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BUILD BIGGER TRICEPS using Advanced Bodyweight Training (HD)

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Kol Kası Antrenman Programı

kol kası hareketleri

Kol kasları özellikle tshirt giydiğinizde sporcu kimliğinizi ön plana çıkartacak ve kıyafetlerinizin yakışmasını sağlayacak önemli bir kas grubudur. Bir çok harekette kol kasları aktif olarak çalışsa da onlara ayrı bir antrenman günü ayırmanız sizin yararınıza olacaktır. 

Kol kasları biceps (ön kol) ve triceps (arka kol) olarak iki bölgeden oluşmaktadır. Bu nedenle sadece biceps veya sadece triceps çalışarak kollarınızı büyütemezsiniz. Her iki kas grubunu da etkili bir şekilde çalıştırmalısınız.

Kol kası antrenman programı yazımızda sizler için 8 adet hareket hazırladık. Bu hareketleri antrenman programınıza eklerseniz yaklaşık 3 ay içinde gözle görülür bir şekilde etkili bir sonuç alırsınız.

Triceps Pushdowns

Triceps Pushdowns

Kollar dirseklerden bükülü yanlarda, avuç içleri aşağıya bakar şekilde yüzünüz alete dönük olarak durun. Dirseklerinizi yanlardan ayırmadan ipi aşağı doğru itin. Hareketi tamamladığınızda nefes verin. Hareket sonunda kasılmayı bir iki saniye daha devam ettirebilirsiniz. Hareketi yaparken dirseklerinizn hareket etmediğinden emin olun. Sadece arka kol kaslarınızdan kuvvet alın. 3 set 12 tekrar olarak uygulayabilirsiniz.

Hareketin Püf Noktası : Bu hareketi hem düz bar ile hem de halat ile yapabilirsiniz. Hareketi uygularken ellerinizin en aşağıda olduğu zaman arka kol kaslarınızı iyice sıkın ve yanmayı hissedin. Unutmayın önemli olan yüksek ağırlık kaldırmak veya çok tekrar çıkarmak değil, kasa hasar vermektir. 

Triceps Kickback Dumbell

triceps kickback

Dizlerinizi hafif bükün. Sırt ve bel düz olacak şekilde öne doğru hafif eğilin. Dambılı elinize alın ve kolunuzu bedeninizle paralel olacak şekilde, yani arkaya doğru itin. 3 set 12 tekrar olarak uygulayabilirsiniz.

Triceps Dips

Triceps Dips

Ellerinizi düz bir sehpanın kenarına yerleştirin. Ayaklarınızı da hemen karşınızdaki diğer sehpaya uzatın. Gövde ile bacaklarınız arasındaki açı 90 derece olsun. Nefes alın ve kollarınızı kırın. Daha sonra arka kolunuzdan güç alarak başlangıç noktasına dönün. Nefesinizi verin. 3 set 12 tekrar olarak uygulayabilirsiniz. Bu harekette yeterince iyi olduğunuz düşünüyorsanız tamamen kendi vücut ağırlığınız kullandığınız dips istasyonlarında da bu hareketin daha zor versiyonunu uygulayabilirsiniz.

Seated Dumbbell Triceps Extension

Seated Dumbbell Triceps Extension

Oturur pozisyonda bir dambılı iki elinizle başınızın üstünde olacak şekilde kaldırın. Kollarınızı kırarak dambılı başınızın arkasından ense bölümünüze doğur indirin. Yavaş bir şekilde indirdiğiniz ağırlığı arka kollarınızdan güç alarak tekrar yukarı doğru kaldırın. Bu hareketi 3 set 12 tekrar olarak uygulayabilirsiniz.

Önemli Uyarı : Bu hareketi yaparken dikkatli olun ve hareket bittiğinde ağırlığı kontrollü bir şekilde yere bırakın. Hareketin sonunda kaslarınız çok yorulacağı için ağrılığı dengeleyemeyebilirsiniz ve kafanıza düşebilir. Dikkatli olun ve hakim olamadığınız ağırlıkları kullanmayın.

Alternating Dumbbell Curls (Alternatif Dambıl Kıvırma)

Alternating Dumbbell Curls (Alternatif Dambıl Kıvırma)

Ön kol kasları için en temel hareketlerden biridir. Dambıllar avuç içleriniz vücudunuza bakacak şekilde tutun. Bir kolunuz ile ağırlığı kaldırın. Kaldırma esnasında ise aynı anda avuç içleriniz yukarı bakacak şekilde kolunuzu çevirin. Daha sonra ağırlığı kontrollü bir şekilde bırakın ve bırakırken avuç içleriniz tekrar gövdenize bakacak şekilde olsun. Aynı hareketi diğer kol için tekrarlayın. Bu hareketi 3 set 24 tekrar olarak uygulayabilirsiniz.

