It's Apple Blossom time over here! I love this time of year. And this year, I have two trees to enjoy! But we will get there in a moment.... You don't mind way too many pictures of beautiful apple blossoms, do you? Good. I can't get enough! And alas, it is a very short season.... The little...
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Spring etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Spring etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Spring Cleaning the Front Porch
One of my favorite things to do come Spring is clean the front porch! Somehow it really makes it feel like the warm weather is back. Mom and I started in on the porch bright and early Saturday morning. We weren't sure how the weather was going to turn out as we had planned on starting our cleaning on...
April Snow
Did everyone survive the April snow? I am so thankful our snow only lasted a few hours on the ground and then it melted. It sure was crazy when it was snowing though. More ice balls then snow flakes!I also put another mitten pattern on Ravelry. Which I thought was perfect timing! These mittens are a...
Buds and Blooms
Finally as much dragging of it's feet, Spring is here! Though I must say, it has arrived fast and furious. Everything has burst into bloom. There are little leaves on the all the trees and I have already had to cut the grass! It is heavenly!I love this view along the side of the house. So much so, that...
Daffodil Time and Spring Cleaning the Porch
Finally our Daffodils are blooming!They were just biding their time. As soon as the sun came out and the temps got a bit warmer, they popped right out. It seems like we have been waiting forever for them! (Last year they bloomed a week and a half earlier!) Last night I went out and cut a lovely bouquet.I...