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Battle etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Battle Spring Fever With These Outdoor Exercises

ByBob S Heiny

During the winter we spend all our time inside where it is warm. We can't wait to go outside when springtime arrives. We want to get up and get moving and go outside to battle spring fever. When we go outdoors, the best thing we can do is exercise for a better workout, more fun, and burning more calories that when we go to the gym. When you get spring fever and it is finally warm and dry and you want to get in shape outdoors, here are some great easy activities to get you going.

• Yoga. Usually we do our yoga in our living room or in the gym, but it was really started eons ago outside. Doing yoga outside is much more calming on your nerves, so get your mat and get outside in your yard or just go to the park. Sometimes the parks actually have yoga classes.

• Walking. Not only do you want to get outside, you really want to at least do something. Walking is a great way to ease into exercising outside after being inside all winter. Walk for at least an hour a day, three days a week to get an optimal workout. Also, it is best to change your pace as you go, moving fast for a minute then slower for a minute. Or as I saw on Rachael Ray, fast between one mailbox and slow between the next. Easy way to keep track. This also gets your cardio and heart pumping in a fairly easy way. Don't get bored walking the same place every day, change you route or go to a park or even the zoo.

• Hiking. Once you get your walking going, you may want to try hiking for an additional workout and also an adventure. Take the family and spend some quality time with them and get your exercise in, get fresh air and enjoy nature.

• Biking. Many cities now have bike paths so you can go most anywhere to get a great workout without injury by being on rough terrain. Also, a great way to enjoy the great outdoors and a bigger challenge find some woodland paths, mountain rides, or somewhere else that is difficult and more rewarding. No matter you are biking be sure to wear the proper safety equipment to protect yourself.

• Volleyball. You don't have to play volleyball inside a gym; you can play at the beach on the sand or a net in your yard or the park. Volleyball is a great way to meet new people by joining a league or just a great way to socialize with your friends.

• Swimming. One of the best ways to get a full body workout, and while your kids are playing, is swimming. If you don't have a pool, most cities have a community pool with special areas for the kids while the adults can do laps. When you are done with your laps and great exercise, you then can get more by playing with your kids.

So get out of your chair, get outside in the fresh air and get a great workout and have fun!

Would you like to get rid of pain and be healthier YOU? Check here to find out how: Secrets to Ideal Fitness, and many more tips.

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Battle Of Somme: Humanity Gone Mad

Date – July 1- November 18, 1916

Conflict – World War I

Participants – British and French Armies vs German Army

Location – Between the Somme and Ancre Rivers in France

Interesting FactsOne of the bloodiest battles in recorded history. Marked the debut of the tank on the battlefield. Among German troops on the defensive front was a young Corporal…Adolf Hitler

With Germany penetrating deep behind Allied lines and the Battle of Verdun well under way, it became apparent that the Allied forces needed to mount an attack on the Germans. By doing so, they would allow themselves the chance to recover lost ground, as well as potentially draw German reinforcements away from their offensive in Verdun. The Somme was a critical region for both sides, representing the German defensive front and lost ground that needed to be regained for the Allies. Retaking it would be no easy task, however. The German forces had long held control of the area, and had steadily been strengthening defensive armaments in the region. To complicate matters, the offensive would require an uphill assault through muddy, barbwire ridden trenches while the German defensive positions enjoyed a clear view from above.


Following several days of Allied artillery bombardment, Allied forces mounted their assault. The first day saw massive casualties for the allies, with nearly 60,000 men wounded or killed. The German defensive positions were clearly too strong to attack head on, and yet the assault continued. In the following weeks the Allied forces suffered unimaginable casualties while German forces remained relatively unscathed in comparison. Faced with the indisputable truth that if they pulled out here the devastation would only be worse in Verdun, the Allied command chose to continue the assault. It was not until the tank made its debut on the battlefield that Allied forces began to gain considerable ground. Initially catching unsuspecting German forces off guard, the tank rolled right over the barbwire and mud holes that had slowed ground troops, allowing the Allies to push into the German lines. The tanks were fraught with mechanical problems and were still prone to artillery fire, however, and were not enough to finish the job. Although the Allied forces failed to break the German defensive lines, they succeeded in pushing the German army back and out of the Somme region, as well as in taking some pressure off the forces in Verdun. Having sustained casualties of over 650,000, the German army never fully recovered from the assault.





The Battle of the Somme was a World War I battle fought from July 1 until November 18, 1916. It was one of the most bitterly contested and costly battles of the Great War, with the British suffering 58,000 casualties on the first day. The Battle of the Somme started with a main Allied attack on the Western Front in an attempt to break through the German lines at the Somme River in northern France and put an end to 18 months of trench stalemate. Young Adolf Hitler fought in the battle and was wounded.

This is what happened to a French town

By late December 1915, it had been decided that the following year simultaneous offensives would take place; the Russians attacking in the East, the Italians in the Alps, and the English and French on the Western Front. Also in December 1915, General Sir Douglas Haig replaced General Sir John French as Commander-In-Chief of the British Expeditionary Force. Plans for the joint offensive on the Somme had not begun to take shape until the Germans launched the Battle of Verdun in February 1916. With the French committed themselves in the defense of Verdun, the burden of the Somme offensive shifted to the British Expeditionary Force.

The assault on the German lines had been preceded by an eight-day preliminary artillery bombarment with the purpose of destroying all forward German defences. Seventeen mines had also been planted in tunnels beneath the German front line trenches. Then the attack was launched upon a 30 kilometer front, north and south of the Somme River between Arras and Albert. Commanded by Sir Henry Rawlinson, 13 British divisions from the Fourth Army struck north of the Somme River, and 11 divisions of the French Sixth Army south of the river.

The German trenches were heavily fortified and the British cannons were not accurate enough as some of their shells failed to explode. When the artillery bombing began, the German soldiers simply moved underground and waited. At 7.30 am, on July 1, 1916, whistles blew to signal the start of the attack. After the heavy bombarment, the Germans simply left their bunkers and took their positions in the trenches.

