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Exercises etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Exercises etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

90 Day Transformation - No Equipment, At Home Workout

Couple this quick at home workout with some clean eating and you’re well on your way  to toning and firming up!

90-day transformation
50 crunches
20 squat jumps
1 minute plank
2 minute wall sit
30 side crunches each side
20 roll-back and jumps
20 v-ups
90 regular calf raises

30 single leg calf raises each leg

Get busy! =]

Have a great weekend and feel free to shoot me an email with any fitness or meal planning questions!

The Myths of Body Weight Exercises

ByWallace Lee

The minute you think of doing body weight exercises. The first thing comes to mind is that to get results you have to do countless numbers of reps. And it is because of that you begin to feel that you will make slow progress if you do fewer reps. And true enough sooner or later you reach a plateau. Your body stops making progress. That is the time you start to feel bored. But that is not true because there are many ways to make it more challenging or difficult. Here are two common myths about body weight exercises. Once you know there are myths, you would begin to know how to make it more challenging. So that you can find ways to make body weight exercises more challenging for your body so you can take your fitness level to greater heights.

Now, let us explore . Now onto the first myth it is the lack of variety, is this true? Do you know that by simply adjust the position of your hands relative to your feet; you can greatly increase the level of resistance? How do you do that? Let us a take a simple exercise such as push-up. All you have to do is to simply adjusting your position between your hands and your feet. Here is how you do it, place your hands on the chair and your feet on the floor. And now do a push up. How does that feel? Does it feel easy? Okay, let us do the same exercise with a slight twist. Place your hands on the floor and toes on the edge of the chair and then do a push up. Does that feel a little more difficult? Do you know that there are 7-10 variations of push ups? This is enough to challenge to your upper body for a long time.

Here is the second myth, it is limited resistance, is this true? There are many ways to increase the resistance. The previous myth we talked about the position between your hands and feet and how it can affect the amount of your body weight you are lifting during an exercise. The second method is to use external resistance such as a weighted bag or a weighted vest if you do not plan to buy a weighted vest. You can fill an empty bag with stuff? What do you fill in the bag so that you can make your push ups more challenging? You can fill a bag with books or any other stuff that you can find so you can make push ups a little more challenging. The third method is to buy exercise equipment such as a stability ball, a suspension training device and a medicine ball. Or you can buy used or make your own exercise equipment. Here is a word of caution, when it comes to homemade exercise equipments. Always remember to check your homemade exercise equipment regularly before you start to use it. The reason is that your safety is always your number 1.

Now you know . They are really myths and learn how to make it more challenging. Do you think it is time to get started?

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3 Weight Training Exercises To Get You Ripped Fast

There is an obesity problem in the country, but there are also a lot of people looking at weight training exercises. Weight training exercises are the ones that will give you the muscles that you have been looking for. It is not surprise that everyone wants to learn which weight lifting exercises will be the ones that will get those muscles here fast. After all who has time to waste when you have a beach to go to this summer? You need those muscles here as soon as possible so that when you wear a sleeveless shirt you attract attention for the right reasons.

Work All Of Your Body

When you are starting a weight training routine, you must make sure that you work out every muscle in your body. If you work your arms you will be strong, but if you have no definition on your legs and torso you will just be the strong fat guy. Because that is not something you want to be known as, you should start working your lower body. Lunges and squats are perfect to building your lower half. You should also listen to your personal trainer when doing squats because there is a small risk of injury if not done right.

Upper Body

The upper body is very important when doing weight training exercises. That is because the upper body is the first thing that people see when you go to the beach or wear less clothing in the summer. To get the most muscle buildup in the upper body you should try pull ups. A lot of people think that pull ups work the arms only, but the fact is that you are working arms, back and forearms. If you are just starting pull ups may be difficult, but given a few days you will do them without a problem.

Weight Lifting

Weight lifting exercises should be a part of your routine. Free weights when done right can build muscle and strength fast. There really are not that many exercises that are as effective as free weights. You should take your time with them, because they are exercises that you do not want to rush through. Weight training exercises may feel a bit difficult at first, but if you have a little patience you will be building big muscles in no time. That should be your goal and it is an achievable one.

Sereyvorn Keng is a health consultant, fitness enthusiast, author and a proven expert in muscle building. He used to be that skinny-kid before transforming his mind and body, through solid weight training and proper nutrition.

Check out his muscle building website to learn everything about physique development and what it takes to get in the best shape of your life.

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Quality Exercises to Work Upper Chest

Choosing are important in overall physique development. Many trainees hammer away at flat bench presses and flyes, but wonder why their upper chest development falls short. Not only will diversifying your chest training lead to greater overall development, but it will increase your bench press fast! The following is a list of the best exercises to work upper chest.

Incline Barbell Bench Press - Almost every gym has an incline bench set up. Adjust the seat so that you can safely take the bar out of the rack without hitting the pins and position yourself under the bar. Take a grip slightly wider than your normal flat bench press grip. Now bring your shoulder blades together so that your chest is forced out high and your back is digging into the bench. Squeeze the bar tightly as you take it out and lower it in a straight line perpendicular to the ground. Since we are choosing exercises to work out upper chest instead of building overall strength, this needs to be looked at like more of an isolation movement. That means letting your elbows flare out to the side. With a wide grip and the elbows out to the side, this will almost look like a flye. The bar should touch high on your chest, somewhere around the collar-bone. Without bouncing, reverse directions. (WARNING! This technique is extremely effective at building a pigeon chest, but does position your shoulder joint in a delicate position. Any time your elbows are flared out way from the body the bar must be lowered SLOWLY and under control with a steady tempo. In contrast, any time heavy weight (85% 1 rep max and up) is being pressed with high intensity, your elbows must be tucked to the side. This is better for strength purposes, but hinders pectoral development slightly.)

Recommended - 5 sets of 10

Incline Dumbbell Press - Grip the dumbbells and walk over to the bench. As you sit down, position them so that they are standing straight up on your legs with your palms facing each other. Now lay back as you kick the dumbbells into position. I recommend taking a second to pin your shoulder blades together before you begin the set. Once you are tight, drive the dumbbells up in a straight line. Many trainees waste energy pressing them together. This means that as the weights are being pressed vertically, they must also travel horizontally to end up together. This wastes energy and does nothing to work out upper chest. Move the weight in a straight line perpendicular to the ground. I also like to play around with the grip. If you have shoulder issues, try pressing with palms facing each other or turned slightly out. Just like the barbell version, this is an accessory isolation exercise, so press with care. Lower slowly and keep a steady tempo.

