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4 Great Ways To See Muscle Gain

If you have been trying to build mass but are not seeing good results, then perhaps you have thought of giving up. You should stop right there! Muscle gain is not something that can happen overnight, and much less if you are not doing it properly. To learn how to gain muscle you have to learn what it is that you are doing right, and what you are doing wrong. Here are the 4 best things that you can do to see your muscles grow and grow fast.

Get A Trainer

A person who has been going to the gym regularly and focusing on muscle gain without much to show for it should get a personal trainer. It is not that you cannot get muscles; it is that the muscles are not responding to the weight training that you are giving them. Some exercises will build mass but only if you do them right. A personal trainer will be able to see what you are doing and how you are doing it. A small change in your approach can make a huge difference so listen to them.

Slow Means Fast

One of the biggest mistakes that you will see at the gym is people rushing through their reps. Rushing through your reps is one way to sabotage your own workout without you noticing it. You could be doing as many reps as the bigger guys in the gym, but if you are doing them too fast then you are not nearly getting as much a workout as them.

Get Nutrients

A lot of people who are trying to get in shape will stop eating as much as they were before. Believe it or not that is a big mistake. It is not about eating less, it is about eating right. You need proteins and you can get them from lean meats, beans, and from supplements available online or at the health store. If you starve yourself, then you will have no nutrients to build mass.

No Quitting

You may have not had encouraging results before, but that does not mean you quit. It means you adjust your strategy to see results. If you are going to know how to gain muscle, then you have to keep going. Your body will thank you and reward you with increased muscle mass if you choose not to quit. Follow these steps and you can be certain that you will see the difference soon.

Sereyvorn Keng is a health consultant, fitness enthusiast and a proven expert in muscle building. He used to be that skinny-kid before transforming his mind and body, through solid weight training and proper nutrition.

Follow his journey by checking out his unique muscle building website. Here you'll learn what it truly takes to getting amazing fitness results and learn everything about building quality muscle mass.

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Want The Answer To A Really Great Workout - Start With Medicine Balls

If you are anything like me, then you have probably been working with the same type of workout now for quite awhile. Sure you may have changed up an exercise here and there but it is still basically the same old routine. How about changing it up even more by adding in a medicine ball? Some people have heard of, or have used one but there may be many that have not. This article will show how this simple ball can be a very key piece of your workout when you are trying to lose weight by exercising or even if you are just trying to stay in your current shape. Let's now outline how you can utilize these medicine balls to kick start your workouts back into fast forward allowing you to start to once again see the training results you once did.

A Medicine Ball?

For those folks that have not had the luxury of being able to use medicine balls, the following will serve as a brief explanation of what they are and how they can be effectively used. Another term that you may hear when dealing with medicine balls is exercise balls. They are for all intents and purposes the same thing. The power of these balls are that they come in different weights and also in different diameters. Each one could potentially have different uses (more on that later). These balls are typically not made for bouncing. Medicine balls are typically covered in some type of vinyl, leather or nylon cloth and will usually be filled with gel, sand or lead shot (depending on the weights required). The outside surface is very similar to that of a basketball, in that it is quite dimpled. This dimpling helps you maintain grip on the ball when your hands start to sweat. So as previously mentioned, these balls come in different weights. As you become more accustomed to using them in your workout, you will want to keep increasing their weights so that you get the maximum workout possible. Think of the weights as you would a barbell or dumbbell, as your body gets used to one weight you want to increase it to move past your bodies plateau.

So I can hear your inner voice saying, but I already have dumbbells and barbells. Why would I need to get medicine balls as well? So if you are hoping to build up your core set of muscles or if you are looking to remove a few inches from your waistline, then medicine ball exercises are the perfect one's for you. So I can hear you saying that you can't see how strengthening your core will help you with your weight loss ventures. To put it simply, you need a strong core to reduce the likelihood of injuries from almost any other activity that you do. Your core muscles help to control the movement of your upper and lower torso. Bike riding for longer distances and boxing are two activities that require a strong core.

Medicine Ball Exercises

As with any exercise routine, you must make sure that you are fully warmed up as the additional weight of the medicine ball could potentially cause injury to cold muscles. Try modifying some of your current workout routines by adding in medicine ball variations. Let's take the common sit-up as an example. While these may be difficult for some people as is, let's now add a medicine ball into the mix. Pick up your medicine ball and hold it against your chest as you move your upper torso back and forth. Nothing like a bit of extra weight for you to have to move with your abdominals. This modification will make these exercises tougher but the results will be worth it. If these are too tough at first, try adding them in to every other workout until your body starts to get used to them. These modification exercises are great ways to lose weight by exercising.

So let's look at other types of exercises that could involve the medicine ball. These workouts are going to require another person to help you out. Get the other person to throw you the ball, but instead of catching it only using your hands, try and catch it and cradle it at the same time using your abdominal muscles (i.e. your stomach). This is a double benefit exercise. When you are tossing the ball you will need to use your core muscles, but when catching it your abdominals are the muscles at work. You can also use the medicine ball to help you perform some deeper stretching. Stretch as you normally would, but hold onto the ball so that weight helps you get deeper into the move. Besides allowing you to stretch farther, the extra weight will also be working on your stabilizer muscles.

So as you can see, a medicine ball can be used in quite a few different ways. These few examples were for illustration purposes only. There are many more types of exercises that could also be used. The longer you use these balls the stronger your core will become. A proper diet will also have a big impact on you if one of your goals is to lose weight by exercising. Want to get the results that you have been dreaming of; use the medicine ball.

