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New Year etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
New Year etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Keep Your New Year's Resolutions!

Did you know Evergreen Park & Recreation District (EPRD) offers 86 fitness classes a week?Photo by Morgan Barnes With 27 SilverSneakers® classes, 11 water exercise classes and 48 fitness classes on tap, as well as state-of-the-art exercise equipment and miles of trails, there's no...

Evergreen Lake Skating Opens Friday, Dec. 29

The Ice Rink on Evergreen Lake opens Friday, Dec. 29! Opening day hours are 8 AM-8 PM.  It's school break, so bring the kids to the lake to enjoy these winter days on the ice.The ice is 12 inches thick, so Evergreen Park & Recreation District's (EPRD) ice maestros can flood the rink...


surveying the landscape. we are looking thick and strong. this pleases me greatly. And so once again we find ourselves in the early morning dawn of yet another year closer to death. This time of year is always exciting. One of the few moments in our lives we are encouraged to look into our past...

New Year. New You. New Start? The Choice is Yours.

Upon reading posts on Facebook, browsing pins on Pintrests, and seeing pictures on Instagram, I find that that "new years" often makes people cynical. There are those that mock the "new year, new me" mentality, and then there are people who are desperate for it. I see both sides. What I believe...

And In With The New

At the beginning of this year, I did a huge purge of all things old and moldy and holey. 2015 will be no different. Gone are the days of too big pants, too tight underwear, and year old stewed tomatoes. Actually, I try to be pretty good about either using things or throwing them away, but I do have a bit of hoarder in my genes, and so some things are harder than others to get rid of. However, my neat...

Out With The Old

I had high hopes for a nice long run on New Year's day, but instead I had one of those days where you start one tiny project and it leads to another and another and all of a sudden the day is over. Maybe it didn't quite go the way I wanted it to, but I did get a lot done.My mom's friend says that she...

Two Times Happier

Happy New Year everyone!Here in Hong Kong it is 16 hours ahead of California, so I figured it out: I could actually celebrate New Years here and then hop right on a plane and go home and celebrate it there. It is a 14 hour flight so it would be cutting it close, but I could make it! However, I think instead I will watch the fireworks and maybe the ball drop in Times Square. That's Times Square, Hong...