 Empty shell casings and ammunition boxes representing a small sample of the ammunition used by the British Army in the bombardment of Fricourt, France, on the first day of the Battle of the Somme, 1 July 1916

Burdened by 50-pounds of equipment, the 11 British divisions soldiers walked towards the German lines across no man’s land, stumbling on and surmounting barbed wire obstacles as they went. An officer blew his whistle again and their walk broke into a trot, then into a race as they approached the first German trench line, bristling with lethal bayonets, yelling, charging into the voracious maw of death. The machine guns opened fire, mowing down the first wave of British valient soldiers, then the next. Finally, the third wave managed to get to the first line as machine gun nests were blown away with hand grenades. Jumping into the trenches, a ferocious and desperate close combat fighting with bayonets, knifes, and lineman shovels ensued; hearts were stabbed, bellies ripped opened, necks hacked.

It was a baptism of fire for many in the British volunteer armies as they suffered catastrophic losses. Whole units were wiped out. The first two weeks of the battle had degenerated into a series of disjointed, small-scale actions, ostensibly in preparation for making a major push. From 3 to July 13, Rawlinson’s Fourth Army carried out 46 actions which resulted in 35,000 casualties, but no significant advance. In the south, the French 6th Army had progressed as far as 10 km at different points as it had occupied the entire Flaucourt plateau. The French advance was significantly more successful, for they had more guns and faced weaker defences, but were unable to exploit their gains without British backup and had to fall back to earlier positions.

Although by July 14 the British took several German positions, they could not follow through. On July 19, after a break in the attack, the German defence was reorganized, with the southern wing forming a new army, First Army, under Max von Gallwitz, who took complete responsability for the defence. Seven German divisions were used to reinforce the lines at Somme. However, convinced that the enemy was on the verge of exhaustion and that a breakthrough in the German lines was imminent, Sir Douglas Haig maintained the offensive throughout the summer and into November. The British achieved few victories such as Poziere and Mouquet Farm with the help of Australian and Canadian units.

On September 15, the British attack was renewed in the north-east with the Battle of Flers-Courcelette fought by Rawlinson’s Fourth Army. On this assault, tanks were used for the first time in the war. Although they attained a large measure of shocked surprise when they rolled on the German oppositions, these early tanks proved unwieldy and highly unreliable. The British troops were to break through the remaining enemy trench system while the French Sixth Army would attempt to clear the enemy from the British right flank.

A destroyed British tank. Britain used tanks in the battle of Somme for the first time but of no avail
Meanwhile the Canadians were northwest of the Albert-Bapaume road and outpaced their seven tanks to capture Courcelette. Immediately south of them, the 15th Scottish Division, helped by a single tank, captured Martinpuich. To the southeast, however, German forces on high ground halted a number of tanks, pounding them with artillery and machine gun fire. Others found themselves lost, while yet others fired on their own infantry. British advances were small but were consolidated on as other attacks were launched by the British at the Battles of Transloy Ridges from 1 to October 20.

Despite the progressive British advance, bad weather conditions and stubborn German resistance brought the Battle of the Somme to an end on November 18, 1916. During the Somme offensive, the British and the French had gained only 12 kilometers. The German lines had not been breached and the Allies were still in French territory. The battle resulted in 1,070,000 casualties on both belligerent sides. The Somme offensive served only to relieve the French at Verdun.

Battle of the Somme: summary

Belligerents. United Kingdom, France, Australia, New Zealand, and Canada against Germany.

Location. Somme, Picardy, France.

Date. July 1 to November 18, 1916.

Result. Indecisive.

Strength. Allies: at the beginning 13 British divisions plus 11 French divisions; at the end 50 British divisions plus 48 French divisions. Germany: 50 divisions.

Allied Commanders. British Douglas Haig, French General Ferdinand Foch.

German Commanders: Max von Gallwitz, Fritz von Below.



Battle of Dien Bien Phu: A Trailer Of The Vietnam War

".....they fought until the last cartridge and the last hand grenade had been used in a last counter attack.

There was no white flag."

The French Indo-China War In Brief (The Battle Of Dien Bien Phu was part of the French Indo-China War)

The French Indochina War, also called the First Indochina War, was an armed conflict which was fought between the French Far East Expeditionary Corps, led by France, and the communist Viet Minh insurgent guerrilla army, in French Indochina from December 19, 1946, to August 1, 1954. The Far East Expeditionary Corps were French colonial forces which belonged to French Union, supported by Emperor Bao Dai’s Vietnamese National Army. The Viet Minh was a clandestine armed force which was led and commanded by Ho Chí Minh and Vo Nguyen Giap. Although the conflict engulfed the entire country and also extended into the neighboring French Indochina protectorates of Laos and Cambodia, most of the battles were fought in Tonkin in Northern Vietnam.

Following the reoccupation of Indochina by the French following the end of World War II, the area having fallen to the Japanese, the Viet Minh launched a rebellion against the French authority governing the colonies of French Indochina. The first few years of the war involved a low-level rural insurgency against French authority. However, after the Chinese communists reached the Northern border of Vietnam in 1949, the conflict turned into a conventional war between two armies equipped with modern weapons supplied by the United States and the Soviet Union.

French Union forces included colonial troops from the whole former empire (Moroccan, Algerian, Tunisian, Laotian, Cambodian, Vietnamese and Vietnamese ethnic minorities), French professional troops and units of the French Foreign Legion. The use of metropolitan recruits was forbidden by the governments to prevent the war from becoming even more unpopular at home. It was called the “dirty war” (la sale guerre) by supporters of the Left in France and intellectuals (including Sartre) during the Henri Martin Affair in 1950.

