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Why Commitment Matters

What comes to your mind when you hear the word 'commitment'?

I think about commitment and how it not only matters in my marriage but also in my fitness and overall health.  They both take dedication and work, right?  Think about that: if you cheat on your marriage, it will not work…if you cheat on your health, it will not work…see what I mean. In order to maintain a happy, healthy relationship, it takes commitment, effort, and work on a consistent basis.  

In this journey of life, I have learned what I do and don't want. I certainly have found a gem in my husband and cherish our relationship as a top priority.  I feel the same way about my fitness. I realize my body is a precious gift worthy of my time and attention so I can live a healthy quality of life. 

Commitment is a word that I don't use lightly. It's a promise that I will maintain my relationship in a healthy way with my hubby and with myself. 

I don't need a special Hallmark day in my life to appreciate my honey and my health. Each day is an opportunity to make the right choices and do the right things.  I treat both my marriage and health with tender loving care, appreciation, time and attention. 

Commitment to the things that matter is important and believe me, there are plenty of 'busy things' in life that just don't matter. I like that motivational saying “when you are committed to something, you accept no excuses, only results”.  I believe in seeing positive results in my marriage and health. If I don't take the healthy steps to make that happen, that is on me. I have worked too hard and long in my life to not make the most of each day, and appreciate what good health and true love feels like.   

I am over 50 years young and it has taken half my life to reach the maturity of emotional, spiritual, and physical well-being that I understand today.  The road along the way was difficult as I am sure most of you can relate. Through patience, perseverance, and commitment to want more for me in every aspect of life, the journey was worth the results. 

The importance of commitment is also patience through the process as nothing happens overnight. There is no such thing as here today and gone tomorrow and rushing life usually gets us no-where. The point is to stay true to your commitments, appreciate the journey, and grow in positive ways through the struggles. 

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The effort is worth the results. Stay Healthy 💖

Supersets: Advanced Exercising for Better Results

Have you ever heard of supersets in workouts before? A superset is when you train two different muscles of the same muscle group simultaneously and without a rest period in between them. Due to their challenging nature, supersets can be very beneficial in that they stimulate your growth hormones, and release of adrenaline. Not only that, but due to their intensity supersets are the best way to gain strength, and burn fat in no time.

If you have never tried them before, then consider this option as it might change your life forever. Here is a couple of benefits you will get from performing supersets:

1. Time saving Factor:
As you combine two sets into one superset, you'll be able to finish your workout in half the time you usually do.

2. High Intensity:
By doing 2 consecutive sets you'll workout your muscles beyond what you imagine, and increase the chances of afterburn so your muscle gets the best out of your workout, and you can burn the maximum of fat possible.

3. Have a variety of workouts:
With supersets you can not only work out the same muscle group, but you can actually different muscle groups, and that way you can squeeze a full workout of your whole body into 2 or 3 sessions a week, or you can rotate between different muscles during the same week if you work out often (as long as you aren't overtraining of course).

4. Get good results with light weights:
If you are afraid of using heavy weights to take your workout routine to a new level, or you are just concerned about your safety, then supersets are the way to go. Even though you are using lightweight, you will still feel the burn as you will be doing double the reps you usually do when you are performing a regular set.

I find compound supersets the best way to go if you want to pack on slabs upon slabs of muscle and burn as much fat as you can at the same time. With compound exercises you will not only benefit from training two muscles at the same time, but for every set you'll be training large muscle groups that will require more energy to train, but beware of the negative side. Supersets are a double edged sword, and if you are a beginner then please do a research on it or consult your personal trainer if you have one to set up a balanced work out for you. Otherwise you might be setting up yourself for failure as you can easily get into a catabolic state with such an advanced workout.

If you are just starting your weight training workouts and you don't know where to start then get into this page to get exact instructions on how to get lean in no time!

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Max Interval Training Provides Maximum Results In Minimal Time

ByJamie Casello

Everyone has a different pace when it comes to fitness training. Some prefer slow and steady while some enjoy fast and furious. There are benefits to both styles of exercise and new research that shows how different methods produce drastically different physiological effects.

There are people like enjoy reading a book while strolling on the tread mill and there are people who go full force on the AirDyne until they fall off the bike in a heap. Both methods will help with weight loss, improve your cardiovascular health as well as brain function and many other health benefits. People out there who are looking to control their weight, correct their diabetes or just improve their general health will gain from any regular exercise.

Elite athletes have been using interval training for over thirty years, but new sports science shows that mixing up your workout with both very slow and very fast intervals will give you more bang for your buck and in a shorter amount of time than they originally imagined. In fact, interval training can double your endurance in only 2 weeks of training. More surprising is the fact is that it will boost the endurance of people who are already engaged in regular conditioning.

Interval training provides another benefit which many people will be more interested in. Interval training increases the body's ability to burn fat. Recent studies of subjects over a two week period showed over a 35 percent increase in the amount of fat burned.

There has not been an exact number put on the best ratio of fast to slow training but the rest or recovery part of the interval should not allow the heart rate to return to a resting rate before the next high intensity phase begins again. It is believed that the low intensity phase will allow waste products to be removed from the muscle before the next push. This makes it possible for more high intensity training during the workout than one solid high intensity session.

