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Bayram Cigerli etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Bayram Cigerli etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Film Club: ‘The Life Span of Loneliness’

By The Learning Network from NYT The Learning Network via Bayram Cigerli Film Club: ‘The Life Span of Loneliness’ Film Club: ‘The Life Span of Loneliness’ The Learning Netwo...

Biden Takes Aim at Grocery Chains Over Food Prices Prices (Fares, Fees and Rates), Supermarkets and Grocery Stores, Food, United States Economy, Shopping and Retail, Labor and Jobs, Inflation (Economics), Consumer Behavior

By Jim Tankersley from NYT U.S. via Bayram Cigerli Biden Takes Aim at Grocery Chains Over Food Prices Biden Takes Aim at Grocery Chains Over Food Prices U.S. Prices (Fares, Fees and Rates), Supermarkets and Grocery Stores, Food, United States Economy, Shopping and Retail, Labor...

Platoonmates Killed in Jordan Saw Army Service as a Life Ladder Black People, Women and Girls, Content Type: Personal Profile, United States Defense and Military Forces, Murders, Attempted Murders and Homicides, Reserves (Military), Draft and Recruitment (Military), Drones (Pilotless Planes)

By Dave Philipps and Sean Keenan from NYT U.S. via Bayram Cigerli Platoonmates Killed in Jordan Saw Army Service as a Life Ladder Platoonmates Killed in Jordan Saw Army Service as a Life Ladder U.S. Black People, Women and Girls, Content Type: Personal Profile, United States...

Using A.I., Hollywood Agency and Tech Start-Up Aim to Protect Artists Artificial Intelligence, Actors and Actresses, Computers and the Internet, Forgery

By Nicole Sperling from NYT Business via Bayram Cigerli Using A.I., Hollywood Agency and Tech Start-Up Aim to Protect Artists Using A.I., Hollywood Agency and Tech Start-Up Aim to Protect Artists Business Artificial Intelligence, Actors and Actresses, Computers and the Internet,...

Tuesday Briefing: U.S. Weighs a Response to the Drone Strike

By Amelia Nierenberg from NYT World via Bayram Cigerli Tuesday Briefing: U.S. Weighs a Response to the Drone Strike Tuesday Briefing: U.S. Weighs a Response to the Drone Strike Wor...

$83 Million Verdict Renews Spotlight on Trump’s Finances New York State Civil Case Against Trump (452564/2022), Decisions and Verdicts, Suits and Litigation (Civil)

By Ben Protess, Maggie Haberman and Susanne Craig from NYT New York via Bayram Cigerli $83 Million Verdict Renews Spotlight on Trump’s Finances $83 Million Verdict Renews Spotlight on Trump’s Finances New York New York State Civil Case Against Trump (452564/2022), Decisions...

Monday Briefing: U.S. Service Members Killed in Jordan Israel-Gaza War (2023- )

By Amelia Nierenberg from NYT World via Bayram Cigerli Monday Briefing: U.S. Service Members Killed in Jordan Monday Briefing: U.S. Service Members Killed in Jordan World Israel-Gaza War (2023-...

Major Donors Pause Funding for U.N. Agency as Scandal Widens Israel-Gaza War (2023- ), Palestinians, Refugees and Displaced Persons, Humanitarian Aid

By Raja Abdulrahim, Julian E. Barnes, Aaron Boxerman and Patrick Kingsley from NYT World via Bayram Cigerli Major Donors Pause Funding for U.N. Agency as Scandal Widens Major Donors Pause Funding for U.N. Agency as Scandal Widens World Israel-Gaza War (2023- ), Palestinians,...

Harry Connick Sr., New Orleans D.A. Criticized for Overreach, Dies at 97 Deaths (Obituaries), False Arrests, Convictions and Imprisonments, Ethics and Official Misconduct, Prosecutorial Misconduct, District Attorneys

By Adam Nossiter from NYT U.S. via Bayram Cigerli Harry Connick Sr., New Orleans D.A. Criticized for Overreach, Dies at 97 Harry Connick Sr., New Orleans D.A. Criticized for Overreach, Dies at 97 U.S. Deaths (Obituaries), False Arrests, Convictions and Imprisonments, Ethics...

Imágenes falsas y explícitas de Taylor Swift inundan las redes sociales Artificial Intelligence, Social Media, Mobile Applications, Indecency, Obscenity and Profanity, Law and Legislation, Rumors and Misinformation

By Kate Conger and John Yoon from NYT En español via Bayram Cigerli Imágenes falsas y explícitas de Taylor Swift inundan las redes sociales Imágenes falsas y explícitas de Taylor Swift inundan las redes sociales En español Artificial Intelligence, Social Media, Mobile Applications,...

