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Mechanics etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Mechanics etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Fixing 5 Flaws in Your Running Form

If you're like me, just hearing the word "run" makes your skin crawl. Some people claim to find peace of mind on their daily jog. Are these people crazy, or have they just found some sacred running nirvana-type state? Well, if you work on your running technique, you will undoubtedly find that you will...

Revamping the Dumbbell Row

Rowing movements, like the dumbbell row or the kettlebell row, are a staple in any weight training or bodybuilding program. In fact, I would venture to say that a well-developed back is a fantastic indicator of overall strength and athleticism.When you implement these movements into your routine, you...

You're Injured–Now What?

At some point in nearly every athlete or active person's career, he or she will experience some injury, either major or minor. Whether you've torn a tendon or ligament, sprained a muscle, or you just have a nagging painful area that won't seem to go away, you understand how frustrating it can be when...

Perfecting Your Plank

Several months ago, I wrote an article called "Perfecting Your Push-up," in which I gave you some insight on how to correct some common flaws in a seemingly simple (yet incredibly intricate) movement.This post will be a sequel to that post, as a solid plank is the foundation of a push-up.The plank is...

Your Hips Don't Lie...Or Do They?

We'd all like to move our hips like Shakira (or maybe that's just me). One thing I've noticed, though, in many of my clients, is that the cue "hinge at the hips" usually raises confusion. The fact is that many people I've met do not know the difference between bending at the hips and bending at the...