Recommended - 5 sets of 15

Incline Dumbbell Flye - The weights don't need to get big on this. Grab a pair of light dumbbells to start out, and sit on an incline bench. Press the weights up so that the ends of the dumbbells are touching each other and your palms are faced away from you. Keeping a slight, constant bend in the elbows, allow the dumbbells to slowly lower away from each other in an arc. Lower them as far as you COMFORTABLY can. Don't tear a pectoral trying to get them to scrape against the ground. They should lower slowly, and return to the top just as slowly. The tempo should be 3-1-3-1, as in 3 seconds down, 1 second pause, 3 seconds up, 1 second pause. The grip can also be changed to a more traditional palms in flye, but I prefer the former. Do these correctly and your upper chest will be screaming.

Recommended - 5 sets of 20

Push Ups with Feet on the Bench - Kick your feet up on a bench and space your hands similar to your bench grip on the ground. Since we are still isolating, we want to focus on tempo again as opposed to speed or weight. Keep the elbows out to the side, lower slowly, pause, and return to the top, and pause again. You can do multiple sets to failure, or have a partner put a weight plate on your back. Either way, keep the reps over 20. If your shoulders or pectoral insertion bothers you at all, play it safe and tuck your elbows to the side. It's not as effective, but not enough of a difference to risk injury.

Recommended - 5 sets of 20

Isometric Exercises - Do They Work?

ByBob S Heiny

Isometric exercises were all the rage before bodybuilding became so popular. They are a different type of muscle building and are static, meaning you just apply pressure and hold it. You can push your arms against the wall and hold there. They really do provide a benefit even though they aren't as popular as they were before bodybuilding.

• It Works. Isometrics actually provides more muscle contraction than the weight lifting and strength training that involves movement and is great at building the specific groups of muscle that it is working.

• It's Fast and Easy. Isometric exercises can be done almost any time almost anywhere and you can get results even if you can only take a couple of minutes at a time. If you can't do a full workout you can do just a few exercises and still benefit.

• It's Cheap. You don't need to go to an expensive gym or use any machines for the traditional isometric exercise. You can use walls and your own body parts and get an adequate resistance for good exercise.

There are a few drawbacks and that may be why we don't hear much about isometrics since they were replaced by traditional body building.

• Raises Blood Pressure. It can raise your blood pressure if you hold your breath and most people tend to do just that and it does cause your blood pressure to jump and it could cause serious problems. If you do try these exercises, be sure to breathe regularly.

• Too Specific. Isometrics only works a specific muscle group at a time and you would need to do them form many angles and positions to get the same effects as weight lifting since bodybuilding works the muscles through an entire range of motion.

In spite of the drawbacks, isometrics can still be beneficial when done during your workout instead of just replacing it. Here are some ways to add them into your regular routine to be most beneficial.

• Do Them at Work. If you don't have the time for the gym, there are many isometric exercises you can do at work against the wall, a desk, and with your own body. How about a workout instead of the afternoon coffee break.

• Add Modern Equipment. Isometric exercise came before the traditional body building and didn't have the benefits of the modern equipment we use now. For the modern isometrics you can use equipment like free weights and resistance bands, simply using them while you stay still instead of the traditional way with motion.

• Mix It Up. Why not add isometrics to your current routine instead of trying to work in an extra workout just for them. Lift your weights and then hold them steady after you have done your regular reps to add to your workout.

Isometric exercises can be a beneficial addition to improve your body even if you shouldn't use it as your only bodybuilding routine.

Would you like to get rid of pain and be healthier YOU? Check here to find out how: Secrets to Ideal Fitness, and many more tips.

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Top 3 Upper Body Exercises

ByRex F Wheeler

The upper body is the main point of focus for many fitness enthusiasts. It can be argued that the lower body (legs, glutes, calves) is just as important and worth an equal amount of focus, however, at the beach, everyone is checking out your upper body! So we will check out the . These are exercises that give you the most 'bang for your buck' and form a solid foundation that you can build upon with other supplementary isolation exercises.

Remember that these are just ideas. This is just a guide and if you have found other exercises to work better for you, then that's awesome. I have written this with the total novice in mind. Three years ago I was in exactly the same position and I would have been utterly grateful to have a guide like this.

1. Benchpress - Yes, the classic bench-press is one of the best upper body exercises known to man. It is a compound exercise that not only works on the chest but on multiple muscle groups. It also has multiple variations that enable one to target different sections of these muscles. It can be performed on an incline, a flat bench and a decline bench which work the top, middle and lower parts of the chest respectively. Other muscles targeted as the front deltoids and the triceps.

2. Bent Over Row - The bent over row is an exercise I am not particularly fond of. It's fairly dangerous especially if you don't know what you are doing. However, the ROI is too great to be ignored. The evidence is clear to see; 6 time Mr Olympia Dorian Yates credited this incredible exercise with his freakish back development. Just Google "Dorian Yates back". The bent over row is an excellent latissimus dorsi exercise. It also works on the biceps, traps, rear deltoids and the rhomboids. If the weight is sufficiently heavy, it can double as an effective forearm exercise.

3. Military Press - Last but not least is the excellent military press. Others refer to it as the overhead press. It can be performed standing or seated - whatever your preference. When performed standing with a fairly heavy weight, it can serve as an excellent workout for the erector spinae muscles which are responsible for that deep ridge that goes all the way down your back (median furrow). The military press is primarily a shoulder and trapezius muscle exercise. It works on the medial deltoids and the traps. Other muscles worked are the neck, the triceps and the lats.

We have purposely excluded the abdominals from this simply because they do not require much focus. That's not to say you must ignore them totally but simply lowering your body fat will reveal a set of abs. If then you are not happy with the size of the depth, you can perform some exercises to bring them out more. With that said, why not get down the gym and give these exercises a go? What are you waiting for?

For more top upper body and latissimus dorsi exercises check out our muscle building website.

