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Foods to Eat When Exercising

ByJohn Trier

The benefits associated with working out are undisputed. Just walk through the checkout line at the grocery store and you're bombarded with endless rows of magazines touting the latest exercise fads. Turn on the television and there's someone giving a testimony on how a Pull up bar changed their life. Keep going to the gym. Get your weekly cardio from running at the park. Ball with your coworkers after work. All of these are great ways to stay active physically but there's also an often overlooked aspect of working out.

What you eat matters. The food that we consume fuels our bodies and this is crucial within the context of working out. Just like you wouldn't pump diesel into an Audi, you should avoid filling your body with too many empty calories and bad fats McDonald I'm looking at you). Here are some types of foods to consider adding into your diet to maximize your workout:

Chicken is an amazing source of lean protein, full of essential vitamins and minerals. It contains omega 3 fatty acids which are necessary for good health. Chicken has also been shown to protect against cancer and heart disease. If that doesn't make you want to throw a chicken breast on a skillet after a workout, it gets better. Get this: chicken promotes fat burning. Combine that with a physically active lifestyle you've got a solid starting foundation.

A healthy diet would not be Whole without whole grains like bread and cereal. According to Science Daily, consuming just 2.5 servings of whole grains daily can significantly reduce risk of heart disease. White bread lacks essential dietary fiber. It's high in carbohydrates that are released too quickly into the bloodstream, causing spikes in insulin levels. Well what are you waiting for? Consider swapping your white bread for 100% whole wheat.

Go nuts. Almonds, pecans, and walnuts. High in vitamins and healthy fats, nuts are a heart-healthy snack. Next time you're feeling the munchies, avoid the drive-through and instead, just grab a small handful of almonds. Almonds contain monounsaturated fats which help fight and lower cholesterol. Munch on this: walnuts are the only nuts that contain significant amounts of omega 3. Omega-3's are linked with better glucose control and stronger bones.

Proper nutrition is a necessary part of a physically fit lifestyle and cannot be ignored. In general, choose leaner proteins and avoid processed snacks. A Well Rounded diet ensures the maximization of a workout. A single trip to McDonald will not ruin you but is important to practice moderation and be aware of the caloric content of your foods. offers the best quality pull up bar on the market. Get serious about your pull ups, chin ups, or kipping pull ups with this sturdy, fixed-mount pull up bar.

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