Although the strategy of pushing the Viet Minh into attacking a well defended base in a remote part of the country at the end of their logistical trail was validated at the Battle of Na San, the lack of construction materials (especially concrete), tanks (because of lack of road access and difficulty in the jungle terrain), and air cover prevented an effective defense. The decisive battle which practically put an end to the war in Indochina was the Battle of Dien Bien Phu, which was fought in 1954. Other important military operations and battles of the French Indochina War were: the Battle of Cao Bang (1947), Battle of Hoa Binh, Battle of Dong Khe, Battle of Mang Yang Pass, Operation Brochet, Operation Camargue, Operation Hirondelle, Operation Mouette, Operation Castor.

After the war, the Geneva Conference on July 21, 1954, made a provisional division of Vietnam at the 17th parallel, with control of the north given to the Viet Minh as the Democratic Republic of Vietnam under Ho Chi Minh, and the south becoming the State of Vietnam under Emperor Bao Ðai, in order to prevent Ho Chi Minh from gaining control of the entire country. A year later, Bao Dai would be deposed by his prime minister, Ngo Dinh Diem, creating the Republic of Vietnam. Ho Chi Minh’s refusal to enter into negotiations with south Vietnam about holding nationwide elections in 1956, as had been stipulated by the Geneva Conference, would eventually lead to the Vietnam War.

The Battle of Dien Bien Phu was the biggest and most ferocious battle that took place during the French Indochina War. It was fought between the French Far East Expeditionary Corps and the Viet Minh forces, commanded by Vo Nguyen Giap, from March 13 to May 7, 1954. With the complete support of neighboring China and the Soviet Union, the communist forces, which had surrounded the valley of Dien Bien with 50,000 men, defeated the French troops in northern Veitnam, suffering 14,000 casualties, 4,100 of which got killed in action, twice the number of French losses. The Battle of Dien Bien Phu influenced negotiations over the future of Indochina at the 1954 Geneva Conference.

During the French Indochina colonial period, Dien Bien Phu was the capital of the province of Dien Bien, located in the North of Vietnam, near the Chinese border. No one outside Vietman had ever heard of it, but after the long brutal battle it still resounds as one of France’s darkest moments.


Command staff at Dien Bien Phu. Men facing death. From left: Maj. Maurice Guirad (1st Bataillon Etranger de Parachutistes/ BEP), Capt. André Botella (5th Bataillon de Parachutistes Vietnamiens/ BPVN), Maj. Marcel Bigeard (6th Bataillon de Parachutistes Coloniaux/ BPC), Capt. Pierre Tourret (8th Assault), Lt. Col. Pierre C. Langlais, Commander at Dien Bien Phu (Groupement Aéroporté 2), Maj. Hubert de Séguin-Pazzis (Chief of Staff).

Background to the Battle of Dien Bien Phu

In 1946, after World War II, France had returned to Indochina as the colonial power of South East Asia. However, the French noticed that things had changed, as Ho Chi Minh, one of the founder of the Communist Party of Vietnam, had just declared the independance of Vietnam as a Communist Republic the year before, creating the Viet Minh in 1941 to fight against the Japanese first, then against the French. As soon as the French government had set about clearing the Vietnamese territory of Viet Minh guerrillas, the French Indochina War broke out. The Viet Minh would often spring ambushes on French troops and attack their outpost in the jungle. Until Dien Bien Phu several military operations had been carried out by the French Far East Expeditionary Corps and Foreign Legion airborne units. The last one was Operation Castor, which had been conducted in November 1953 to establish an airhead (outpost) in the province of Dien Bien, in the northwest corner of Vietnam, with the objective of drawing the Viet Minh forces into fighting a final decisive pitched battle.



The French government had committed 10,000 troops, with reinforcements totaling nearly 16,000 men, to the defense of a monsoon-affected valley surrounded by heavily wooded hills which had not been secured. Artillery as well as ten M24 Chaffee light tanks and numerous aircraft had been sent to the garrison of Dien Bien Phu. The garrison consisted of French regular troops (notably elite paratroop units plus artillery), Foreign Legion units, Algerian and Moroccan tirailleurs, and locally recruited Indochinese infantry. All the French troops were commanded by General Christian de Castries and General Pierre Langlais.

With the logistic and military help of the Chinese, the Viet Minh had moved 50,000 regular troops into the hills surrounding the valley, totaling five divisions including the 351st Heavy Division which was made up entirely of heavy artillery. Artillery and AA guns, which outnumbered the French artillery by about four to one, were moved into camouflaged positions overlooking the valley. The French came under sporadic Viet Minh artillery fire for the first time on January 31, 1954, as patrols encountered the Viet Minh in all directions. The French had now been surrounded by an enemy that greatly outnumbered them.


Summary of the Battle of Dien Bien Phu

The Battle of Dien Bien Phu was initiated at 17:00 hours on March 13, 1954, when the Viet Minh launched a massive surprise artillery barrage. The time and date were carefully chosen—the hour allowed the artillery to fire in daylight, and the date was chosen because it was a new moon, allowing a nighttime infantry attack. The attack concentrated on position Beatrice, which was defended by the 3rd battalion of the 13th Foreign Legion Demi-Brigade. The French command on Beatrice was destroyed at 18:15 hours when a shell hit the French command post, killing Legionnaire commander Major Paul Pegot and his entire staff. After ferocious fighting, French resistance on Beatrice collapsed at around 03:00 hours on March 14, about 450 Foreing Legion troops got killed in close quarter vicious fighting, taking with them to hell 700 Viet Minh soldiers (killed) and 1,200 wounded.

The battle raged on, ferociously. By March 14, after having been pounded by enemy artillery fire for several hours, Gabriel fell to the Viet Minh. By March 30, the Viet Minh had further tightened the noose around the French central area, which was formed by the strongpoints Huguette, Dominique, Claudine, and Eliane, effectively cutting off Isabelle and its 1,809 personnel. The French suffered from a serious crisis of command. The French aerial resupply was taking heavy losses from Viet Minh machine guns near the landing strip. The French air transport commander Nicot ordered that all supply deliveries be made from 6,500 feet or higher, yet losses were expected to remain heavy.