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Best Exercises For The Obliques

ByRex F Wheeler

When everyone talks about getting a six pack, they rarely speak of the other muscles in your core. The muscles that make your six pack 'pop' and look all the more dramatic. The muscles I am speaking of are the obliques. They are the muscles on either side of your abdominals - beneath your ribs. Most do not know this but when the obliques are worked on sufficiently, they can enhance the appearance of being 'ripped' provided your body-fat is low enough. Without further ado, we shall take a look at some of the .

1. Twisting sit ups - The classic oblique exercises is the twisting sit up. It is rarely ever used to great effect because it could be argued that many simply do not know how to perform it properly. To perform the exercise properly, you must deliberately squeeze your abdominals when you perform the 'twist'. Simply twisting your upper body is not enough. This is the single biggest six pack shortcut - the contraction.

2. Ab Rollout - The ab rollout is primarily a stretching and contracting movement which can be modified or adapted to work on the obliques. One of the best ways in which you can do this is by rolling out your abdominal exercise wheel to either side. This is a simple and effective way to work on your abs.

3. Windscreen wipers - Windscreen wipers are an advanced 'hanging' exercise best performed while suspended from a pull up bar. Novices are advised to use straps as they will probably lack the requisite grip strength and endurance to hang on long enough to finish your set. The twisting motion of these is so much more effective as there is a greater range of motion and you are dealing with more weight (your legs).

4. Side bends - Side bends are awesome. You have to be careful with these as they can add undesirable inches of muscle to your waist. Getting too enthusiastic with side bends could leave you with a thick waist which ruins the V-shape illusion we all desire. I'd perform these with a light weight for multiple reps to increase muscle tone as opposed to fuelling muscle growth.

5. Side crunches - last but not least is the humble side crunch. Like the twisting sit up, you need to squeeze hard on the concentric movement and slowly perform the eccentric movement in order to reap the benefits of this exercise. Going through the motions and aiming to do tonnes of reps will NOT give you the full benefit.

Remember to perform these in moderation. You'll want to avoid adding too much muscle as that will thicken your waist and leave you with a less desired 'square' or 'blocky' physique. Keep everything light and perform lots and lots of reps!

For more top secret tips on how to get a six pack, visit our fitness website for more six pack shortcuts.

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Rotator Cuff Exercises For Life

It's easy to see why rotator cuff exercises are of benefit to the injured, but what about the healthy? Why should you exercise your muscles regularly, even when you are fit and uninjured?


Stretching and exercising any of our muscles is generally a good thing, but the anatomy of the shoulder, and in particular of the cuff tendons and its associated muscles, make it particularly prone to chronic injury - and easy to neglect in a daily exercise routine.

Your shoulders are designed to permit an extraordinarily wide range of articulation, much of which you are rarely likely to use. Unless you incorporate shoulder exercises into your daily regime, you risk losing some of the healthy articulatory range of your shoulder joints. Worse, you risk injury should you attempt to use the shoulder in a way that exceeds its now limited range.

Maintaining the flexibility of the shoulder, through regular stretching of the rotator cuff muscles, is an important, and easily, overlooked, contributor to your overall fitness


Mobility goes hand in hand with strength. Simply stretching the cuff muscles, as we have seen, will maintain range. However, only by maintaining muscle strength will you be able to make full, athletic use of the shoulder without fear of injury or strain.

4 Muscles to take care of

The rotator cuff and its four associated muscles form a highly complex, interactive system. For that reason you require a series of exercises that will ensure that each muscle receives the right work, both in isolation and in combination with its neighbours.

There is no one single exercise or stretch that can do this. It s so important to isolate and work each of the muscles individually as well as the group.

No complex equipment required

You do not need expensive gym equipment to do the full range of exercises required. Yes, some of the exercises involve a degree of resistance, and a set of dumbbells is a good way to obtain this, but if you use your imagination you'll find that a good book or a tin of food can serve nearly as well. These exercise really are free!


Rotator cuff exercises can be done practically anywhere that suits you - standing, sitting, or even lying down! In the home, in the office, in the park; absolutely anywhere you like and feel comfortable.

Start Now

I hope I have convinced you that maintaining the health of your rotator cuff is easy, effective and free! There really is nothing to stop you. You need no equipment, simply the desire to restore your shoulder to its pre-injury condition, or even improve it.

It is entirely possible to restore strength and reduce pain. All that is required is a daily program of rotator cuff exercises. Why not start now?

Steve Kaiser has used exercise to treat his own rotator cuff symptoms. Learn how you could do the same at Rotator Cuff Therapy Exercises

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Five Body Weight Exercises For Success

As you know by now, I am a firm believer in body weight exercises, or what I like to call "REAL" exercises.

What does this mean?

Well, based on my experience, I find that too many people tend to take the easy way out when it comes to the exercise they do to try and lose their unwanted body fat.

A perfect example is that mystery machine that seems to be so popular, called the "Elliptical Trainer." Body weight exercises can beat this type of exercise hands down in many ways. For example, it's been proven that the movement that is replicated by one of these elliptical trainers is unique unto itself, and doesn't mirror any natural movement that the human body performs on a regular basis. In other words, doing a regular workout on one of these machines is like practicing your golf swing for hours upon hours and then going out and playing a game of soccer, hoping that those practice sessions will help your game!

Plus, let's face it, once you get on the machine and get it moving, you're pretty much just "going through the motions" and letting inertia and momentum do the work for you, right? And, while some fat burning does occur while using machines like this, as soon as you step off, that tends to stop because you haven't given your body and your muscles anything substantial, like body weight exercises do to keep them engaged and burning off fat for several more hours after your session is over.

I have a somewhat unique strategy when it comes to using body weight exercises to burn fat, and it's called Dynamic Body Weight Training (DBT for short). In its very basic form, DBT consists of 5 main exercises, each one focused on delivering an "exercise shock" to different parts of the body, and forcing it to try and adapt to those movements. You see, that's the key to getting results from ANY fat loss program: you have to continually force the body and the muscles to adapt to the stress being delivered via exercise. Unless that happens, your fat loss will stall and come to a halt, like repeating the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.

With all that being said, today I want to reinforce my DBT body weight exercises strategy with you by introducing you to what I call my "FAB-5″ exercises. I promise you that if you can incorporate examples of each of these 5 categories of exercises into your regular workouts, and truly give an honest effort, you will have the success you desire when it comes to your fat loss goals.