Barbell Curls (Düz Bar İle Ön Kol Kıvırma)

Barbell Curls (Düz Bar İle Ön Kol Kıvırma)

Kendinize uygun ağırlığı seçin ve ayaklarınızı omuz genişliğinde açın. Ön kol kaslarınızdan güç alarak barı yukarı doğru kaldırın. Kaldırma esnasında gövdenizden bir güç almadığınızdan emin olun. Daha sonra ağırlığı yavaş bir şekilde indirin ve tekrar edin. Dilerseniz bu hareketi Z Bar ile de yapabilirsiniz. 3 set 12 tekrar olarak uygulayabilirsiniz.

Dumbbell Concentration (Curls Konsantre Dambıl Kıvırma)

Dumbbell Concentration (Curls Konsantre Dambıl Kıvırma)

Kendinize uygun ağrılıkta bir dambıl seçin ve banka oturun. Daha sonra bir kolunuz ile ağırlığı kaldırın. Bunu yaparken kolunuzu da bir bacağınız ile destekleyin. Daha sonra ise ağırlığı yavaşça serbest bırakarak tekrar eski pozisyonunuza dönün. Bu hareketi uygularken ön kol kaslarınızın yandığını hissedeceksiniz. İki kol içinde ayrı ayrı 3 set 12 tekrar olarak uygulayabilirsiniz.

Preacher Curls (Kol Sehpasında Z Bar Kıvırma)

Preacher Curls (Kol Sehpasında Z Bar Kıvırma)

Z Bara uygun ağırlıklar takın ve kol sehpasına geçin. Barı iki avucunuz birbirine yakın olacak şekilde tutun ve ön kol kaslarınızı sıkarak ağırlığı yukarı doğru kaldırın. Daha sonra yavaş bir şekilde ağırlığı indirin ve set boyunca hareketi tekrarlayın. 3 set 12 tekrar olarak uygulayabilirsiniz.

Kol kasları ile ilgili birçok hareket mevcuttur. Arka kol kasları için buraya, ön kol kasları için buraya tıklayarak tüm hareketlere ulaşabilirsiniz.

Cable Rope Push-Down: 2 Sets Of 50 Reps (Superset with Standing Cable Curl) Jeremy Dutra, Triceps,Workout,Arm Workout,Cable,Rope,Push-Down,Superset,Standing,Curl

Bodybuilder, Fitness, Muscle Man,Article,Bodybuilding,Tutorial,Posts,Sport Teacher,Useful Text,Chest,Jeremy Dutra, Triceps,Workout,Arm Workout,Cable,Rope,Push-Down,Superset,Standing,Curl

Cable Rope Push-Down: 2 Sets Of 50 Reps
(Superset with Standing Cable Curl)

As soon as you finish your first set of curls, jump right into the rope push-downs and again, do as many as you can. No need to rush these—make sure your form is intact and be intentional with every rep.

"Remember: time under tension, control your eccentrics, and intensity," Dutra says. "It comes down to how far you're willing to push your mind."

Standing Cable Curl: 2 Sets Of 50 Reps (Superset with Cable Rope Push-Down)

Bodybuilder, Fitness, Muscle Man,Article,Bodybuilding,Tutorial,Posts,Sport Teacher,Useful Text,Chest,Jeremy Dutra, Triceps,Workout,Arm Workout,Standing,Cable,Curl,Superset,Rope,Push-Down

Standing Cable Curl: 2 Sets Of 50 Reps
(Superset with Cable Rope Push-Down)

 The finisher here is going to be 100 reps in 2 sets! Grab an EZ-bar for the biceps curls, and if you have Fat Gripz, throw those on, too! Do as many reps as you can in the first set, and whatever doesn't get done, you have to finish in the second set—try to get at least 50 reps the first time around! Choose your weight wisely.

Single-Arm Machine Preacher Curl: 3-4 Sets Of 8-10 Reps

Bodybuilder, Fitness, Muscle Man,Article,Bodybuilding,Tutorial,Posts,Sport Teacher,Useful Text,Chest,Jeremy Dutra, Triceps,Workout,Arm Workout,Single,Arm,Machine,Preacher,Curl,Superset,Seated,Dip

Single-Arm Machine Preacher Curl: 3-4 Sets Of 8-10 Reps
(Superset with Seated Machine Dip)

Superset number four is the machine preacher curl and the machine dip. Most people sit down at a preacher curl machine and perform the movement with both arms at the same time. Dutra shows you how to do the iso-lateral version and hit each arm separately.