The next phase of the battle saw more massed Viet Minh assaults against French positions in the central Dien Bien Phu area. At 19:00 hours on March 30, the Viet Minh 312th division captured Dominique 1 and 2, making Dominique 3 the final outpost between the Viet Minh and the French general headquarters, as well as outflanking all positions east of Nam Yum River. Nevertheless, on April 5, after a long night of battle, French fighter-bombers and artillery inflicted particularly devastating losses on one Viet Minh regiment which was caught on open ground. At that point, Nguyen Giap decided to change tactics. Although Giap still had the same objective – to overrun French defenses east of the river – he decided to employ entrenchment and sapping to try to achieve it.

During April the French had no respite as there was intense gory fighting with the Legionnaires fending off waves after waves of Viet Minh attacks. By April 20, in their attempts to capture their defensive positions, several Viet Minh infantry regiments had been annihilated by the French. However, the French troops were exhausted and lacked supplies. Thus, one by one the French positions fell to the enemy: Huguette 6, Huguette 1, and Eliane 1.

On May 1, the Viet Minh launched a massive assault against the exhausted defenders of Dien Bien Phu, overrunning Dominique 3 and Huguette 5, although the French managed to beat back attacks on Eliane 2. On May 6, the Viet Minh launched another massed attack against Eliane 2. On May 7, Giap ordered an all out attack against the remaining French units with over 25,000 Viet Minh against fewer than 3,000 garrison troops. By nightfall, all French central positions had been captured.


Battle Of Rostov: WW2

There were three Battle Of Rostov during the Second World War. In 1941 the Germans wrested it but within a few days the Russians took it back. In 1942 the Germans finally captured it. In 1943 the Russians finally drove away the Germans.

The fighting was fierce and intense. See the video below.

Rostov-on-Don lies at the mouth of the Don River where it flows into the Sea of Azov, a part of the Black Sea. It was strategically placed and an important target for the Germans as the gateway to the Caucuses and the oil wealth that lay there.

Rostov was a target of Barbarosa (1941). After taking Kiev (July 1941), the Germans drove deep into the Ukraine, approaching Rostov. The Germans reach the city (November 20-22, 1941). The Soviets, however, aunch a counter attack and retake the city (November 27). The massive Soviet Winter offensive before Moscow forces the Wehrmacht to retreat west. The Germans are badly damaged by the Soviet Winter offensive. They are only able to launch their Summer offensive in one sector of the front and Hitler chooses the south. Rostov becomes a target again. The Germans cut the railroad at Voronezh near the Don River (July 6). This cuts off Rostov from the rest of the Soviet Union July 9). After reaching the Don, the German offensive divides. The 6th Army, the most powerful force heads east toward Stalingrad. The smaller force moves toward Rostov and Caucasus oilfields. The Germans seized Boguchar and Millerovo in the Donetz (July 16, 1942). Panzers move to cut off Rostov from the east in a classic Blitzkrieg advance. The Germans take Rostov (July 23).


About 20,000 Jews lived in Rostow. Few fled as the Germans advanced. They were urbanized, unprepared for life hiding in the country. Many did not fear the Germans, having studied in German universities. The Germans rounded up the Jews and marched the men to a ravine just outside the city--Zmiyovskaya Balka, or the ravine of the snakes (August 11, 1942). There the killing squads shot them. The women, children and elderly followed. The Nazi killing squads gassed them in trucks and dumped their bodies in the same ravine. Communists functinaries and Red Army soldiers along with their families were also killed and buried there along with their families. The death toll came to 27,000 people. Most of Rostov's Jews who survived the War were serving with the Red Army.


With defeat looming at Stalingrad, German commanders in Caucasus begin withdrawing northward through Rostov (January 2, 1943). The last elements of the 6th Army surrender at Stalingrad (February 2, 1943). Red Army spearheads drive toward Rostov, Kharkov, and Kursk. The Soviets retake Rostov (February 14).


The Germans settling down in Rostov in July 1942. Russian boys carry their luggage. For food perhaps

A Soviet ace pilot captured by the Germans

The Russians attack to recapture Rostov

Battle For Berlin. April 1945. Some Gripping Images

The Battle for Berlin is perhaps one of the most savagely fought battles in history. The invaders: Russians in large numbers with lots of heavy guns and a bitter hatred for anything German. The defenders: Some sad remnants of the German armed forces, old men and young boys armed mostly with panzerfaust.
The fighting was bitter. The Germans were fighting for their lives, some for an ideology. To die fighting than face the ignominy and hatred of a bitter foe.
Many dark, brutal things happened in the last days of April in Berlin in 1945. The following pictures perhaps give a hint of them.

Russian trucks move towards Berlin. The final assault. Entering the hated foe's den. The Russian woman is beautiful.


The final chapter in the destruction of Hitler's Third Reich began on April 16, 1945 when Stalin unleashed the brutal power of 20 armies, 6,300 tanks and 8,500 aircraft with the objective of crushing German resistance and capturing Berlin. By prior agreement, the Allied armies (positioned approximately 60 miles to the west) halted their advance on the city in order to give the Soviets a free hand. The depleted German forces put up a stiff defense, initially repelling the attacking Russians, but ultimately succumbing to overwhelming force. By April 24 the Soviet army surrounded the city slowly tightening its stranglehold on the remaining Nazi defenders. Fighting street-to-street and house-to-house, Russian troops blasted their way towards Hitler's chancellery in the city's center.

Inside his underground bunker Hitler lived in a world of fantasy as his "Thousand Year Reich" crumbled above him. In his final hours the Fuehrer married his long-time mistress and then joined her in suicide. The Third Reich was dead. 


Source: Eyewitnesstohistory

Berliners, gaunt from short rations and stress, had little to celebrate at Christmas in 1944. The mood in Germany had changed exactly two years before. Rumours had begun to circulate just before Christmas 1942 that General Paulus's Sixth Army had been encircled on the Volga by the Red Army. The Nazi regime found it hard to admit that the largest formation in the whole of the Wehrmacht was doomed to annihilation in the ruins of Stalingrad and in the frozen steppe outside. To prepare the country for bad news, Joseph Goebbels, the Reichsminister for Propaganda and Enlightenment, had announced a 'German Christmas', which in National Socialist terms meant austerity and ideological determination, not candles and pine wreathes and singing '
Heilige Nachf'
. By 1944, the traditional roast goose had become a distant memory.