The first exercise in your arsenal of fat loss is the Lower Body Exercise. This can be any of the body weight exercises which primarily focus on the legs. For example, the body weight squat is a perfect way to begin a FAB-5 workout. This exercise affects the quadriceps, hamstrings, calves and the glutes in one fell swoop! The legs are typically larger and also more often used than the upper body, and are therefore a natural starting point for your DBT workout. If you're using the body weight squat, remember not to allow your knees to come past your toes when you lower down into the squat position.

After your lower body has had a go, it's time to move to the upper body for your second exercise, which is a Pushing Exercise. Any form of the classic push-up works great here, as long as you are using your arms, chest and shoulders to move your body away from something in front of you, in this case, that would be the floor. There are so many variations to the push-up that you would be hard pressed to need to repeat a version of it during a typical 4-week DBT workout session!

Number 3 on the list works as an opposing exercise to the push. That is, of course a Pulling Exercise. In this case, your arms and shoulders are still coming into the equation, but the main focus of a pull is the upper back. There are lots of terrific body weight exercises for the back, not the least of which is the chin-up or the pull-up. Some others include wall stick-ups or prone stick-ups. Body weight exercises like these are perfect for engaging difficult areas like the upper back, and giving you the results you want. Who wants their "sexy back?"

We're getting near the end of our FAB-5 exercises, and next on the agenda is that central part of our body, called the Core. This is where the entire body gets its balance and strength from, and is made up of the lower back and abdominals. So your fourth exercise should be a Dynamic Body Weight Core Exercise. Again, the possibilities are almost endless here. The one word of caution that I will give you is this...please, at all cost, stay away from sit-ups or crunches! These do a real number on your lower back, and for a lot of people, their neck too. Instead, do some body weight exercises that will engage your core fully, and also give you the benefit of working other muscles at the same time. For example, something like a spider-man climb, or even a simple exercise like a cross crawl will give you this effect quite nicely.

Finally, we want to be sure to get a bit of cardiovascular exercise into our FAB-5 circuit, so you are going to finish off with a Dynamic Full Body Cardio Exercise. Quite simply, this exercise is something that you can do which will engage the entire body and increase your heart rate, breathing, and, as a result your cardio conditioning all at the same time. The most basic form of this exercise is running in place. If this is your choice, make sure that you are moving your arms vigorously, and bringing your knees up as high as you possibly can. This is the one that will show you just how "lame" that elliptical trainer machine really is when it comes to getting results fast!

There you go. My FAB-5 body weight exercises that you can perform almost anywhere because they don't require any equipment, and will give you better results than any expensive cardio machine since they are combining both strength and cardio into one workout! In my opinion, the best way to do a FAB-5 workout is as a circuit. You perform each of the 5 body weight exercises one after the other with no rest between them, either for a pre determined number of reps, or for a period of time, then give yourself a 1 minute rest at the end of the 5th exercise. You should aim for repeating the circuit at least 4 to 6 times before you cool down.

What are you waiting for?

Choose your body weight exercises for your FAB-5 workout, and then go and get it done! You'll absolutely love this type of workout, and you won't get bored out of your mind by looking at the console of one of those elliptical machines where it shows you how many calories you've burned in the last 2 minutes!


My Name is Dale Bateman. For over 10 years, I've been helping ordinary people (like you and me) achieve their fat loss goals with my common sense approach to health and wellness. I truly believe that long term fat loss can only be mastered by incorporating what I call my three components of fat loss.

These are Fitness, Nutrition and Motivation. Without all three components, you are setting yourself up for failure. Each week, my blog features a brand new, original post dealing with one of these three components. Also, you can sign up for my free weekly newsletter and free 5 week e-course, "5 S.T.E.P.S. to Losing Your First 5 Pounds."

So if you're looking for common sense strategies for losing fat and achieving optimal health and wellness, please visit my blog today:

Thank you.

Dale Bateman

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Battle Spring Fever With These Outdoor Exercises

ByBob S Heiny

During the winter we spend all our time inside where it is warm. We can't wait to go outside when springtime arrives. We want to get up and get moving and go outside to battle spring fever. When we go outdoors, the best thing we can do is exercise for a better workout, more fun, and burning more calories that when we go to the gym. When you get spring fever and it is finally warm and dry and you want to get in shape outdoors, here are some great easy activities to get you going.

• Yoga. Usually we do our yoga in our living room or in the gym, but it was really started eons ago outside. Doing yoga outside is much more calming on your nerves, so get your mat and get outside in your yard or just go to the park. Sometimes the parks actually have yoga classes.

• Walking. Not only do you want to get outside, you really want to at least do something. Walking is a great way to ease into exercising outside after being inside all winter. Walk for at least an hour a day, three days a week to get an optimal workout. Also, it is best to change your pace as you go, moving fast for a minute then slower for a minute. Or as I saw on Rachael Ray, fast between one mailbox and slow between the next. Easy way to keep track. This also gets your cardio and heart pumping in a fairly easy way. Don't get bored walking the same place every day, change you route or go to a park or even the zoo.

• Hiking. Once you get your walking going, you may want to try hiking for an additional workout and also an adventure. Take the family and spend some quality time with them and get your exercise in, get fresh air and enjoy nature.

• Biking. Many cities now have bike paths so you can go most anywhere to get a great workout without injury by being on rough terrain. Also, a great way to enjoy the great outdoors and a bigger challenge find some woodland paths, mountain rides, or somewhere else that is difficult and more rewarding. No matter you are biking be sure to wear the proper safety equipment to protect yourself.

• Volleyball. You don't have to play volleyball inside a gym; you can play at the beach on the sand or a net in your yard or the park. Volleyball is a great way to meet new people by joining a league or just a great way to socialize with your friends.

• Swimming. One of the best ways to get a full body workout, and while your kids are playing, is swimming. If you don't have a pool, most cities have a community pool with special areas for the kids while the adults can do laps. When you are done with your laps and great exercise, you then can get more by playing with your kids.

So get out of your chair, get outside in the fresh air and get a great workout and have fun!

Would you like to get rid of pain and be healthier YOU? Check here to find out how: Secrets to Ideal Fitness, and many more tips.

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Simple Resistance Training Exercises

ByLisa Perkins

At the end of a long day, many people would rather head home to eat dinner and relax as opposed to exercising. This is a common to deal with stress and fatigue; however, some decide to handle it by doing some exercises to relieve tension and get re-energized. Going to the gym though could be a bit inconvenient for certain people because of a demanding schedule.

