evergreen Lake is one of the 10 beautiful ice rinks in the world and Sunset Magazine rates Evergreen Lake as one of the top 10 ice skating rinks!

Evergreen Lake Winter Events

  • On the morning of Sat., Dec. 31, 2017, DriveSmart Evergreen hosts a Youth Pond Hockey Tournament on the ice rink. 
  • Starting at 6 PM New Year's Eve, it throws the party of the year with Skate the Lake, its annual New Year's Eve celebration, with live music, warming fires and fireworks. 
  • On Monday, Jan. 1, Drive Smart and Evergreen Park and Rec District's annual Evergreen Lake Plunge will attract scores of people to the lake to take an exhilarating plunge into the frigid waters to raise funds for DRIVE SMART and EPRD’s Special Populations Programs.
  • On Sat. and Sun., Jan. 6 and 7, EPRD hosts the annual Evergreen Pond Hockey Championship, attracting teams from across the United States and beyond seeking to win a $1,500 cash prize.  

Evergreen Lake Info

For information about hours the rink is open, admission fees and ice skate rental rates, please visit the Evergreen Park & Recreation District website

Evergreen Lake House is located at 29612 Upper Bear Creek Rd, Evergreen, CO 80439.


surveying the landscape. we are looking thick and strong. this pleases me greatly.

And so once again we find ourselves in the early morning dawn of yet another year closer to death. This time of year is always exciting. One of the few moments in our lives we are encouraged to look into our past and audit our successes, failures, bright spots, and dark moments. To reflect on all of them and try to teach ourselves how to find the right balance of all of them so we may push into the new year ahead of the herd. Self -reflection is optimal when the horizon of something new is within reach. Auditing successes and failures too soon creates a disturbance in our balance and even if one is incredibly successful with no failures to recall, resting on your laurels will easily force one off their chosen path. 

Think of a successful marathon runner. When the runner steps off he or she is not looking back after 40 steps and say, “ Ah, remember when I took off for this run? That was nice.” The runner only begins reflection of the entire race as the finish line comes within site. They remind themselves how far they have come and remember certain miles or sections of the race by their location, fatigue, 2nd wind, and passing other competitors. This is what separates the elite from the idle.

2015 was personally a memorable and enriching year for me. Quite possibly the most exciting  year of my life. I left the Army, moved back to Chicago, welcomed my daughter Baroness into our family, completed three semesters of full-time college pursing a Nursing degree, and was fortunate to be an integral piece in the transformation and establishment of our gym Rockwell Barbell. We went from a warehouse basement with no heat, water, or AC to a legit store front with solid business and increased membership of die hard lifters. These are my successes of the year. My failures were equally as memorable but I have already made peace with them and have corrected my path.

Envision all of your defeats, failures, and losses of the year. dwell on them internally. Learn from your errors. Let it burn hard. Make it hurt. Let it upset you. Now dig your grave and drop them into the earth. Make your peace and move out. Continue pushing forward on your path. Carrying these failures into the next chapter of your existence is poisonous and will only weigh you down. It will create less room for load bearing your accomplishments, achievements, and goals. Always forward never backward. TOWARD THE LIGHT WE MARCH. UNTIL DEATH ALLOWS US TO ASCEND.
You already know the weight loss resolutions are boiling over and gyms coast to coast will be littered with cherry part timers frothing at the mouth to get in on the action. We also know their odds of success are incredibly low. Almost always due to inefficient/late game planning, goals set well above their experience level, lack of motivation, and general disinterest in transformation when the scope of how difficult physically transforming becomes. People like things easy. It’s always easier to quit. Trying is hard. Trying requires effort. Trying requires action. Trying requires motivation.

I let them have their moment. Allow them to continue the illusion of change. Even though deep within myself I do want them to succeed, I have been at this for too long to expect anything less than quitting. As I have said before “anyone can climb to the top of the mountain, only the elite can stay there.” 

The die-hards doing damage control and disposing of the infected corpses of the quitters. This will not become a quarantined sanctuary. DISPOSE OF THE INFECTED.
The “new year, new me” is an airborne viral outbreak that infects once a year. You can literally set your watch to it. Unless a person continues taking their prescribed anti-bionics and following the preventative care plan they will succumb to the virus. Their body will coil back into the weak shell it was from the start. The survival rate of quitters is 0%. Quitting has a 100% kill rate and there is no cure for quitting. Once they have passed their memory will only live on in the form of monthly bank statements of mega gyms and fad diet prepared meal plans. A parasite taking a piece of the host's finances once a month. Imagine those quitters like a tombstone in a graveyard and once a month the parasite  will honor their memory by automatically withdrawing $50 dollars from the account. Such a tragic, meaningless death. The worst part is it was preventable.