You can apply this training technique to almost any type of cardio exercise. Additionally, any athlete will benefit from adding interval training to their current regimen and see performance improvements across the board. For those of us without elite training resources, there are a few high quality workout programs on the market such as the Insanity workout that make max interval training the foundation of the system and take max interval training to new levels. For those of us who are short on time, max interval training provides the greatest benefits in the shortest amount of time and who doesn't want that?

Want to find out more about Insanity, then visit Jamie Casello's site on how to choose the best Asylum interval training for your needs.

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Working Out With A Friend Will Get You Better Results

Many believe that the best way to focus on your workout is by working out alone and trying to avoid wasting lots of time socializing in the gym. There is also a group that says that the best way to exercise is to work out with a friend or family member. They believe that by working out with a friend you can build a habit that you can continue for a long time. The popularity of boot camp programs have grown so much because of the motivating group environment. So let's discuss the benefits of working out with a friend/partner and some tips on how to find the best exercise buddy or partner.

Research shows that there are many benefits of working out with a friend/partner than what you might think. The right workout partner can help boost your motivation and have someone to share your success with. However, the wrong partner or buddy could easily steer you off course and make you lose site of your goals. So grab your friend, family member or even a pet and start working out. There is however some things that you need to consider when choosing your workout buddy, so keep these things in mind in finding one.

You and your partner or buddy should be at least at the same level of fitness. Because it can be sometimes frustrating to the fitter one that his or her partner can't keep up and it can then be demoralizing for the less fit partner.

Choose a partner that has the same fitness goal. It can be hard to work out with someone who wants to focus on their flexibility while you on the other hand want to increase speed and strength.

There are people who prefer to workout in the morning, while there are others who like to work out at night. Choose a buddy that has the same schedule as you, or one that can go with you most of the time.

It is very important you like the person you are working out with. Although it can be fun to workout, it is also a very hard task. So if you are with someone who would only make it harder for you then this is not good. Find someone who can inspire you to go on and not discourage you.

If you are thinking of joining a boot camp, join with a friend/partner so you have someone there initially who is starting out with you for motivation. You will soon make new friends at boot camp that can also be there to motivate you when your friend cannot make it, or just have additional support when your friend is at boot camp with you as well.

It is fun to work out with a family member or friend, and some of the benefits of working out with a friend /partner is that it can help keep you motivated while you burn more fat and lose weight more quickly than when you workout alone. Just be sure that you choose carefully the right partner so that you can both enjoy all these benefits of exercising.

Kris Crepeau owner of X Core Fitness in Worcester, MA invites you to visit his website at for more fitness and weight loss information. You can download a free report on getting back into your skinny jeans by visiting his site as well.

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You Want To Finally Get Results With Fitness? Stop Focusing On These 10 Things

ByAvy Barnes

The secret to getting success with diet and exercise does not start with your diet and your exercise plan. It starts with your mind. You have to first get into the mindset of someone who lives healthy. You have to next prepare yourself to stay consistent and dedicated to your program. And last but certainly not least, when it comes to fitness, you MUST stop focusing on the following 10 most popular things people pay WAY too much attention to... and instead focus on just ONE thing that will change your body faster than ever before.

You want to make all your hard work pay off? Stop focusing...

1. On how many calories you are burning.

2. On what you should wear to the gym, to workout at home, or outside.

3. On how you look while working out (unless it is to watch your form).

4. On buying all kinds of fitness equipment.

5. On socializing at the gym.

6. On what's better: working out at home or working out at the gym.

7. On whether you are going to be sore or not after a workout.

8. On doing excessive cardio.

9. On trying to improve one (or more) parts of your body (you workout to improve your WHOLE BODY).

10. On ab exercises (THEY DO NOT REMOVE BELLY FAT)!

The secret to getting success with your fitness goals (and actually many of life's goals as well) is to...

Focus on breaking your comfort zone and challenge yourself with every workout! The one thing to remember is that your body is not going to change unless you are challenging yourself with fitness. If you are not sweating, if you are not feeling exhausted, if you are not breathing heavily... you are not challenging yourself! Your body DOES NOT like changes! You have to tell it to shut up, wake up, and be prepared for something amazing that is about to happen!

Bottom line, when that moment arrives during your workout when you feel like quitting, when you are battling voices in your head telling you to stop, when you feel like you would do anything to catch your breath, when you are sweating so much it looks like you went swimming, when you are breathing so hard you can't talk, and when you have to give everything you got for that last repetition, the last mile, the last minute, etc., then that's when you WILL... SEE... CHANGES!

Now, the best program I can recommend to you is an at-home diet and exercise program that will Melt Away Fat LIGHTNING fast... WITHOUT needing any equipment, WITHOUT doing extreme workouts that will make you lose motivation on the FIRST day, and WITHOUT spending a fortune! This highly recommended program is not just an amazing at-home workout, it also has a proven effective SIMPLE diet program that will skyrocket your metabolism and have you drop pounds of fat like crazy! Oh, and everything is customized based off of YOUR body type!

Click HERE to learn more about this AMAZING program (that you can also instantly download as well)!

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