You know the old saying "slow and steady wins the race?" Well, in strength training, I believe slow and steady reps win the gainz. Eccentric training is, in my opinion, the Unsung Hero for improving athleticism. If you want to maximize strength, build muscle, and increase flexibility, stressing the...
Isometric exercises etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Isometric exercises etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Don't Use Machines, Become One
By Fitness ve Body Blogçusu at 19:03
Body weight exercises, Calisthenics, Compound exercises, exercise, Fitness, Free weights, Functional, Isometric exercises, Machines, Range of motion, Shear force, stability, weight training
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"The human body is a machine which winds its own springs."-Julien OffrayYou've taken the first step and bought yourself a gym membership. Now you think to yourself, "okay, what the heck do I do with all of this equipment??" Some of the machines in there look like Medieval torture devices. It's easy...