Resistance training exercises are advantageous because little equipment and space is required. They can be done with light dumb bells, resistance bands, a medicine ball, swiss ball, or even kettle bells. All this equipment is relatively cheap and built to last. Here are some that you can do on a consistent basis.

Chest Exercises

Chest exercises can be done with a flat bench, a swiss ball, or on the ground. A swiss ball is a little less stable, but this forces the body to balance itself. Two common exercises include the chest press and flys. The chest press involves pressing the dumbbells straight up from the chest. To do a chest fly, extend yours arms out over your chest. Then, pull your arms apart and let your arms drop to the side extended. Proceed to raise the weights back up to the original position. Resistance training exercises like this target your chest, as well as your triceps and shoulders.

Back Exercises

Resistance training exercises for the back can also be done using light dumbbells or a swiss ball. Among these include bent over rows and reverse flys. The main purpose of these exercises is to develop upper and middle back muscles, specifically latissimus dorsi and rhomboids. The swiss ball can be used for bent over rows. Controlling your balance is necessary when lifting weights on a ball. Keep your straight back and lift up until your shoulder blades touch.

Biceps Curls

If you want to do this on a ball, sit down while keeping your feet planted on the floor. Raise the dumbbells in front of your thighs, and slowly bend your elbows and lift towards your chest. Squeeze your biceps forcefully at the top of the movement, lower back down and repeat.

Leg Exercises

The best lower body exercise is the squat. You don't even need any dumbbells for it to be effective. Sit down until your thighs are parallel to the floor, and raise your arms straight forward for balance. Then, extend up until your knees are slightly bent. Avoid straightening the legs completely to keep pressure on the thighs.

Read more

BodyCraft Xpress Pro Home Gym

BodyCraft K2 Home Gym

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Finding the Best Breast Firming Exercises

ByIrene N Maina

Exercises to Uplift the Breasts

Every woman's wish is to enjoy a firm bosom as well as a pair of perky breasts all her life. However things like weight loss, pregnancy as well as age can cause breast sagging. Well, there ways you can improve your breasts from extreme sagging. However there are no natural dramatic ways to uplift your breasts apart from surgery, unfortunately. Breasts sag because mainly they are made up of glands and fats hence there is no any specific exercise to uplift your breast because of its nature. However building up and toning the muscles in the chest just below your breasts can help you acquire that firm and moderate breast uplift. Here are exercises to help you uplift your breasts.

Push-ups-You will never go wrong with push-ups when building pectoral muscles is concerned. These exercises do not need any special or extra equipment and can be easily done at home. Lie down flat, that is, with your face facing down on the ground. Keep your feet down too then use your arms to push your body up and down repeatedly. As you do this you will be toning the muscles below the breast. It can be quite hard to do this if you have never done them, however with time you will do it with more ease. You can start with five per day but work hard until you can do twenty per set this will help you get the results much quicker. Two sets of push-ups per day will do, but if your body can take more than that, why not?

Inclined Bench presses-Inclined bench presses and bench presses are almost similar, but only that inclined bench presses are done on an incline. However inclined bench presses are more beneficial when firming the muscles below the breast are concerned than bench presses. This is because inclined bench presses target that muscles right below the breast.

Bench Presses- A lot of people think that bench press is for men only. Women interested in uplifting their breasts can largely benefit from bench press. You can do bench press with dumbbells or barbells or better still a press machine at the gym. For starters choose a dumbbells or a barbell with a weight that you are comfortable with. Lay flat on the ground or a bench with the weights in line with your chest, push the weight up. Then return the weight to the initial point (starting point). When you doing any exercise for the first time it is always advisable to start with what you are comfortable with. As you acquaint yourself with it, you can increase the number of the sets. This is also advisable to this kind of exercise, start with what you are comfortable with. You can maybe start with six rounds and may be three sets. As you continue try at least 12 repetitions. You can also make the exercise more challenging by increasing the weight of the barbells or dumbbells depending on what you are using.

The Pectoral fly- This type of exercise not only firms pectoral muscles but also firms muscle in the chest wall. You can do pectoral fly using a machine at the gym or better still you can use free weights. If you decide to use free weights it is advisable that you start with lights weights approximately 1 or 2 kilograms. Then as you get used to it, you can increase the weight of the weights. Lie down on the ground taking one weight in every hand with your arms stretched at a shoulder height. Note: that your palms should face up. Holding the weights in your hands, bring your arms up with elbows somehow bent so that they can meet up somewhere at the centre of your chest. Then return your arms to their initial point. Do this repeatedly, approximately eight to twelve times in three sets. Once you get comfortable with you can even increase to fifteen times and also increase the sets to five.

With that kind of information finding the best exercise that suits you will be easier. These exercises will help you in firming your breasts, all the best.

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3 Biceps Blasting Exercises

Develop stronger, more toned, leaner arms in a matter of 4 weeks by performing just these 3 exercises alone! You see, I believe that muscles should be trained heavy and hard with lower rep counts to begin with and then we should gradually decrease weight while increasing reps as the workout continues. Start the workout bring those muscles to total fatigue right away and give your muscles the best chance to grow stronger and your body the best chance to get leaner. Here are my top 3 biceps exercises with their explanations on how to do them. This should be done once a week.