Soviet soldiers loading Katyusha multiple barreled rockets. The Russian tactic was clear. Blow everything that comes in the way to bits.


Dorothea von Schwanenfluegel was a twenty-nine-year-old wife and mother living in Berlin. She and her young daughter along with friends and neighbors huddled within their apartment building as the end neared. The city was already in ruins from Allied air raids, food was scarce, the situation desperate - the only hope that the Allies would arrive before the Russians. We join Dorothea's account as the Russians begin the final push to victory:

"Friday, April 20, was Hitler's fifty-sixth birthday, and the Soviets sent him a birthday present in the form of an artillery barrage right into the heart of the city, while the Western Allies joined in with a massive air raid.

The radio announced that Hitler had come out of his safe bomb-proof bunker to talk with the fourteen to sixteen year old boys who had 'volunteered' for the 'honor' to be accepted into the SS and to die for their Fuhrer in the defense of Berlin. What a cruel lie! These boys did not volunteer, but had no choice, because boys who were found hiding were hanged as traitors by the SS as a warning that, 'he who was not brave enough to fight had to die.' When trees were not available, people were strung up on lamp posts. They were hanging everywhere, military and civilian, men and women, ordinary citizens who had been executed by a small group of fanatics. It appeared that the Nazis did not want the people to survive because a lost war, by their rationale, was obviously the fault of all of us. We had not sacrificed enough and therefore, we had forfeited our right to live, as only the government was without guilt. The Volkssturm was called up again, and this time, all boys age thirteen and up, had to report as our army was reduced now to little more than children filling the ranks as soldiers."


There was a pervasive atmosphere of impending downfall in personal lives as much as in the nation's existence. People spent their money recklessly, half-assuming that it would soon be worthless. And there were stories, although hard to confirm, of girls and young women coupling with strangers in dark corners around the Zoo station and in the Tiergarten. The desire to dispense with innocence is said to have become even more desperate later as the Red Army approached Berlin.



Encounter with a Young Soldier

By now, he was sobbing and muttering something, probably calling for his mother in despair, and there was nothing that I could do to help him. He was a picture of distress, created by our inhuman government. If I encouraged him to run away, he would be caught and hung by the SS, and if I gave him refuge in my home, everyone in the house would be shot by the SS. So, all we could do was to give him something to eat and drink from our rations. When I looked for him early next morning he was gone and so was the grenade. Hopefully, his mother found him and would keep him in hiding during these last days of a lost war."

Berlin had been the city with the highest proportion of opponents to the Nazi regime, as its voting records before 1933 indicate. But with the exception of a very small and courageous minority,opposition to the Nazis had generally been limited to gibes and grumbles. The majority had been genuinely horrified by the assassination attempt against Hitler on 20 July 1944.And as the Reich's frontiers became threatened both in the east and in the west, they drank in Goebbels's stream of lies that the Führer would unleash new 'wonder weapons' against their enemies, as if he were about to assume the role of a wrathful Jupiter flinging thunderbolts as a symbol of his power
From "Downfall: Berlin 1945" by Antony Beevor

The street-to-street fighting was bitter and fierce

On 13 March, a day in which 2,500 Berliners died in air raids and another 120,000 found themselves homeless, Bormann ordered 'on the grounds of security' that prisoners must be moved from areas close to the front to the interior of the Reich. It is not entirely clear whether this instruction also accelerated the existing SS programme for evacuating concentration camps threatened by advancing troops. The killing of sick prisoners and the death marches of concentration camp survivors were probably the most ghastly developments in the fall of the Third Reich.


The Russians Arrive

"The Soviets battled the German soldiers and drafted civilians street by street until we could hear explosions and rifle fire right in our immediate vicinity. As the noise got closer, we could even hear the horrible guttural screaming of the Soviet soldiers which sounded to us like enraged animals. Shots shattered our windows and shells exploded in our garden, and suddenly the Soviets were on our street. Shaken by the battle around us and numb with fear, we watched from behind the small cellar windows facing the street as the tanks and an endless convoy of troops rolled by.

It was a terrifying sight as they sat high upon their tanks with their rifles cocked, aiming at houses as they passed. The screaming, gun-wielding women were the worst. Half of the troops had only rags and tatters around their feet while others wore SS boots that had been looted from a conquered SS barrack in Lichterfelde. Several fleeing people had told us earlier that they kept watching different boots pass by their cellar windows. At night, the Germans in our army boots recaptured the street that the Soviets in the SS boots had taken during the day. The boots and the voices told them who was who. Now we saw them with our own eyes, and they belonged to the wild cohorts of the advancing Soviet troops.

Facing reality was ten times worse than just hearing about it. Throughout the night, we huddled together in mortal fear, not knowing what the morning might bring. Nevertheless, we noiselessly did sneak upstairs to double check that our heavy wooden window shutters were still intact and that all outside doors were barricaded. But as I peaked out, what did I see! The porter couple in the apartment house next to ours was standing in their front yard waving to the Soviets. So our suspicion that they were Communists had been right all along, but they must have been out of their minds to openly proclaim their brotherhood like that.
As could be expected, that night a horde of Soviet soldiers returned and stormed into their apartment house. Then we heard what sounded like a terrible orgy with women screaming for help, many shrieking at the same time. The racket gave me goosebumps. Some of the Soviets trampled through our garden and banged their rifle butts on our doors in an attempt to break in. Thank goodness our sturdy wooden doors withstood their efforts. Gripped in fear, we sat in stunned silence, hoping to give the impression that this was a vacant house, but hopelessly delivered into the clutches of the long-feared Red Army. Our nerves were in shreds."


