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Plyometrics etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Plyometrics etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Contrast Training: How it Works, and How to Use It for Impressive Gains

I'm gonna let you in on a little training secret: it's called contrast training. It's used by elite athletes to improve power output, and the results are pretty impressive. Contrast training, also known as PAP (post activation potentiation), is the pairing of heavy strength exercises and explosive or plyometric exercises. If you want to get the most out of your training, PAP is the way to go.

Try contrast training, and you'll learn to levitate like this dude.
PAP is especially useful for athletes looking to enhance power output. Jumpers, weightlifters, sprinters, and shot putters are a few such athletes who can reap big benefits from this type of training. The benefits are not just limited to elite athletes, however, and can be used safely for intermediate lifters (with 2+ years of training experience).

In essence, contrast training is exciting the nervous system, and improving motor unit recruitment acutely. The more fibers activated on any given movement, the greater the benefit. To quote Roxanne Horwath and Len Kravitz (and no, not the "Fly Away" Lenny Kravitz), "The greater the muscle activation, the greater the duration of calcium ions in the muscle cell environment (referred to as sarcoplasm) and the greater the phosphorylation of the myosin light chain protein (Rixon, Lamont, Bemden, 2007). As a result, faster contraction rates and faster rates of tension develop."

One study done by Chatzopoulos Et. Al. found that heavy resistance training helped acutely improve 10 and 30 meter sprinting times. The sprints were performed after a 5 minute window of resistance training. The participants (young male athletes between the ages of 18-23) performed 10 single repetitions at 90% of their 1 repetition maximum back squat. After only 3 minutes of rest, however, the sprinting times did not increase. It is important to mention that adequate rest seems to be a very important factor here.

Here's a great list of the benefits of PAP, in the words of Bret Contreras:

  1. Short-term enhancement – May increased neuromuscular performance in an actual competitive event through PAP
  2. Chronic adaptation – May increase training effect using PAP in training which would result in increased Rate of Force Development (RFD)
  3. Increased workout density – Combined training allows for more activity with less actual resting time which is critical if total workout time is limited
  4. Increased dynamic transfer – By combining biomechanically similar activities athletes may groove more efficient neural patterns by learning to perform the lift in a manner more specific to the athletic activity
  5. Increased work capacity – By increasing workout density athletes will increase their work capacity which is characterized by high levels of average power output over an interval (which I call power endurance)
Now that you get the gist for how it works, you may be wondering how you can use it and reap the benefits. Like I said, we want to pair heavy lifting with fast, explosive movements. You want to wait about 30 seconds after the strength movement to execute the explosive, plyometric movement. Rest for about 3 minutes or longer in between sets. The following list provides some pairing options for strength and power movements.
One thing to remember is that you want to keep total volume (reps per session) low. We're not trying to accumulate 100 reps, or anything crazy. This is about intensity, not volume. I'd suggest doing no more than 5 reps of each movement, and 5-6 sets should be enough!

If you're looking for a new way to spice up your strength training routine, contrast training may be just what you need!

Works Cited:

  1. Chatzopoulos, Dimitris E., Charalambos J. Michailidis, Athanasios K. Giannakos, Kostas C. Alexiou, Dimitrios A. Patikas, Christos B. Antonopoulos, and Christos M. Kotzamanidis. "Postactivation Potentiation Effects After Heavy Resistance Exercise on Running Speed." J Strength Cond Res The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 21.4 (2007): 1278. Web.
  2. Contreras, Bret. "Post-Activation Potentiation: Theory and Application." Bret Contreras. N.p., 05 Apr. 2010. Web. 06 Apr. 2016.
  3. Kilduff, Liam P., Huw R. Bevan, Mike I.c. Kingsley, Nick J. Owen, Mark A. Bennett, Paul J. Bunce, Andrew M. Hore, Jonathan R. Maw, and Dan J. Cunningham. "Postactivation Potentiation in Professional Rugby Players: Optimal Recovery." J Strength Cond Res The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 21.4 (2007): 1134. Web.
  4. Kravitz, Len, and Roxanne Horwath. "Postactivation Potentiation: A Brief Review." University of New Mexico. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Apr. 2016.

Up, Up, and Away (Exercises to Improve Your Vertical Jump)

I don't know if there's something strange in the air lately, but for whatever reason, I've gotten a lot of questions about how to improve a vertical jump. Some individuals are naturally gifted with hops, but for the rest of us who need to work hard to become more powerful, we have to add more explosive movements into our routines. If you want to sky like Jordan, you want to make sure you're using the correct exercises.