Barbell Curl- Start here! 3 sets of 5 reps with heavy weight. This is by far the BEST strength workout for your biceps. Find a 45lb Olympic size bar preferably (the one you see in gyms that is used for bench and squats, etc.). If you are not strong enough to lift 45 lbs yet then go ahead with one of those smaller barbells, but be sure you have a straight bar and not an EZ curl bar (shaped with a bend in it). The first time is tricky but try to figure out a weight that is heavy enough for you to lift it 5 reps on your first set and tire you out. Perform the lift with your hands a little wider than shoulder width. Stand erect without swaying your back or bringing your elbows forward as you curl the weight upward and back down. Make sure to move slow and steady, under control on the lift and the descent. If you cannot get 5 full reps without breaking form (aka cheating) then go ahead and cheat a little by using your legs and hips to thrust the weight up as you curl and then bring down extra slow till you get to five. On your next set, be sure to go down in weight so that you can perform the lift 5 reps with better form and still fatigue those muscles. Complete all 3 sets in this fashion. HOWEVER, on your final set go for a total of 8 reps; cheat if necessary but strive to maintain proper form for the first 5 reps.
DB Hammer Curls- These are a burnout exercise for me. I start with the heaviest dumbbells that I can actually curl a couple times without cheating and then I perform the hammer curl until failure, set the DB down on the rack, move down in weight 5-10 pounds and do it again until I reach the end of the rack or at least the 15lb weights. This should be done as much as possible with good form and then forced reps performed by cheating; again cheating is done with the legs and hips helping thrust the weight up and bringing it down slow under control, but NOT using the lower back and leaning backward on the lift. Keep your low back safe! Make those arms scream. Make them grow stronger!
21's- This is performed with a light to moderate barbell weight. Again, it is tricky your first time trying to find the right weight range but do you best. The next week you will know what to do, whether it is go down or up in weight. 21's are simply 21 reps of the BB curl broken down into 3 sets of 7 reps. The first 7 reps are a half curl from the bottom up to the half way point. The next 7 reps are from the half way point up to the top squeeze of the biceps. And the last 7 reps are full range of motion as normal. Remember not to cheat at all during this particular exercise. The light weight allows you to perform higher reps on this one and also maintain proper form. Keep it honest here.

When finished be sure to stretch out your arms plenty. Also, prior to performing my workout, I encourage you to seek out videos online that teach proper curls form and technique.

CAVEAT: Before committing to any type of exercise plan or nutrition program consult your medical doctor and a licensed nutritionist, as well as perform your own research. I am not a medical doctor or licensed nutritionist. This article is simply for educational purposes and based on my own scholarly study and research in the realm of physical fitness, nutrition and athletics. You are responsible for your own actions should you choose to practice any of the information in this article and/or begin your own workout program or diet.

Rex Causey is a husband, father, personal trainer and sports coach. As the founder and lead trainer of Transformation Fitness he is is also a published author of a group book on fitness and success with speaker millionaires James Malinchak and Brian Tracy. He earned a Bachelor Degree in Exercise Science (Physical Education) and minored in athletic coaching and biblical studies.

As a gifted fitness consultant, personal trainer, teacher, coach, author and speaker on fitness and success, Rex Causey is perfect for running a fitness bootcamp, seminar or event in your area or at your church or business or school!

If you want to know more about him and Transformation Fitness please feel free to contact him. You can also visit his website and Facebook page found on his author bio. You are encouraged to share his info and articles with friends and family if you truly find it beneficial. Godspeed!

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Exercises You Can Do While You're Waiting Around

ByTina Haines

Most people feel you have to spend an hour or more of your time to get in a good workout. While working out for at least an hour is great, you can also make the most of your time by doing easy exercises that can be done anywhere. A majority of people are busy so fitting in any type of exercise can be a benefit. Let's say you are waiting around for an appointment or just have time to spare. An easy exercise to start off with are calf exercises.

Calf Exercises on the Go - Simply stand with your feet shoulder width apart and flex your calves up and down for about 20 - 30 reps. Turn your toes in and repeat. Turn your toes outward and repeat. Your calves will probably burn and it doesn't take long to feel that burn. However, these calf exercises are easy and can be done anywhere.

Wall Push-ups - Dropping down and pumping out some push-ups may not be ideal depending on where you are and what you are wearing. If you can drop and crank out some push-ups, go for it. Yet, if that isn't the best idea for you, you can do wall push-ups. All you have to do is lean up against a wall as if you were doing a push-up on the ground. Do several reps, rest, and repeat for as many rounds as you can.

Body Squats on the Go - Body squats are another easy body weight exercise that can be performed anywhere. Place your hands on your hips or cross your arms in front of you with your feet shoulder width apart. Squat up and down for as many reps as you can and repeat. Be sure to have good posture and good form.

These types of body weight exercises are great options for when you have some time to spare and want to use it effectively. Another great option is climbing up and down stairs if they are available. Learn to make use of every opportunity. Even walking can be a great way to fit in some exercise.

If you can, bike ride to and from your destinations. Park further away and walk into a store or work. These little steps can make a difference within a week's time. Imagine the effect after a month or even longer. Remember to also change up your eating habits for the better to see even more results.

Exercise is an effective way to get into shape and lose weight. Jump start your weight loss progress by considering herbal supplements to weight. Herbal weight loss can be a safe and effective way to boost your metabolism and shed pounds. Visit to learn more.

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Fun And Easy Exercises To Do At Home

ByAbby Ibrahim

Everybody needs to exercise as exercise is so important to our health and fitness. But some of you can't get out of the house to do exercise because of various reasons. That is ok as you can still do your exercises at home.

Before starting any exercise program, please get the green light from your doctor. To start your exercises, put on some energetic music so that you can work in time to it.

Below are some exercises that you can do at home so that after exercising you will be able to start your day feeling happy and energized and ready for anything that comes into your day.

1) Walking - This is a good overall exercise for your body. Walk fast to get a good sweat. If the weather doesn't permit it, you can always walk around the house a few times.

2) Step Exercises - This exercise will tone your leg muscles. You need a step designed for exercise. If you can't get one, you can use the first step of your stairs. Stand facing the step. Bring your left foot up onto the step, right foot up, left foot down, right foot down. Keep your back straight and stomach in. Repeat as many times as you can.

3) Squats - This exercise is great for your legs and buttock. Stand, squat down and stand up. Repeat as many times as you can. You can also do this from a chair. Sit on a chair and stand up. Repeat.

4) Light Weight Lifting - This exercise will tone the arms and upper part of the body. You can use a can of peas, water jugs or laundry detergent bottles or any containers that are available in your house.

5) Jumping Jacks - This is good for toning your heart muscles. Repeat as many times as you can. If you are watching TV, this exercise can be done during commercial breaks.

6) Pushups - This exercise will tone arm muscles and chest muscles. Do them on your knees instead of keeping your legs straight. You can also do them against a wall.

7) Crunches - This exercise will strengthen your abdominal muscles. When you are just getting started, don't worry about how much to lift your head. So long as you are going up until you feel the stretching of the muscles, you will see benefit.

8) On-The-Spot Jogging - This is also good exercise for your heart. You can do this exercise whilst watching TV. You need a good pair of shoes for this exercise, to eliminate any stress to your legs.