Soldiers passed the day either catching up on sleep or writing home, even though little post had been getting through since the end of February. Officers felt that this collapse of the postal system at least had one advantage. There had been a number of suicides when soldiers received disastrous news from home, whether damage from bombing or members of the family killed. Captured German soldiers told their Soviet interrogators,and it is impossible to know whether they were speaking the truth or trying to curry favour, that their own artillery fired salvos to explode behind their trenches as a warning not to retreat. Soldiers knew that they were going to be overwhelmed and they waited only for one thing, the order to retreat. When a platoon commander rang back to company headquarters on the field telephone and received no reply, there was nearly always panic. Most jumped to the assumption that they had been abandoned by the very commanders who had ordered them to fight to the end, but they did not want to risk the Feldgendarmerie. The best solution was to bury themselves deep in a bunker and pray that Soviet attackers would give them a chance to surrender before chucking in a grenade.But even if their surrender was accepted, there was always the risk of an immediate German counter-attack. Any soldier found to have surrendered faced summary execution.

Russians pound Berlin with heavy artillery

'There was a big slogan painted up in our canteen,' a cyphering with the headquarters of the 1st Belorussian Front remembered. ' "Have you killed a German yet? Then kill him!"We were very strongly influenced by Ehrenburg's appeals and we had a lot to take revenge for.' Her own parents had been killed in Sevastopol. 'The hatred was so great that it was difficult to control the soldiers.



"The next morning, we women proceeded to make ourselves look as unattractive as possible to the Soviets by smearing our faces with coal dust and covering our heads with old rags, our make-up for the Ivan. We huddled together in the central part of the basement, shaking with fear, while some peeked through the low basement windows to see what was happening on the Soviet-controlled street. We felt paralyzed by the sight of these husky Mongolians, looking wild and frightening. At the ruin across the street from us the first Soviet orders were posted, including a curfew. Suddenly there was a shattering noise outside. Horrified, we watched the Soviets demolish the corner grocery store and throw its contents, shelving and furniture out into the street. Urgently needed bags of flour, sugar and rice were split open and spilled their contents on the bare pavement, while Soviet soldiers stood guard with their rifles so that no one would dare to pick up any of the urgently needed food. This was just unbelievable. At night, a few desperate people tried to salvage some of the spilled food from the gutter. Hunger now became a major concern because our ration cards were worthless with no hope of any supplies.

Shortly thereafter, there was another commotion outside, even worse than before, and we rushed to our lookout to see that the Soviets had broken into the bank and were looting it. They came out yelling gleefully with their hands full of German bank notes and jewelry from safe deposit boxes that had been pried open. Thank God we had withdrawn money already and had it at home."


"The next day, General Wilding, the commander of the German troops in Berlin, finally surrendered the entire city to the Soviet army. There was no radio or newspaper, so vans with loudspeakers drove through the streets ordering us to cease all resistance. Suddenly, the shooting and bombing stopped and the unreal silence meant that one ordeal was over for us and another was about to begin. Our nightmare had become a reality. The entire three hundred square miles of what was left of Berlin were now completely under control of the Red Army. The last days of savage house to house fighting and street battles had been a human slaughter, with no prisoners being taken on either side. These final days were hell. Our last remaining and exhausted troops, primarily children and old men, stumbled into imprisonment. We were a city in ruins; almost no house remained intact."


During early April, as Berlin awaited the final Soviet onslaught along the Oder, the atmosphere in the city became a mixture of febrile exhaustion, terrible foreboding and despair.

The Nazi leadership did not just rely on the 'flying courts martial' and SS execution squads to terrorize soldiers into continuing the fight. The tales of atrocities from the propaganda ministry never ceased. Stories of women commissars castrating wounded soldiers, for example, were circulated. The ministry also had its own squads both in Berlin and close to the Oder front, painting slogans on walls as if they were the spontaneous expression of the civilian population, such as 'We believe in victory!', 'Wewill never surrender' and 'Protect our women and children from the Red beasts!'

This is what remained of the Gestapo headquarters
Reymann and his chief of staff, Colonel Hans Refior, knew that Berlin had no hope of holding out with the forces at their disposal, so they recommended to Goebbels that civilians, especially women and children, should be allowed to leave. 'Evacuation,'replied Goebbels, 'is best organized by the SS and the police commander for the Spree region. I will give the order for evacuation at the right time.' It was quite clear that he had not for a moment seriously considered the logistic implications of evacuating such a mass of people by road and rail, to say nothing of feeding them on the way. There were not nearly enough trains still in service, and few vehicles with fuel capable of transporting the weak and the sick. The bulk of the population would have had to walk. One suspects that Goebbels, like Stalin at the start of the battle of Stalingrad, did not want to evacuate civilians in the hope that it would force the soldiers to defend the city more desperately.


 A Russian tank firing at will

Another strong reason for avoiding a battle in the city was the Nazis' resort to boys as young as fourteen as cannon fodder. So many houses had a framed photograph on the wall of a son killed in Russia that a silent prayer arose that the regime would collapse before these children were sent into battle. Some did not shrink from openly calling it infanticide, whether it was exploiting the fanaticism of deluded Hitler Youth or forcing frightened boys into uniform through threat of execution. Older teachers in schools risked denunciation by advising their pupils on how to avoid being called up. The sense of bitterness was even greater after Goebbels's speech a few weeks before. 'The Führer once coined the phrase,' he reminded them,' "Each mother who has given birth to a child has struck a blow for the future of our people." But it was now clear that Hitler and Goebbels were about to throw those children's lives away for a cause which had no possible future



Zhukov looked at his watch. It was exactly 5 a.m. Moscow time, which was 3 a.m. Berlin time.'Immediately the whole area was lit by many thousands of guns, mortars and our legendary katyushas.' No bombardment in the war had been so intense. General Kazakov's artillerymen worked in a frenzy. 'A terrible thunder shook everything around,'wrote a battery commander with the 3rd Shock Army. 'You would have thought that even us artillerists could not be scared by such a symphony, but this time, I too wanted to plug my ears. I had the feeling that my eardrums would burst.' Gunners had to remember to keep their mouths open to equalize the pressure on their ears.At the first rumble, some German conscripts in their trenches awoke thinking that it was just another ' Morgenkonzert, as the early-morning harassing fire was called. But soldiers with real experience of the Eastern Front had acquired a ' Landserinstinkt ' which told them that this was the great attack. NCOs screamed orders to take position immediately:' Alarm! sofort Stellung beziehen!' Survivors remember the feeling in their guts and their mouths going dry. 'Now we're in for it,' they muttered to themselves.