PRO TIP: A strong way to weed out the weak-hearted new years crowd is by performing shirtless bicep curls with chains.                                   If your gym allows shirtless lifting than you have found the right sanctuary. Welcome home.


My life for the next few months is focusing on my true self. I wanna become "The True Werewolf" like my good buddy in the photo above. I mean this in a very intimate way. Weightlifting is so cathartic to me. It is a part of who I am. As long as I am still breathing I will still be lifting. I enjoy going to the gym. It is my opinion that if you hate working out or loathe your gym time then you are in the wrong line of work. Why would you do something you hate that you don't have to? It's a thinly veiled and lame attempt at validating your failures or slip ups of the week. "I went to the gym today so I can have this pizza." WRONG. If your only reason to gym is giving yourself the satisfaction of self improvement when you sleep then this blog does no welcome you. This community is designed only for the committed and the intense. 

My gym ritual right now is hitting on all sixes. I stretch and open up my lungs and my mind by breathing. Then I have a hard and heavy lift set at the core of my session which is book ended by intense body builder type exercises that get my heart rate up, create perspiration, and warm the muscle group of the session so its primed and ready to hit hard. 



I. Pick what muscle group to hit and then determine the climax lift or "hard and heavy" session.

 Back day: Dead Lift. 
Chest day: Flat Bench
Leg day: Barbell Squat
Shoulder day: Barbell shrugs or One Arm Barbell Press (photo below)

One Arm Barbell Press

II. I get loose by stretching out neck to foot, selecting the right jams, concentrate on exhaling deeply and inhaling efficiently. I liken it to meditation. I visualize my exhale as a thick cloud of black smoke carrying all the stresses and toxins accumulated from the day. I force them out like smoke from a burning building. Then I inhale cold, fresh, "white" air that coats my body in positive light. each breath in gets me stronger, each breath out creates the room for strength possibilities. This doesn't take very long. I do it for a minute or two as I stretch out. It clears my mind and opens up my psych for what lies ahead. It really does wonders for my energy too. I come in at 30% and the breathing and stretches put me at 60%. Once lifting commences I am in the red near 100% ready. 

III. For example, its back day. I'm going in with lat pull downs hitting 8 to 12 reps and increasing the weight with each set. Once I'm tapped out I'll switch the bar from lat pull down to V-bar. Now I'm hitting the top and inside of my back with heavy weight and I keep bumpin' up till I hit 4-6 with some what of a struggle. At this point I begin the dead lift by hit sets till I reach my working set. knock out 3-5 reps for however many sets. 

IV. Whatever I have left in tank I use to attack the rest of my back. My favorite thing to do after I finish the dead lift is weighted pull-ups. Pull-ups are awesome for core strength too. I like bring my old backpack and throw a 10 pound plate in there and hit some AMRAP (as many reps as possible) for a set then bump up the weight by 5-10 lbs. Keep grinding them out till I'm gassed out. 

Some other ideas for lifts after the "climax" lift are single arm cable pull-downs, dumbbell rows, bent over dumbbell flys, or some seated rows. Really the gym is yours so do something that hits that back that you like. Most dudes have a favorite back exercise. Use this opportunity to get it in.


Below are other examples of specific exercises I do before and after the climax lift.


Incline barbell press.

dumbbell flat bench.

 incline press.

 floor press w/ chains.
cable cross overs (10-20lbs Max).


T-nation shoulder shocker

Dumbbell delt raise. Alternate 1 rep each arm from the side for a set then hit front delt raises doing the same thing.

 Shoulder thrusters with dumbbells (palms facing ear).

Bent over flys (10 lbs. max).

Shoulder press using a barbell (I don't go too heavy on this one because of a nagging shoulder injury).  Really focus on squeezing you core for this lift. Don't use your legs during this and you should be seated on the floor.

If you have access to chains I love doing single arm raises holding the end of a chain. Instead of shoot my arm out straight in front I like kind of drag the chain across my stomach and chest and lift it up over my head till my arm locks out. Control the weight as you lower it following the same path the. Hit the other arm.

135 lbs. on the bar, stand shoulder width apart, lock out the bar above you head. Keep your glutes tight and see how long you can hold it above your head. This is a great finisher. Really brings the smoke.

One of my custom shoulder exercises I do that I've mentioned before is getting on the treadmill holding dumbbells or plates. Set the speed at a steady pace. I usually go 3, 3.5, or 4 mph. Put the treadmill at a challenging incline (6-10%) and take broad steps while holding the weight by your side. Imagine you are carrying 5 gallon water cans. Do a minute, rest for 30, repeat as needed. 
PRO TIP: Increase the suck! Go up by 5 pounds every 2 minutes. 