Kevin is the author of this article and he is passionate about actively living a healthy lifestyle. He believes fitness plays a vital role in each of our lives.
To learn about more ways to lose weight by exercising you can check out his website here:

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Get a Great Body at Home Without Weights - Home Workout for Men

Most people think you need to go to the gym to get a fit athletic body, but that is not true. I do not know why people tell themselves such things, is it just another excuse because you actually do not seriously want to get in shape? Let me tell you something if you want a great beach ready in shape body and you want to feel good and look good then that is possible but it's all up to you. Are you willing to put in the work and effort to get in great shape? Yes, then read on. This information is not for people who want to look like fitness model, bodybuilders or get buffed up, for that you need weights.

I am going to share with you a whole bunch of exercises you can do at home that will target your whole body and help you shed fat, gain some muscle, get some definition, get stronger and healthier.
So first up for your chest, arms as well as strength you are going to do push-ups. Yes, this is an ancient exercise but it still works and at first you will suck at them but with time and practice you will get better at doing then and get stronger.

At the beginning you will do the normal shoulder width push-ups, as you become stronger and get better at them to target growth on your chest you will do decline push-ups and later incline/stability push-ups on a medicine ball. You could have a day of push-ups or mix them with other exercise if you are into whole body exercises. You can also try placing your hands closer to get when doing the push-ups to make them more difficult.

Pull-ups are the other very effective exercise for your body, they target your back muscles but also workout your arms and give you strength over time as lifting your own bodyweight is no easy task for most people. At first you can try pull-ups shoulder width apart on a bar that is a little taller then you or on a tree brunch you can grip or you can always buy yourself and pull-up bar to attach to your door. You can try the pull-ups with your palms facing you first because those are the easy ones that tend to use some bicep, you can try the other version with your palms facing away from you as you get stronger.

Also when you can do about 20-25 reps for 3-4 sets then you can try experimenting with the widths to create different levels of difficulty, for example wide grip pull-ups and close grip pull-ups. If you get used to your own bodyweight and you want to take things up a notch carry a heavy bag on your back and do weighted pull-ups that should be really effective.

For your legs you can do lunges lots of them since you are not carrying weights or you could do jumping squats, also a lot of them so you feel the effect. Also you could carry your kid/sibling/gym partner on your shoulders behind you head as you would a weight and do squats using them as a weight. This should help you get defined legs, if you want defined calves you could go up and down using your toes to raise you, carrying a manageable weight like the example of squats.

If you are looking to burn fat you can do some interval sprinting, which is a great leg exercise and gives you explosive power. You can also run around dragging a tire attached to your waist that is a great way to develop powerful legs.

For abs there are multiple abs exercises you can do, most abs exercises are done without weights or machines anyways. Sit-ups, planks, side planks, crunches, bicycles, the jack-knife exercise, v-ups, hanging leg raises just to name a few.

You have seven days a week if you really do not have time you can do one of these exercise per day but if you do have time consider combining a few and train every other day. Doing these exercises should get you into great shape.

If you want to learn more about working out checkout Zulu Muscle Express

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Five Essential Exercises To Get A Great Shape

There are many different workout plans. Some require hours at the gym and some claim to get results with only a few minutes a day. How do you sort through the information to find an exercise routine that gives you the results you want? The answer is short, but intense workouts. By focusing on the following five exercises you can get your whole body in great shape.

To get great looking legs do lots of squats. For the basic squat you stand with your legs shoulder width apart. Then you bend your knees like you are sitting down in a chair and stop at a 90-degree angle before standing back up. This works your entire legs, especially if you do a calf raise at the end. A wider stance, with your toes turned out, will target your inner thighs.

Your chest will benefit the most from bench presses. If you aren't very strong start with push-ups which are essentially an upside down bench press. Once you have built up strength switch to the bench press. Use a spotter and lift the weight straight up from your chest. To really isolate the chest muscle and avoid injury do not allow the weight to sway over your neck or down towards your abs. For variety, change the angle of the bench you are laying on. This will help isolate various parts of your chest muscle.

Many people forget to work out their back, but the muscles are very important. Weak back muscles can cause pain in the abdominal muscles as they work harder to compensate for the weak back muscles. To strengthen you back do pull-ups. Hang off a bar and use you back muscles to raise your chin up and over the bar. You can space your hands wide or close together to add variety. You can also grip the bar with your hands facing away from you, towards you or one each way. Mixing it up will target various parts of the back muscles and create a stronger, better defined back.

Deadlifts are a great way to sculpt your back and hamstrings. They can cause injuries or aggravate old injuries if done wrong so be sure you use light weights and watch your form until you are confident you can keep your form. Holding a weight in each hand, keep your back and legs straight and bend from the waist. Run the weights down your legs until they reach down to the ground and then stand up slowly, running the weights back up your leg. This can also be done with slightly bent knees to target the hamstrings even more.

Everyone wants a six pack, besides looking good strong abs help hold us up and make everything we do a little easier. Although there is a lot of hype about building strong abs without doing any crunches, the simplest way to get a six pack is the oldest--crunches. Make sure that while you are doing crunches that you do not pull on your neck to lift up, this can hurt your neck and also keep your abs from engaging. For variety try it with your legs straight, crossed, straight up in the air and other positions. If it doesn't hurt after ten minutes you need to work harder and try to lift your shoulder blades off the ground.

Squats, bench presses, pull-ups, deadlifts and crunches can help you get the body you want without spending hours in the gym. You will be sweating and tired at the end of your workout, a sure sign that your muscles are working hard.

If you are looking for articles related to fitness, you are welcome to visit fitness explore.

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