Turn your body to your left so that you are facing perpendicular to the pad. Place your right arm on the pad and reach for the right handle. Complete a regular preacher curl, keeping your chest open and fully extending your arm. Dutra points to his working muscle with his left hand as he performs his working sets to help guide his brain and facilitate the mind-muscle connection. Repeat on the left side.

Another tip: Keep your palm open, rather than gripping the handle. When you take a full grip, your forearm is flexed and gets the brunt of the work rather than the biceps. As soon as the biceps starts to fail, you can self-spot if you need to.

Seated Machine Dip: 3-4 Sets Of 8-10 Reps Jeremy Dutra, Triceps,Workout,Arm Workout,Seated,Machine,Dip,Single,Preacher,Curl

Bodybuilder, Fitness, Muscle Man,Article,Bodybuilding,Tutorial,Posts,Sport Teacher,Useful Text,Chest,Jeremy Dutra, Triceps,Workout,Arm Workout,Seated,Machine,Dip,Single,Preacher,Curl

Seated Machine Dip: 3-4 Sets Of 8-10 Reps
(Superset with Single-Arm Machine Preacher Curl)

You'll notice that the handles will rotate on most dip machines, offering a wider or narrower grip option. The wider setting will activate more chest, while the narrow grip will blast your triceps mercilessly.

Keep your shoulders down, away from your ears, and push through your palms. You may feel that you need to go heavier on these, but if you slow the tempo, you'll be surprised at how much the intensity increases!

Triceps Bar Hammer Curl: 3-4 Sets Of 8-10 Reps Jeremy Dutra, Triceps,Workout,Arm Workout,Bar,Hammer,Curl,Grip,Bench,Press

Bodybuilder, Fitness, Muscle Man,Article,Bodybuilding,Tutorial,Posts,Sport Teacher,Useful Text,Chest,Jeremy Dutra, Triceps,Workout,Arm Workout,Bar,Hammer,Curl,Grip,Bench,Press

Triceps Bar Hammer Curl: 3-4 Sets Of 8-10 Reps
(Superset with Triceps Bar Close-Grip Bench Press)

Your next superset is the hammer curl and close-grip bench press, both done with a triceps bar (also called a football bar). This really targets the long head of the biceps. Keep your elbows fixed at your sides as you curl, squeeze, and hold for a second at the top. No fewer than 10 reps here!

If your gym doesn't have one of these bars, you can perform a regular neutral-grip hammer curl with dumbbells.

Lying Dumbbell Triceps Extension: 3-4 Sets Of 8-10 Reps

Bodybuilder, Fitness, Muscle Man,Article,Bodybuilding,Tutorial,Posts,Sport Teacher,Useful Text,Chest,Jeremy Dutra, Triceps,Workout,Arm Workout,Lying,Dumbbell,Cable, Straight,Bar, Curl,

Lying Dumbbell Triceps Extension: 3-4 Sets Of 8-10 Reps
(Superset with Cable Straight-Bar Curl)

Lie back on a bench and start with the dumbbells directly overhead and your arms straight. Slowly lower your arms to about a 45-degree angle. Lower the dumbbells behind your head, hinging at the elbows. Keep your abs tight and the rest of your body rigid.

"If you're doing your workout while talking on your phone or having conversations, the intensity is not there," Dutra says. "You need to up that intensity if you want to break past plateaus. Welcome the pain—it's going to make you better."

Cable Straight-Bar Curl: 3-4 Sets Of 8-10 Reps Jeremy Dutra, Triceps,Workout,Arm Workout, Cable Straight, Bar Curl, Lying Dumbell, Dumbbell

Bodybuilder, Fitness, Muscle Man,Article,Bodybuilding,Tutorial,Posts,Sport Teacher,Useful Text,Chest,Jeremy Dutra, Triceps,Workout,Arm Workout, Cable Straight, Bar Curl, Lying Dumbell, Dumbbell

Cable Straight-Bar Curl: 3-4 Sets Of 8-10 Reps
(Superset with Lying Dumbbell Triceps Extension)

Dutra explains that the more open your hand is on this exercise, the more you can emphasize the entire biceps and build thickness. He chooses cables frequently because of the constant tension they provide.