Hamstring curls into quad curls is a great warm up. Go from one immediately into the other then rest. This could also be used for a finisher

Single KB squat. Using both hands from a dead lift style position. Squat down till the weight hits the ground then lift it up. 

Another variation of the KB squat is to hold the KB in front of your chest with your thumbs hooked into it. Squat down till parallel then push up with your heels. This mimics a front squat movement. 
PRO TIP: Challenge yourself by holding the KB upside down. Your core comes into action to help steady the weight since you are basically balancing the KB to stay upright. 

Weighted sled pushes with 1-2 minute rest between the push. Aim for the weight of your wife, brother, close friend, parent. This tricks your mind into pushing past failure because the number tied to the weight has meaning. Srs.

Single leg box step ups using dumbbells or a plate(s). I prefer a single plate.  
PRO TIP: Looking to get that extra smoke? Hold the weight above your head. 
(For beginners I recommend holding the weight by your side).

outdoor plague bringing baseball bat air guitar.


New Year. New You. New Start? The Choice is Yours.

Upon reading posts on Facebook, browsing pins on Pintrests, and seeing pictures on Instagram, I find that that "new years" often makes people cynical. There are those that mock the "new year, new me" mentality, and then there are people who are desperate for it. I see both sides. 

What I believe most about a "new year" is that nothing in your life will change or be different unless you are willing to work for it. Circumstances do not change unless you do.

Here we are six days into 2015. I feel tried. I am worn out from the holidays. Work has been as crazy and hectic as ever; and I find myself stating that constantly. I believe I need to come to the conclusion that is not going to change. Parallel to work, there was copious amounts of travel, lack of sleep, lots of food, and RLS flare-up's. 

I think a lot of us feel worn out from the holidays and sad that they are over. Therefore, a "new year" mentality is just the bit of hope to get one back on track and provide a goal to work and hope for. Right now, I need that. 

But then I remember that everyday is a new start if you give it that power. No matter how many times you have slipped on your diet, said "no" to a workout, bought that purse when you needed to save the money... everyday is another chance to get it right. Everyday is another chance to try again. Do not focus on that bad choices of yesterday, focus on how you can make positive choices today... right now.

That is what I am going to do. I have let loose, enjoyed myself thoroughly, and now I need to get back to work. Life is all about "finding the balance", and I am glad I enjoyed myself and veered off of my normal tightly structured schedule, as it enabled me to breathe and try new things, which also resulted in me missing my structure! For a while I was bored of it... now I crave it. 

This is a new year, and it is bringing an abundance of changes for me-- a big part is sharing my life with someone else now. Which in itself is a fun, new journey, though stressful at times. 

Take control and be kind to yourself. A lot of people are in that "after holiday" slump. Ease into a new routine that implement the changes you want to make in your life. Diving in too hard into those changes can result in drowning yourself -- crashing and burning. Changing a little at a time creates consistency and consistency is what forms habits. That is what your new changes need to become -- a habit, something you always find yourself doing. That is how I lost weight. That is how I fell in love with exercising. That is how I changed the way I look at myself. Those positive changes that resulted into new habits are what make it easier for me to reset my mind and fall back into a healthy structure. 

So, here we go. From my oily, greasy hair that is carelessly thrown into a bun with my coffee stained pants, I say Happy 2015 and let's make it the best yet. 

And In With The New

At the beginning of this year, I did a huge purge of all things old and moldy and holey. 2015 will be no different. Gone are the days of too big pants, too tight underwear, and year old stewed tomatoes. Actually, I try to be pretty good about either using things or throwing them away, but I do have a bit of hoarder in my genes, and so some things are harder than others to get rid of. However, my neat freak usually wins out and my spreadsheets come out and then there is no stopping me. So here it is, the list.

2015 New Year List:

Throw away: any socks with holes, underwear with holes, mismatched socks (this one is difficult for some reason!) too small pants (this year I have a few thanks to my new office job with no lunch break, which is when I would get a nice walk in), magazines not yet read, newspapers not yet read (don't get scared; there aren't that many of these), expired food items, old paper files, towels with holes, too short sweaters and DVDs I will never watch.

Do this soon: Read any books on shelf that have not been read yet, then give them to Goodwill.  Cook any nearly expired food items.Watch any DVDs, then give them to Goodwill. Write thank you notes. Update Christmas card list.