A smaller size of steel helmet had been manufactured for boy soldiers, but not nearly enough were produced. Their tense, pale faces could barely be seen under helmets that dropped over their ears. A group of Soviet sappers from the 3rd Shock Army called forward to clear a minefield were taken by surprise when a dozen Germans emerged from a trench to surrender. Suddenly a boy appeared from a bunker. 'He was wearing a long trench-coat and a cap,' recorded Captain Sulkhanishvili. 'He fired a burst with his sub-machine gun.But then, seeing that I didn't fall over, he dropped his sub-machine gun and started to sob.He tried to shout, "
Hitler kaputt, Stalin gut! " I laughed. I hit him only once in the face.Poor boys, I felt sorry for them.



What is even more striking is the reported use of a kamikaze squadron against the Soviet bridges across the Oder. The Luftwaffe appears to have invented its own term -Selbstopfereinsatz, or 'self-sacrifice mission'. The pilots of the Leonidas squadron, basedat Jüterbog and commanded by Lieutenant Colonel Heiner Lange, supposedly signed a declaration which ended with the words, 'I am above all clear that the mission will end in my death.' On the evening of 16 April, there was a farewell dance for the pilots on the base with young women from the Luftwaffe signals unit there. The dance ended with a  final song. Major General Fuchs, the overall commander, was 'fighting back his tears'.The next morning, the first of the so-called 'total missions' were flown against the thirty-two 'over-water and under-water bridges' repaired or built by Soviet engineers. The Germans used a variety of aircraft - Focke-Wulf 190, Messerschmitt 109 and Junkers 88— whatever was available.One of the 'self-sacrifice pilots' flying the next day was Ernst Beichl, in a Focke-Wulf with a 500-kilogram bomb. His target was the pontoon bridge near Zellin. Air reconnaissance later reported it destroyed, but claims that a total of seventeen bridges were destroyed in the course of three days seem wildly exaggerated. The only other one that genuinely appears to have been hit was the railway bridge at Küstrin. Thirty-five pilots and aircraft were a high price to pay for such a limited and temporary success.This did not stop Major General Fuchs from sending their names in a special birthday message 'to the Führer on his imminent fifty-sixth birthday'. It was just the sort of present that he appreciated most.The whole operation had to be abandoned suddenly because Marshal Konev's tank armies, charging unexpectedly towards Berlin from the south-east, threatened their base at Jüterbog.

In the government quarter of Berlin during the course of 17 April, nobody really knew what to do except draft stirring declarations combined with further threats of execution.'No German town will be declared an open city', read the order sent by Himmler to all military commanders. 'Every village and every town will be defended with all possible means. Any German who offends against this self-evident duty to the nation will lose his life as well as his honour.' He ignored the fact that the German artillery was virtually out of ammunition, tanks were already being abandoned for lack of fuel and the soldiers themselves were without food

It was a pitiless battle. At Hermersdorf, south-west of Neuhardenberg, Soviet infantry advanced past a T-34 still burning from a panzerfaust. A German soldier in a nearby foxhole screamed to them for help. A grenade dropped in the foxhole had blown off his feet and he lacked the strength to pull himself out. But the Red Army soldiers left him there, despite his cries, in revenge for the burned crew.

German prisoners sent towards the rear were overawed by the endless columns of tanks,self-propelled guns and other tracked vehicles moving forward. 'And this is the army,'some of them thought, 'which in 1941 was supposed to have been at its last gasp.' Soviet infantrymen coming up the other side of the road would greet them with cries of ' Gitler kapuuutt!' , accompanied by a throat-cutting gesture.One of the German prisoners was convinced that a number of the dead they passed were 'Soviet soldiers who had been crushed by their own tanks'. He also saw Russian soldiers trying out some captured panzerfausts by firing them at the wall of a half-ruined house.Others were stripping greatcoats from their own dead, and in one village, he saw a couple of soldiers taking pot shots at nesting storks. Target practice seemed compulsive even after the battle. Some of the prisoners, taken to the magnificent schloss at Neuhardenberg,were alarmed when their escort, spotting a 'superb chandelier', raised his sub-machine gun and fired a burst at it. A senior officer reprimanded him, 'but that seemed to make little impression'.

The Feldgendarmerie and SS groups continued to search for deserters. No records were kept of the roadside executions carried out, but anecdotal evidence suggests that on the XI SS Corps sector, many, including a number of Hitler Youth, were hanged from tree son the flimsiest of proof. This was nothing short of murder. Soviet sources claim that25,000 German soldiers and officers were summarily executed for cowardice in 1945.This figure is almost certainly too high, but it was unlikely to have been lower than10,000.

Fighting the last vestiges of German resistance in the Berlin subway

The 19th of April was another beautiful spring day, providing Soviet aviation with perfect visibility. Every time Shturmoviks came over, strafing and bombing, the road emptied as people threw themselves in the ditches. Women and girls from nearby villages, terrified of the Red Army, begged groups of soldiers to take them with them: 'Nehmt uns mit, nehmt uns bitte, bitte mit!'