His set-up tips: Stand farther away from the tower and keep your elbow out in front of you, as if you were doing a preacher curl. Again, start light, and perform no fewer than 12 reps in that first set.

V-Bar Push-Down: 3-4 Sets Of 8-10 Reps Jeremy Dutra, Triceps,Workout,Arm Workout,V-Bar, Push-Down, Dumbbell Curl

Bodybuilder, Fitness, Muscle Man,Article,Bodybuilding,Tutorial,Posts,Sport Teacher,Useful Text,Chest,Jeremy Dutra, Triceps,Workout,Arm Workout,V-Bar, Push-Down, Dumbbell Curl

V-Bar Push-Down: 3-4 Sets Of 8-10 Reps
(Superset with Standing Alternating Dumbbell Curl)

Dutra notes that he doesn't have his workout written down or his phone with him—all he has is how he feels. Again, his first set is light. Make sure you're standing with your hips back to give yourself room to complete the full range of motion and that you control the weight throughout the movement.

"The contraction is important, but it's all about how you control the eccentric portion," he says.

It's not a complete rep if you're not entirely contracting your triceps at the bottom. Dutra does a couple of partial reps at the end of the working sets, too. Remember, it's all about feel!

Standing Alternating Dumbbell Curl: 3-4 Sets Of 8-10 Reps Dutra,Chest, Triceps,Workout,Arm Workout

Bodybuilder, Fitness, Muscle Man,Article,Bodybuilding,Tutorial,Posts,Sport Teacher,Useful Text,Jeremy Dutra,Chest, Triceps,Workout,Arm Workout

Standing Alternating Dumbbell Curl: 3-4 Sets Of 8-10 Reps
(Superset with V-Bar Push-Down)

Standing Alternating Dumbbell Curl
"My philosophy is start light, build up to a working weight, do that working weight for 2 sets, and then drop the weight down," Dutra says.

That means the first set is really an extension of his warm-up for the first set. Get the pump and sweat going, and let your body know it's time to work. You'll see that he rotates his palms on his curls, but as he enters his working sets, he performs them with palms facing up the whole time. This helps keep tension on the biceps, even as the other arm is working.

Want guns like Dutra? Better take note of his workout philosophy:

Bodybuilder, Fitness, Muscle Man,Article,Bodybuilding,Tutorial,Posts,Sport Teacher,Useful Text,Jeremy Dutra,Chest, Triceps,Workout,Arm Workout

If you've seen other workouts by Jeremy Dutra, you know he's not one to stick to a rigid rep and set scheme. The EVL-sponsored athlete and IFBB pro is about to take you to school with a superset-heavy arm routine that will pump you up like no other.

Want guns like Dutra? Better take note of his workout philosophy:

Train by feel, not with strict reps.
Start light, ramp up to heavy weight.
Do 3-4 working sets per exercise.
Perform 8-10 reps per set.
For your warm-up, you'll do two banded exercises: the band biceps curl and the band overhead extension. The goal with resistance bands is to force blood into the muscle and squeeze hard on every contraction. That way, when you get to your working sets, the mind-muscle connection is already there.

"The pump should be there to start the workout—you don't get the pump in the workout," Dutra says. "Warm-ups will help you prevent injury, too."

The Best Damn Arm Workout with Jeremy Dutra

Bodybuilder, Fitness, Muscle Man,Article,Bodybuilding,Tutorial,Posts,Sport Teacher,Useful Text,Jeremy Dutra,Chest, Triceps,Workout,Arm Workout

The Best Damn Arm Workout with Jeremy Dutra

No matter how you feel about arm day, you can't build a well-rounded physique without it, and it should be as intense as any other training session. EVL-sponsored athlete Jeremy Dutra has the workout you need to make that happen!

If you've seen other workouts by Jeremy Dutra, you know he's not one to stick to a rigid rep and set scheme. The EVL-sponsored athlete and IFBB pro is about to take you to school with a superset-heavy arm routine that will pump you up like no other.

Want guns like Dutra? Better take note of his workout philosophy:

Train by feel, not with strict reps.
Start light, ramp up to heavy weight.
Do 3-4 working sets per exercise.
Perform 8-10 reps per set.
For your warm-up, you'll do two banded exercises: the band biceps curl and the band overhead extension. The goal with resistance bands is to force blood into the muscle and squeeze hard on every contraction. That way, when you get to your working sets, the mind-muscle connection is already there.

"The pump should be there to start the workout—you don't get the pump in the workout," Dutra says. "Warm-ups will help you prevent injury, too."