Organize/back up: photos, contacts, computer files, paper files, drawers, closets, shelves.

Dust/Sweep/Clean: top shelves, fans, under and behind all furniture. Toilet, tub and windowsills. The top of the refrigerator/dryer, the back/front porch and the garage.

Take to Goodwill: All clothing/books/DVDs (see above re too short sweaters and previously read books).

Prepare next year's planner, including running calendar, vacation calendar, goals and expenses/budget. Recap last year's goals, expenses and budget.

Certain things are easy, for example throwing away holey socks. It only takes one (painful) day of walking around with a sock with a hole to realize that it is not worth keeping. Another easy (and fun) thing for me is the rehash of last year's goals, expenses and budget and the preparation of this year's. Lastly, usually there is not very much old food, as we are pretty good at eating things before they go bad. The exception would be things like Halloween candy, which does not get eaten, and therefore sits around for quite some time.

Not as easy to do is the deep clean (it's not that fun), the reading or tossing of old books and magazines (I feel that I "might" read them "soon"), and the getting rid of too tight pants. I mean, what if I lose weight in a couple of months? I wouldn't want to have to go out and buy new pants! That would be a waste. How many pairs of pants does one person really need though? I'm thinking 17. Just kidding. Sort of. Well, at least one in every color and every size, just in case, right? You get my point. They are hard to throw away.

The bottom line is that cleaning out my closet or dusting the top of the fridge makes me feel like I am starting out the year fresh and new. It also makes my brain feel less cluttered, which is the most valuable part of it all.  So let's bring in the new year with a de-cluttered house and mind, shall we?

Do you do a yearly deep clean or purge? What is your least favorite chore? Be honest: how many pairs of pants do you own (and of the total, how many actually fit)?

Out With The Old

I had high hopes for a nice long run on New Year's day, but instead I had one of those days where you start one tiny project and it leads to another and another and all of a sudden the day is over. Maybe it didn't quite go the way I wanted it to, but I did get a lot done.

My mom's friend says that she always does a big clean out on New Year's day: the fridge, the cabinets, the closet. So I took a page out of her book and did the same. It started out with writing my Thank You notes for Christmas, which led to cleaning out my stationary box, which led to my file box. I threw away all my old files and scraps of paper that I had saved for (??) some reason. I threw out all of the pens that didn't work, and the envelopes without matching cards.

This led to the sock drawer, which led to the other drawers, which lead to my closet. I threw away any sock that had even the tiniest hole, even though my instinct is to save them "just in case". I threw away all of those too short shirts, which I was going to "wear under a sweater" and then kept accidentally wearing and having to tug down all day. I threw away those pants that I would "fit into some day".

Then I went to make lunch and noticed the salad dressing in the fridge was past due, which lead to a fridge clean out, which led to a freezer clean out. Freezer burned veggies, be gone. Old hot sauce? See ya! It felt so good.

Yes, this was in the fridge.

I also completed a lot of small projects that I have been meaning to do, such as backing up my computer, downloading photos and creating my master address list that I update after each Christmas. All in all, it was a very productive day. 

So, I am all ready for 2014 with hole-less socks and non-moldy salad dressings.

Are you ready? Do you do any "winter cleaning"?

Two Times Happier

Happy New Year everyone!

Here in Hong Kong it is 16 hours ahead of California, so I figured it out: I could actually celebrate New Years here and then hop right on a plane and go home and celebrate it there. It is a 14 hour flight so it would be cutting it close, but I could make it! However, I think instead I will watch the fireworks and maybe the ball drop in Times Square. That's Times Square, Hong Kong. Yes they have one too! So when it's 8 am, or 9 am or whatever time it is where you are from, think of me, bringing in the New Year.

A couple of interesting things about Hong Kong:

- when I see a Louis Vitton handbag or a North Face jacket, I assume it is fake. They do sell the real stuff, but why would you buy a 3000 dollar LV handbag when you can get the knock off for 300?

- they have an EXCELLENT transportation system here. You can even check your bags IN THE CITY and then take a fast train to the airport, turning a one hour taxi ride into a 20 minute train ride. The train opens up and you walk RIGHT INTO the correct terminal.

- they have mobile phone chargers in the train stations. With all the cords, not just an outlet. So even if you don't have your cord, its NO PROBLEM. They have it covered.

- You can almost walk around the entire city above ground. You know how Minneapolis has the skyways so you don't have to be cold when you are walking? They have the same thing here, but just to get you over the multi lanes of traffic. I still haven't figured it out though and sometimes I walk into a building hoping they have the overpass but instead just get looked at/followed by the security guy.

That's it so far! Happy New Year to all!