The remnants of trainee and officer candidate battalions from the CI Corps found themselves retreating 'village by village' westwards to Bernau, just north of Berlin. Most had lost nearly three-quarters of their strength. They were exhausted, hungry and thoroughly confused. As soon as they halted for a rest, everyone fell heavily asleep and their officers had to kick them awake several times when it was necessary to move on.Nobody knew what was happening on either side or even in front or behind. Radios and

field telephones had been abandoned. There was also no hope of re-establishing an effective front line, despite the best efforts of the more experienced officers, who grabbed any stragglers from other units and incorporated them into their own little command

Friday 20 April was the fourth fine day in a row. It was Adolf Hitler's fifty-sixth birthday.A beautiful day on this date used to prompt greetings between strangers in the street about 'Führer weather' and the miracle that this implied. Now only the most besotted Nazi could still hint at Hitler's supernatural power. There were still enough diehards left,however, to attempt to celebrate the event. Nazi flags were raised on ruined buildings and placards proclaimed, ' Die Kriegsstadt Berlin grüst den Führer!'

Captured employees of the infamous Ministry of Propaganda 

Hitler told General Krebs to launch an attack from the west of Berlin against Konev's armies to prevent encirclement. The force expected to 'hurl back' the 3rd and 4th Guards Tank Armies consisted of the
Friedrich Ludwig Jahn Division, made up of boys in Reich Labour Service detachments, and the so-called 'Wünsdorf Panzer formation', a batch of half a dozen tanks from the training school there.A police battalion was sent to the Strausberg area that day 'to catch deserters and execute them and shoot any soldiers found retreating without orders'. But even those detailed as executioners began to desert on their way forward. One of those who gave themselves up to the Russians told his Soviet interrogator that 'about 40,000 deserters were hiding in Berlin even before the Russian advance. Now this number is rapidly increasing.' He went on to say that the police and the Gestapo could not control the situation.

An intensive artillery bombardment of Berlin began at 9.30 a.m., a couple of hours after the end of the last Allied air raid. Hitler's SS adjutant, Otto Günsche, reported that the Führer, a few minutes after having been woken, emerged unshaven and angry in the bunker corridor which served as an anteroom. 'What's going on?' he shouted at Genera Burgdorf, Colonel von Below and Günsche. 'Where's this firing coming from?'Burgdorf answered that central Berlin was under fire from Soviet heavy artillery. 'Are the Russians already so near?' asked Hitler, clearly shaken.

The Reichstag paints a gloomy look. Perhaps it symbolised the condition of Germany then

From that morning until 2 May, they were to fire 1.8 million shells in the assault on the city.The casualties among women especially were heavy as they still queued in the drizzling rain, hoping for their 'crisis rations'. Mangled bodies were flung across the Hermannplatzin south-west Berlin as people queued outside the Karstadt department store. Many others were killed in the queues at the water pumps. Crossing a street turned into a dash from one insecure shelter to another. Most gave up and returned to their cellars. Some,however, took what seemed like the last opportunity to bury silver and other valuables in their garden or a nearby allotment. But the relentlessness of the bombardment and the random fall of shells soon forced the majority of the population back underground.

Side roads and main routes alike were encumbered by civilians with handcarts, prams and teams of farm horses. Soldiers were surrounded by civilians desperate for news of the enemy's advance, but often had no clear idea themselves. Pickets of Feldgendarmerie at each crossroads again grabbed stragglers to form scratch companies. There were also men hanged from roadside trees, with a card on their chest stating, 'I was a coward.'Soldiers sent to defend houses either side of the road were the luckiest. The inhabitants gave them food and some hot water to shave and wash in, the first for many days.

Russian officers in the Reichstag

Perhaps as a side-effect of this law linking death with sexual maturity, the arrival of the enemy at the edge of the city made young soldiers desperate to lose their virginity. Girls,well aware of the high risk of rape, preferred to give themselves to almost any German boy first than to a drunken and probably violent Soviet soldier. In the broadcasting centre of the Grossdeutscher Rundfunk on the Masurenallee, two-thirds of the 500-strong staff were young women - many little more than eighteen. There, in the last week of April, a 'real feeling of disintegration' spread, with heavy drinking and indiscriminate copulation amid the stacks of the sound archive. There was also a good deal of sexual activity between people of various ages in unlit cellars and bunkers. The aphrodisiac effect of mortal danger is hardly an unknown historical phenomenon.

Berliners now referred to their city as the 'Reichsscheiterhaufen' - the 'Reich's funeralpyre'. Civilians were already suffering casualties in the street-fighting and house-clearing.Captain Ratenko, an officer from Tula in Bogdanov's 2nd Guards Tank Army, knocked at a cellar door in Reinickendorf, a district in the north-west. Nobody opened it, so he kicked it in. There was a burst of sub-machine-gun fire and he was killed. The soldiers from the 2nd Guards Tank Army who were with him started firing through the door and the windows. They killed the gunman, apparently a young Wehrmacht officer in civilian clothes, but also a woman and a child. 'The building was then surrounded by our men and burned down,' the report stated.

Mere boys. Perhaps of Hitler Youth. These were the fighters that were defending Hitler in his last days. Sad.

Serov was perhaps most surprised by the state of Berlin's defences. 'No serious permanent defences have been found inside the ten- to fifteen-kilometre zone around Berlin. There are fire-trenches and gun-pits and the motorways are mined in certain sections. There are some trenches just as one comes to the city, but less in fact than any other city taken by the Red Army.' Interrogations of Volkssturm men revealed how few regular troops there were in the city, how little ammunition there was and how reluctant the Volkssturm was to fight. Serov discovered also that German anti-aircraft defence had almost ceased to function, thus allowing Red Army aviation a clear sweep over the city.

The last of the German fighters surrender. The guns fell silent in Berlin

Civilian casualties had been heavy already. Like Napoleonic infantry, the women standing in line for food simply closed ranks after a shell burst decimated a queue.Nobody dared lose their place. Some claimed that women just wiped the blood from their ration cards and stuck it out. 'There they stand like walls,' noted a woman diarist, 'thosewho not so long ago dashed into bunkers the moment three fighter planes were announced over central Germany.' Women queued for a handout of butter and dry

sausage, while men emerged only to line up for an issue of schnapps. It seemed to be symbolic. Women were concerned with the immediacy of survival while men needed escape from the consequences of their war.
