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How To Start Exercising If You're Obese

ByS Brooks

Have you come to the realization that you've put on weight and it's time to start exercising again? That's a hard realization, but you can help yourself get out of your situation. Losing weight certainly isn't the easiest thing to do, but it can be done. And it certainly has to be done for your health.

The first thing to do before you start exercising is to check with your doctor and determine your current fitness and health levels. If you have certain health conditions like cardiovascular diseases or joint aches and pains, then you will have to take it easy on the intensity of your exercise. This will no doubt slow down your weight loss progress, but you should not overexert yourself - that could do more harm than good. So it's important to first know where your body stands and how much exercise it can take without being harmed.

Next, you should create an exercise plan. Aim to start slow with some low impact exercises every other day, and slowly make this a daily routine. Try your best to incorporate at least 30 minutes of exercise each day into your schedule. If you have the money, you can join a gym and hire a personal trainer to create a plan for you and teach you the right way to do your exercises, but this is optional. The most important thing is that you push yourself above all else.

Once you have an exercise plan, you have to stick to it. Remember to only push your body as much as is comfortable and don't overdo it. You will need to take it slow at first to oil up those muscles and joints that haven't been in use for years. Once you have lost some of your weight and your fitness level has increased, then you can increase the duration as well as the intensity of your exercise if you wish.

Do remember that exercising alone will not help you lose weight effectively if you do not change your eating habits. A good exercise regime should always be supplemented by a healthy diet, and with lower calories if you are planning to lose weight. Lastly, remember that you will have to make eating healthy and exercising regularly a habit if you are going to keep the weight off for life. Otherwise, you will be stuck in an endless cycle of yo-yo dieting, and that is certainly not a fun way to live life.

For more information about fitness & exercise please go to

S Brooks is a specialised researcher focusing on providing valuable information & solutions for every day issues.

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Exercises You Can Do While You're Waiting Around

ByTina Haines

Most people feel you have to spend an hour or more of your time to get in a good workout. While working out for at least an hour is great, you can also make the most of your time by doing easy exercises that can be done anywhere. A majority of people are busy so fitting in any type of exercise can be a benefit. Let's say you are waiting around for an appointment or just have time to spare. An easy exercise to start off with are calf exercises.

Calf Exercises on the Go - Simply stand with your feet shoulder width apart and flex your calves up and down for about 20 - 30 reps. Turn your toes in and repeat. Turn your toes outward and repeat. Your calves will probably burn and it doesn't take long to feel that burn. However, these calf exercises are easy and can be done anywhere.

Wall Push-ups - Dropping down and pumping out some push-ups may not be ideal depending on where you are and what you are wearing. If you can drop and crank out some push-ups, go for it. Yet, if that isn't the best idea for you, you can do wall push-ups. All you have to do is lean up against a wall as if you were doing a push-up on the ground. Do several reps, rest, and repeat for as many rounds as you can.

Body Squats on the Go - Body squats are another easy body weight exercise that can be performed anywhere. Place your hands on your hips or cross your arms in front of you with your feet shoulder width apart. Squat up and down for as many reps as you can and repeat. Be sure to have good posture and good form.

These types of body weight exercises are great options for when you have some time to spare and want to use it effectively. Another great option is climbing up and down stairs if they are available. Learn to make use of every opportunity. Even walking can be a great way to fit in some exercise.

If you can, bike ride to and from your destinations. Park further away and walk into a store or work. These little steps can make a difference within a week's time. Imagine the effect after a month or even longer. Remember to also change up your eating habits for the better to see even more results.

Exercise is an effective way to get into shape and lose weight. Jump start your weight loss progress by considering herbal supplements to weight. Herbal weight loss can be a safe and effective way to boost your metabolism and shed pounds. Visit to learn more.

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Proper Running Technique: What You're Doing Wrong, and How to Correct It

ByAaron Gee

Let's try a little science experiment. First, I want you to walk barefoot from one end of the room you're in to the other while walking on your heels. Next, I want you to walk back to where you began, but on the balls of your feet (the base of your foot right behind your toes). Now, repeat both walks, but add a little hop in your step each way.

Notice any differences? If you do this right, you'll notice how much more uncomfortable and painful each step was while landing on your heels. Think about it: what exactly is there to absorb the impact while landing on your heels?

It's basically up to the bones running from your ankle to your knee to absorb the impact of each step. This is how shin splints and knee problems happen: bones are not designed to take impact. Just imagine repeating each painful step over the course of several miles.

So what makes landing on the balls of your feet any different? Your calf muscle. Think of the calf muscle as nature's shock absorber.

The human body evolved (or was created, but we're not here to have that discussion) to run on the balls of the foot. This is how our barefoot ancestors had been doing it since the dawn of time. Somewhere in between then and now, the design of the modern running shoe has ruined proper running technique by adding extra cushioning to the heel of the foot.

The concept of adding extra cushioning is not completely dumbfounded: think of how you walk. Each step begins on the heels and ends on the toes, as it should be. But transferring this technology to modern running shoes has been extremely counterproductive, since using a walking shoe for running is like wearing briefs as a t-shirt. It was taught people to land on their heels while running, and has been the single greatest cause of running injuries.

Have you ever seen the spikes sprinters wear while running track? The metal spikes reside entirely on the front half of the shoe, and there is absolutely no cushion on the heel of the shoe. This is what you should imagine you're wearing while running.

I'm not talking about running on your tippie-toes. Rather, as you run, you should try to have your foot land just slightly past flat, with all of the pressure being focused on the balls of your feet.

Shin splints? Gone.

Knee tendonitis? Adios.

This can be uncomfortable at first, only because your Achilles tendon is not used to working this hard. The muscle running from the large part of your calf muscle to your heel will be sore for a day or two after a good jog. But, over time, this muscle will strengthen and adapt to your new running style.

But don't rush it. If your calves are sore, take a few days off from running, and try again once the muscle has fully recovered. Your knees and shins will thank you.

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-A G

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