A Hello, a Return and a Chicken Potpie Restaurants, internal-sub-only-nl

By Nikita Richardson from NYT Food via Bayram Cigerli A Hello, a Return and a Chicken Potpie A Hello, a Return and a Chicken Potpie Food Restaurants, internal-sub-only-...

Never Trumpers Nev internal-sub-only-nl, Conservatism (US Politics), United States Politics and Government, Right-Wing Extremism and Alt-Right, Anger (Emotion)

By David French from NYT Opinion via Bayram Cigerli Never Trumpers Nev Never Trumpers Nev Opinion internal-sub-only-nl, Conservatism (US Politics), United States Politics and Government, Right-Wing Extremism and Alt-Right, Anger (Emotio...

Naomi Feil, Who Promoted Empathy as a Response to Dementia, Dies at 91 Deaths (Obituaries), Dementia, Alzheimer's Disease, Empathy, Elder Care

By Sam Roberts from NYT Health via Bayram Cigerli Naomi Feil, Who Promoted Empathy as a Response to Dementia, Dies at 91 Naomi Feil, Who Promoted Empathy as a Response to Dementia, Dies at 91 Health Deaths (Obituaries), Dementia, Alzheimer's Disease, Empathy, Elder Ca...

Whatever It Took, DeSantis Didn’t Have Presidential Election of 2024, Primaries and Caucuses

By Rachel L. Harris and Lisa Tarchak from NYT Opinion via Bayram Cigerli Whatever It Took, DeSantis Didn’t Have Whatever It Took, DeSantis Didn’t Have Opinion Presidential Election of 2024, Primaries and Caucus...

Sunak’s Rwanda Plan for Asylum Seekers Fails First Test in House of Lords Asylum, Right of, Politics and Government, Illegal Immigration, Treaties, Immigration and Emigration, Refugees and Displaced Persons, Legislatures and Parliaments

By Stephen Castle from NYT World via Bayram Cigerli Sunak’s Rwanda Plan for Asylum Seekers Fails First Test in House of Lords Sunak’s Rwanda Plan for Asylum Seekers Fails First Test in House of Lords World Asylum, Right of, Politics and Government, Illegal Immigration, Treaties,...

At Least 70 Deaths in U.S. Are Connected to Severe Winter Weather Cold and Cold Spells, Winter (Season), Snow and Snowstorms, Wind, Ice

By Jacey Fortin and Colbi Edmonds from NYT U.S. via Bayram Cigerli At Least 70 Deaths in U.S. Are Connected to Severe Winter Weather At Least 70 Deaths in U.S. Are Connected to Severe Winter Weather U.S. Cold and Cold Spells, Winter (Season), Snow and Snowstorms, Wind, I...

Nikki Haley Has Written Three Books. Here Are Five Takeaways. Presidential Election of 2024, United States Politics and Government, Books and Literature

By Jazmine Ulloa from NYT U.S. via Bayram Cigerli Nikki Haley Has Written Three Books. Here Are Five Takeaways. Nikki Haley Has Written Three Books. Here Are Five Takeaways. U.S. Presidential Election of 2024, United States Politics and Government, Books and Literatu...

Lingering Cold Puts Millions in the South Under Harsh Conditions Winter (Season), Cold and Cold Spells, Ice

By Anna Betts and Jamie McGee from NYT U.S. via Bayram Cigerli Lingering Cold Puts Millions in the South Under Harsh Conditions Lingering Cold Puts Millions in the South Under Harsh Conditions U.S. Winter (Season), Cold and Cold Spells, I...

Menachem Daum, Filmmaker Who Explored the World of Hasidim, Dies at 77 Deaths (Obituaries), Documentary Films and Programs, Movies, Hasidism, Jews and Judaism, Holocaust and the Nazi Era

By Joseph Berger from NYT Movies via Bayram Cigerli Menachem Daum, Filmmaker Who Explored the World of Hasidim, Dies at 77 Menachem Daum, Filmmaker Who Explored the World of Hasidim, Dies at 77 Movies Deaths (Obituaries), Documentary Films and Programs, Movies, Hasidism, Jews...

The U.S. Strikes More Houthi Sites in Yemen Israel-Gaza War (2023- ), Ships and Shipping

By Eric Schmitt from NYT World via Bayram Cigerli The U.S. Strikes More Houthi Sites in Yemen The U.S. Strikes More Houthi Sites in Yemen World Israel-Gaza War (2023- ), Ships and Shippi...