These are just a few of the exercises that you can do at home. Start doing them regularly and you will be amaze at the results.

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Get Ripped Fast, Exercises To Do At Home

ByHayden Brass

What really is the fastest way to get ripped? When you want to get ripped fast it's going to be a bit more complicated than the traditional approach to losing weight by just combining healthy foods with a bit of cardio here and there, it's going to take knowledge, dedication and hard work.

How to get ripped fast

To get ripped fast what you are going to want to do is to not lose weight, but lose body fat. When you jump on the scales and see that you might have dropped 5-10 pounds you have not necessarily lost body fat, if you haven't got your diet down then chances are that you have lost some muscle as well.

To get ripped fast and achieve that fitness model look you need to keep as much muscle as possible to avoid that dreaded skinny-fat look. You do this by doing 2 things;

Having a high protein diet tailored to your bodies calorie and macro nutrient needs.Maintaining a regular weight lifting schedule.

Combine these 2 factors and this is definitely the fastest way to get ripped.


So many people dread the word diet. Reason being is that many people associate a diet with eating tasteless foods and starving yourself all day. Well have I got good news for you! The fastest way to get ripped is by eating MORE. Try to aim to have more meals throughout your day, I aim to eat minimum of 6 meals a day. This is not only going to satisfy hunger but kick-start your metabolism into fat burning mode. You see the reason why so many people will successfully lose weight but never get ripped fast or achieve that slim toned look is because they are not preserving their muscle, they are actually under-eating and it is causing them to lose both body fat and muscle.


It goes without saying that the fastest way to get ripped is by exercising and lifting weights, but are you doing it correctly? Without lifting weights it is going to be very difficult to get ripped fast as you need to develop and strengthen the muscle so that when you do lose the body fat, you will be able to see definition in your muscles.

Follow a weight lifting routine to not only track your progress but keep consistent, simply showing up at the gym 1 or 2 times a week and picking a few different exercises to do is not going to cut it. The fastest way to get ripped is to put your heart and soul into your workouts and want to push yourself to lift heavier and grow. I wont lie, your muscles are going to hurt at the start and probably will when you are really pushing yourself but this is a sign that you are doing something right. If you're not huffing and puffing and struggling to get that weight up, then your not working hard enough.

I hope I haven't scared you off, but in all fairness I did say at the start that it is going to take hard work to get ripped fast.

Exercises to do at home

I did emphasize the fact that using a gym is very beneficial to get ripped fast. I do understand that there are some people out there that simply can't get to the gym, whether it be because of work, school, family issues or commute and they shouldn't have to suffer just because they can't make it.

There are heaps of exercises to do at home that are going to be a good substitute for the gym and still help you to get ripped fast. You don't have to go out and spend thousands on equipment either, there are lots of simple exercises to do at home that don't involve weights of any sort, here's a few exercises to do at home that will help you get ripped fast;

Walking/runningJumping JacksPush upsSquatsDancingStep exercisesLeg Lifts

There are many more exercises to do at home, these are just the basics to get you started. I hope all this answers everyone's question, it's not rocket science to get ripped fast. Whether you have exercises to do at home or exercises to do in the gym, the fastest way to get ripped is by hard work and dedication.

I hope these quick tips have helped you, if not check my website where I have reviews of all the best weight loss programs.

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Vertical Jump Training Exercises to Increase Your Vertical Leap

Vertical jump training which includes jump rope training exercises is necessary if you wish to improve your vertical jump ability. There are specific sports and activities that require you to be a high jumper and if you think you need to enhance your leap, below are the things that you should consider keeping in mind.

Basically, if you want to jump and plunge higher, you need to build strong muscles. Athletes such as basketball players need to perform specific exercises that help enhance vertical leap.

The absolute way for you to increase your vertical jump ability is to do more of your usual exercise routines and combine one or more of the exercises. However, it is important for you to consult a professional before changing your training habits. Moreover, you should also have ample warm up exercises before proceeding with any vertical jump training routine.

Easy Exercises to Enhance Vertical Jump Ability

After warming up (light jogging in place for a few minutes, for instance), you can already start doing several or all of these following exercises that can help enhance your vertical leap. Once again, please be reminded that you should consult your trainer and physician before doing any exercise as not every training program fit everyone.

Toe raises

To perform toe raises, stand with your weight equally divided with your two legs. Next, raise your feet so that you are standing on your toes' tips. Release slowly until you're on your original position. Do 20 to 25 repetitions. You may increase the repetitions after a week or so of training.

Knee bends

To perform knee bends, start with standing upright then slowly bend your knees while making sure that your back is straight. Continue bending your knees down, but only up to your capacity. Do not overdo the bending and if you feel any pain, stop at that point. Gradually go back to the original position. Repeat 20 to 25 times as well.

Knee bend jump

This exercise is basically derived from knee bends. However, you are required to jump after you have bent your knees to a certain point. To do this, repeat the directions on how to perform knee bends. Once your knees are bent to its maximum capacity, jump upwards as high as you can. As you land, assume the first position where your knees are bent. Repeat about 10 times for the first week and increase the repetitions in the following weeks.

Jump rope training

Jump rope exercise can extremely increase your leg muscle strength and eventually helps enhance vertical leap ability. This exercise can be done anywhere for several minutes as long as you can.

Given these vertical jump training exercises (toe raises, knee bends, knee bend jump, jump rope training), you can be assured that effortlessly dunking that basketball is possible for you, too.

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Core Exercises

ByPhoebe Namulondo

The Process of Doing

The core muscles are those that are found in the back, hips, pelvic region and abdominal area. They are the muscles that keep your body steady when doing activities or moving. Doing is one of the best ways for keeping your body fit, having a good balance and getting a good posture. In most instances, the older you get, the weaker your body becomes and in this state, you cannot do some of the things that you used to. If your core muscles are strengthened before you get old, when you do, you will still be able to move with ease and without any problems. Below are a few tips as to how should be done effectively.

• As the case with most exercise routines, you need to start with stretching, which helps to warm up the muscles. There are certain stretching exercises that are good for the core and one of these is the cat stretch. All you need to do is lean on all fours, keep your legs and hands about six inches apart, put your abdomen toward the ceiling, keep your stomach tight and then mimic the actions of a cat as you stretch.

This procedure should be repeated several times. You can also do what is referred to as the abs stretch, where you lie on your back and then extend your arms over your head. You can then go ahead to stretch your body by reaching up with your hands and doing the opposite with your toes.