This could be you! (Don't quote me on that, though...)
So what determines how high you can jump? There are a couple of factors, but I'll name the most pertinent:
  • Muscle fiber distribution. Okay, so, in a nutshell, you have two different types of muscle fibers: type I and type II. Type I fibers (also known as slow twitch), do not fatigue easily. An endurance athlete will have well-developed type I fibers. Think: marathon runner. Type II fibers (also known as fast twitch) are split up into type IIa and IIb, and type IIb is the most easily fatigued. Someone with a higher percentage of type IIb fibers would be a 100 meter sprinter or a javelin thrower. Movements that are really short in nature require more speed and power. The fiber makeup of a muscle is determined by your genetics, but your training can help express and further develop either fast twitch or slow twitch fibers. If you train in an explosive, high-intensity manner, you are going to develop your fast twitch fibers to the best of your genetic ability.
  • Rate of force development. This builds on the first bullet point. Let's say you tried to do a power clean for the first time. Initially, while you're learning the movement, you will probably pretty slow moving under the barbell. Two years later, your bar speed will be significantly faster. Granted, you've also become more competent and confident with the movement, and you are stronger, but your rate of force development (RFD) has improved significantly. How quickly you can express force is incredibly important in working your ups.
Now that the bulk of the science-y stuff is out of the way, we can get to the meat of the article: here some exercises that will help you leap tall buildings in a single bound. (Actually, maybe don't try to jump buildings just yet...)
  1. Back squats (I have faith I don't need to post a video for this one...)
  2. Power cleans
  3. Power snatches
  4. Push jerks
  5. Depth jumps
  6. Jumping lunges
  7. Bulgarian split squat jumps
  8. Low hurdle hops
  9. Barbell jumping squats (no need to go heavy, here. Maybe 20-30% of your best squat.)
  10. Barbell pogo jumps (similar as the previous exercise, but not as much hip/knee bend)
Ideally, we want to train strength in conjunction with plyometrics. For example, a six week study by Adams and his colleagues found that individuals who performed strength and plyometric exercises, saw a greater increase in vertical jump than the strength group and the plyometrics group alone: 
"Examination of the mean scores shows that the [strength] group increased 3.30 centimeters in vertical jump, the [plyometrics] group increased 3.81 centimeters and the [strength/plyometrics] group increased 10.67 centimeters. The results indicate that both [strength] and [plyometric] training are necessary for improving hip and thigh power production as measured by vertical jumping ability."
 A 10.67 centimeter increase in vertical jump in only 6 weeks is pretty solid! Basically, just jumping a lot will increase your jumping height, but if you perform strength training on top of that, your results will be significantly better.

If you want to get the most bang for your buck, Olympic weightlifting (snatch, clean, and jerk) movements are superior. "Olympic [weightlifting] exercises seemed to produce broader performance improvements than [vertical jump] exercises in physically active subjects," found Tricoli et. al. They continue to say, "groups using the [weightlifting] program increased [10 meter sprinting speed] more than those using the [vertical jump] program." So, not only did these movements effect the jumping height of the test subjects, but it also made them sprint faster!

In short, if you're looking to improve your jumps, try the exercises in the above list. Both strength training and plyometric training can be combined so that you can slam dunk like the pros in no time.

Works Cited:
  1. Adams, Kent, John P. O'shea, Katie L. O'shea, and Mike Climstein. "The Effect of Six Weeks of Squat, Plyometric and Squat-Plyometric Training on Power Production." J Strength Cond Res The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 6.1 (1992): 36. Web.
  2. Chelly, Mohamed Souhaiel, Mourad Fathloun, Najet Cherif, Mohamed Ben Amar, Zouhair Tabka, and Emmanuel Van Praagh. "Effects of a Back Squat Training Program on Leg Power, Jump, and Sprint Performances in Junior Soccer Players." Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 23.8 (2009): 2241-249. Web.
  3. Makaruk, Hubert, and Tomasz Sacewicz. "Effects of Plyometric Training on Maximal Power Output and Jumping Ability." Human Movement 11.1 (2010): n. pag. Web.
  4. Tricoli, Valmor, Leonardo Lamas, Roberto Carnevale, and Carlos Ugrinowitsch. "Short-Term Effects on Lower-Body Functional Power Development: Weightlifting vs. Vertical Jump Training Programs." J Strength Cond Res The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 19.2 (2005): 433. Web.

Plyometrics and Power

Looking to get stronger, fitter, faster, and more powerful? Plyometrics, or fast, explosive movements, are a great way to improve your overall fitness levels and get your heart rate up. Box jumps, jumping lunges, brad jumps and clapping push-ups are just a few examples of plyometric movements. These exercises require no equipment and help you develop explosive power that will ultimately lead to increases in strength and speed.

These movements make use of your fast twitch muscle fibers (as opposed to the slow twitch muscle fibers used predominantly used in strength training) to create as a tremendous amount of strength and speed in a very short period of time.

In a lift like the squat, powerful hips will help you get out of the hole once the weight gets heavy. Exercises like the box jump or broad jump help to develop that explosive power that will ultimately translate to squatting or deadlifting more weight. Likewise, clapping push-ups can really teach an athlete how to develop bar speed on a bench press.

One study at Western Michigan University showed that a 6-week plyometric training program significantly increased the agility of athletes. The amount of power developed in a successful plyometric program can ultimately translate to other activities such as shuttle sprints.

Assuming you really pay attention to the way you perform these movements (focusing on stability), there are numerous benefits to plyometric training. At the end of your next workout, spend about 10-15 minutes on a few, quick sets of explosive exercises. Focus on form, then speed. Once you get the form down, you will see your strength and overall athletic performance skyrocket.

  1. Gehri, Daniel J., Mark D. Ricard, Douglas M. Kleiner, and Donald T. Kirkendall. "A Comparison of Plyometric Training Techniques for Improving Vertical Jump Ability and Energy Production." The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 12.2 (1998): 85. Print.
  2. Miller, Michael G., Jeremy J. Herniman, Mark D. Ricard, Christopher C. Cheatham, and Timothy J. Michael. "The Effects of a 6-Week Plyometric Training Program on Agility." Journal of Sports Science and Medicine 5 (2006): 459-65. Web.