Technique Tips
Standing Alternating Dumbbell Curl: 3-4 sets of 8-10 reps
(Superset with V-Bar Push-Down)

"My philosophy is start light, build up to a working weight, do that working weight for 2 sets, and then drop the weight down," Dutra says.

That means the first set is really an extension of his warm-up for the first set. Get the pump and sweat going, and let your body know it's time to work. You'll see that he rotates his palms on his curls, but as he enters his working sets, he performs them with palms facing up the whole time. This helps keep tension on the biceps, even as the other arm is working.

V-Bar Push-Down: 3-4 sets of 8-10 reps
(Superset with Standing Alternating Dumbbell Curl)

Dutra notes that he doesn't have his workout written down or his phone with him—all he has is how he feels. Again, his first set is light. Make sure you're standing with your hips back to give yourself room to complete the full range of motion and that you control the weight throughout the movement.

"The contraction is important, but it's all about how you control the eccentric portion," he says.

It's not a complete rep if you're not entirely contracting your triceps at the bottom. Dutra does a couple of partial reps at the end of the working sets, too. Remember, it's all about feel!

Cable Straight-Bar Curl: 3-4 sets of 8-10 reps
(Superset with Lying Dumbbell Triceps Extension)

Dutra explains that the more open your hand is on this exercise, the more you can emphasize the entire biceps and build thickness. He chooses cables frequently because of the constant tension they provide.

His set-up tips: Stand farther away from the tower and keep your elbow out in front of you, as if you were doing a preacher curl. Again, start light, and perform no fewer than 12 reps in that first set.

Lying Dumbbell Triceps Extension: 3-4 sets of 8-10 reps
(Superset with Cable Straight-Bar Curl)

Lie back on a bench and start with the dumbbells directly overhead and your arms straight. Slowly lower your arms to about a 45-degree angle. Lower the dumbbells behind your head, hinging at the elbows. Keep your abs tight and the rest of your body rigid.

"If you're doing your workout while talking on your phone or having conversations, the intensity is not there," Dutra says. "You need to up that intensity if you want to break past plateaus. Welcome the pain—it's going to make you better."

Triceps Bar Hammer Curl: 3-4 sets of 8-10 reps
(Superset with Triceps Bar Close-Grip Bench Press)

Your next superset is the hammer curl and close-grip bench press, both done with a triceps bar (also called a football bar). This really targets the long head of the biceps. Keep your elbows fixed at your sides as you curl, squeeze, and hold for a second at the top. No fewer than 10 reps here!

If your gym doesn't have one of these bars, you can perform a regular neutral-grip hammer curl with dumbbells.

Triceps Bar Close-Grip Bench Press: 3-4 sets of 8-10 reps
(Superset with Triceps Bar Hammer Curl)

Dutra explains that if you come down past 90 degrees with your elbows, your chest is going to start to take over, when the goal here is to work the triceps. Be diligent about stopping at 90 degrees to keep the tension on the triceps, and squeeze them at the top of the movement.

Again, if you don't have this exact bar, substitute with the neutral-grip dumbbell bench press.

"When you want to put the weight down, think again," he says. "These will burn a lot."

Single-Arm Machine Preacher Curl: 3-4 sets of 8-10 reps
(Superset with Seated Machine Dip)

Single-Arm Machine Preacher Curl
Superset number four is the machine preacher curl and the machine dip. Most people sit down at a preacher curl machine and perform the movement with both arms at the same time. Dutra shows you how to do the iso-lateral version and hit each arm separately.

Turn your body to your left so that you are facing perpendicular to the pad. Place your right arm on the pad and reach for the right handle. Complete a regular preacher curl, keeping your chest open and fully extending your arm. Dutra points to his working muscle with his left hand as he performs his working sets to help guide his brain and facilitate the mind-muscle connection. Repeat on the left side.

Another tip: Keep your palm open, rather than gripping the handle. When you take a full grip, your forearm is flexed and gets the brunt of the work rather than the biceps. As soon as the biceps starts to fail, you can self-spot if you need to.

Seated Machine Dip: 3-4 sets of 8-10 reps
(Superset with Single-Arm Machine Preacher Curl)

You'll notice that the handles will rotate on most dip machines, offering a wider or narrower grip option. The wider setting will activate more chest, while the narrow grip will blast your triceps mercilessly.

Keep your shoulders down, away from your ears, and push through your palms. You may feel that you need to go heavier on these, but if you slow the tempo, you'll be surprised at how much the intensity increases!

