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glutes etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
glutes etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Leg Training 101 for Women

This post is brought to you by popular demand. You guys wanted it, so you guys get it. This is a follow up post to Weight Lifting 101 for Women. This post is of course essential, because what good is a muscular, toned upper body without sexy, sculpted legs to match? Today I listed some of my favorite...

Weight Loss Fads I Do Not Follow

One thing I have learned about people while on my weight loss journey, as a Personal Trainer, and as a blogger who not only writes, but loves to read other blogs is: a lot of people are looking for a "quick fix" when it comes to losing weight. They go crazy over a new product that has become available...

Must Do Butt Exercises!

We all want a nice booty, right?Incorporate the following best backside exercises in your regular strength routine and you'll burn fat, shape and firm your booty, sculpt surrounding muscle groups, and rev up your metabolism.1. Kettlebell  / Dumbbell SwingsKettlebell swings combine strength and cardio training to redefine your backside. In addition to toning your glutes and hip flexors, you'll...