• You can also do the dumbbell squats and for these, you will need dumbbells. It is often advisable that you choose a weight that you are comfortable with. Your feet should be shoulder apart as you stand, a dumbbell should be in each hand and then as you inhale, you should squat down and sit on an imaginary chair. During the squat, your thighs should be parallel to the floor and you should bring your body back to the original position as you exhale. This exercise should be repeated about ten times.

• The lying abduction exercise is also recommended for the core and it is for the hips and outer thighs. Here, you should lie sideways on your mat, with one leg on top of the other. Using your hands for balance, you should lift the outer leg and form a 45 degree angle. This position should be held for two seconds, after which the leg should be lowered to the original position. This should be repeated about ten times and then you can roll over to the other side.

It should be notes that the above are core exercise that can be done at home. In case you are in a gym, the exercises can be done by using exercise equipment there.

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Lower Ab Workouts For Men Should Include These Three Strange Exercises

Lower ab workouts for men and women can be pretty similar, in regard to exercise selection. However, men and women do have biological training differences. Women tend carry more body fat than men, specifically in their hips, buns, and stomach region. Because they naturally carry weight in these areas, they usually have to do more cardio than men. This article is not a traditional one that is going to suggest cardio 3-4 times a week for at least 30 minutes as soon as you wake up. Instead, I will tell you about three killer ab exercises that are not necessarily more effective for men, and not necessarily considered by most to be ab exercises, but they are likely to be more appealing to the male population.

The first exercise is the front squat. When you do the front squat, your torso must be used to hold your body upright. Although the exercise does not directly train your abs, it does inadvertently train them while utilizing a good portion of your body muscle. It is an excellent movement to add to your ab workouts because it will help you to maintain or build lean muscle. The muscle gained from this exercise will serve to make your body a metabolic furnace. All lower ab workouts for men are seriously lacking if they do not include front squats.

The second exercise is the bundle carry. This is a very unconventional exercise similar to super yoke training, but cheaper. You can use about anything that is fairly heavy. I prefer to use a couple of bundles of electrical conduit, but you can use logs, boards, or pipes. Just find something that fits the general description. You simply balance two loads on each shoulder and start walking. The loads should be at least 10 feet long and semi heavy. Do 10 sets of 100 meters, with 90 seconds between sets. You want to do it as quick as you can, but do not run. Just walk fast. The amount of abdominal work you will get from this exercise is insane. Also, it will get your heart rate up, allowing you to burn some calories, while increasing your work capacity.

The third exercise is the good morning. In the good morning, you put the weight on your shoulders like you are going to squat. Instead of squatting down, you push your hips back and lean forward, with your abs TIGHT, until your torso is about parallel. Afterward you raise up to the initial position using your posterior chain, which includes your glutes, hamstrings, calves, lower back, and abdominals. It would be a good idea to find some videos on You Tube that show you proper technique because this is an exercise that can hurt you badly, if you do not know what you are doing. It is hard to explain through an article, and pictures are insufficient as well. The good morning is another exercise that uses a lot of muscle. It too will help make your body a metabolic machine.

You can use these strange exercises, and get killer results from them. Sometimes it just feels good to change your routine. Lower ab workouts for men are boring if you perform the same stale routine every single day. It does not have to be that way. Spice up your ab workouts. Sometimes spice comes to you in a most unusual form, and it tastes bitter because it was so unexpected. Please add these three exercises into your ab workouts, but make sure to do them properly. See what they do for you. I am sure you will find them effective, if not right downright fun.

Gentlemen, getting a set of ripped abdominals is very possible. However, you must follow the right exercise program and combine it with a fat loss diet. If you are interested in that sort of thing, and wish to get rid of your man belly check out

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Five Essential Exercises To Get A Great Shape

There are many different workout plans. Some require hours at the gym and some claim to get results with only a few minutes a day. How do you sort through the information to find an exercise routine that gives you the results you want? The answer is short, but intense workouts. By focusing on the following five exercises you can get your whole body in great shape.

To get great looking legs do lots of squats. For the basic squat you stand with your legs shoulder width apart. Then you bend your knees like you are sitting down in a chair and stop at a 90-degree angle before standing back up. This works your entire legs, especially if you do a calf raise at the end. A wider stance, with your toes turned out, will target your inner thighs.

Your chest will benefit the most from bench presses. If you aren't very strong start with push-ups which are essentially an upside down bench press. Once you have built up strength switch to the bench press. Use a spotter and lift the weight straight up from your chest. To really isolate the chest muscle and avoid injury do not allow the weight to sway over your neck or down towards your abs. For variety, change the angle of the bench you are laying on. This will help isolate various parts of your chest muscle.

Many people forget to work out their back, but the muscles are very important. Weak back muscles can cause pain in the abdominal muscles as they work harder to compensate for the weak back muscles. To strengthen you back do pull-ups. Hang off a bar and use you back muscles to raise your chin up and over the bar. You can space your hands wide or close together to add variety. You can also grip the bar with your hands facing away from you, towards you or one each way. Mixing it up will target various parts of the back muscles and create a stronger, better defined back.

Deadlifts are a great way to sculpt your back and hamstrings. They can cause injuries or aggravate old injuries if done wrong so be sure you use light weights and watch your form until you are confident you can keep your form. Holding a weight in each hand, keep your back and legs straight and bend from the waist. Run the weights down your legs until they reach down to the ground and then stand up slowly, running the weights back up your leg. This can also be done with slightly bent knees to target the hamstrings even more.

Everyone wants a six pack, besides looking good strong abs help hold us up and make everything we do a little easier. Although there is a lot of hype about building strong abs without doing any crunches, the simplest way to get a six pack is the oldest--crunches. Make sure that while you are doing crunches that you do not pull on your neck to lift up, this can hurt your neck and also keep your abs from engaging. For variety try it with your legs straight, crossed, straight up in the air and other positions. If it doesn't hurt after ten minutes you need to work harder and try to lift your shoulder blades off the ground.

Squats, bench presses, pull-ups, deadlifts and crunches can help you get the body you want without spending hours in the gym. You will be sweating and tired at the end of your workout, a sure sign that your muscles are working hard.

If you are looking for articles related to fitness, you are welcome to visit fitness explore.

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