Standing Cable Curl: 2 sets of 50 reps
(Superset with Cable Rope Push-Down) The finisher here is going to be 100 reps in 2 sets! Grab an EZ-bar for the biceps curls, and if you have Fat Gripz, throw those on, too! Do as many reps as you can in the first set, and whatever doesn't get done, you have to finish in the second set—try to get at least 50 reps the first time around! Choose your weight wisely.

Cable Rope Push-Down: 2 sets of 50 reps
(Superset with Standing Cable Curl)

As soon as you finish your first set of curls, jump right into the rope push-downs and again, do as many as you can. No need to rush these—make sure your form is intact and be intentional with every rep.

"Remember: time under tension, control your eccentrics, and intensity," Dutra says. "It comes down to how far you're willing to push your mind."

Jeremy Dutra,

Bodybuilder, Fitness, Muscle Man,Article,Bodybuilding,Tutorial,Posts,Sport Teacher,Useful Text,Jeremy Dutra,Chest, Triceps,Workout,

Rope Push-Down Olympus Lyfestyle,WBFF Bikini Diva,Maaxx West,

Bodybuilder, Fitness, Muscle Woman,Article,Bodybuilding,Tutorial,Posts,Sport Teacher, Useful Text,Olympus Lyfestyle,WBFF Bikini Diva,Maaxx West, Woman Bodybuilder,Chest, Triceps,Workout,Rope Push-Down

Rope Push-Down

Time to blast the triceps again. Grab a rope attachment and set the pulley at the top of the cable tower. Start with your elbows at slightly less than a 90-degree angle and bring the rope down, focusing on moving the weight with your triceps. Get a good squeeze at the bottom before controlling the weight back up to the start.

Follow the previously described protocol, doing 5 slow positive reps, 5 slow negative reps, and blasting the triceps to failure to finish each set.

Cable Fly Olympus Lyfestyle,WBFF Bikini Diva,Maaxx West,

Bodybuilder, Fitness, Muscle Woman,Article,Bodybuilding,Tutorial,Posts,Sport Teacher, Useful Text,Olympus Lyfestyle,WBFF Bikini Diva,Maaxx West, Woman Bodybuilder,Chest, Triceps,Workout,Cable Fly

Cable Fly

Another classic chest movement with a twist! You'll perform your first 10 reps as you normally see this exercise done, pressing forward in a controlled manner. The cables will help you maintain tension on the chest muscles and keep your core braced.

After you complete these, readjust your position so that you are pushing the handles from a wide grip with palms facing down. Instead of bringing the handles out in front of your chest, bring them downward toward the floor until they meet in the center in front of you for another 10 reps.

Triceps Dip, Olympus Lyfestyle,WBFF Bikini Diva,Maaxx West, Woman Bodybuilder,

Bodybuilder, Fitness, Muscle Woman,Article,Bodybuilding,Tutorial,Posts,Sport Teacher, Useful Text,Olympus Lyfestyle,WBFF Bikini Diva,Maaxx West, Woman Bodybuilder,Chest, Triceps,Workout,Triceps Dip

Triceps Dip

Hop on the dip bar, or use a dip machine if you need assistance on this movement. If you don't have a dip machine, you can also hang a large band across the dip bar handles and rest your knees in it as a way of assisting you in doing the reps with good form.

No matter which setup you use, keep your elbows tucked in close to your body, not flared out, as you perform the downward portion. This will help protect your shoulder joints from being compromised. Once your elbows reach a 90-degree angle, press up through your palms until your elbows are completely extended.

Bench Press, Olympus Lyfestyle,WBFF Bikini Diva,Maaxx West, Woman Bodybuilder,

Bodybuilder, Fitness, Muscle Woman,Article,Bodybuilding,Tutorial,Posts,Sport Teacher, Useful Text,Olympus Lyfestyle,WBFF Bikini Diva,Maaxx West, Woman Bodybuilder,Chest, Triceps,Workout,Bench Press

Bench Press

Now you'll move into a compound lift with the classic barbell bench press. Take a grip that's slightly wider than shoulder width—or even wider if that feels more comfortable when you press. Reps 1-5 will be a slow tempo on the eccentric portion of the lift (count 5 seconds in your head), and reps 6-10 will be a slow count on the concentric portion of the lift.

For the bench press, it's important to maintain a tight upper back—this will help make the pressing movement easier and keep your shoulders stable, which helps prevent injury. A useful cue to help you stay tight is to think about "bending the bar" as you bring it down to your chest.