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Running Injury Prevention - How to Prevent Injuries When Running And Exercising

To achieve consistency with your running program—or with any other training program, you need to learn how to keep the nightmare of injuries at bay. Let's face it, running is not 100% percent safe activity; the high impact nature of this sport can lead to a myriad of serious injuries such as bone fractures and runners knee. Nevertheless, most of the trouble can be dodged if you implement and follow the right training strategies for injury free running.

Therefore, if you're looking to ward off running injuries while getting the most out of each training session, here are 5 training guidelines that can help

Proper Running Shoes

Running in the wrong shoes increase the chances of discomfort and running injuries such as Achilles tendonitis and black toenail. As a result, if your running shoes are too old, too tight, too wide or just uncomfortable, ditch them and go look for new sole-mate. Head to the nearest sportswear store and pick the right pair for you.

Start With Warm-up

Make sure to start all your training sessions with a proper warm-up. Doing so helps your body to get ready for the task ahead by improving blood circulation and loosening up muscles and joints. Skipping on warm-up will only leave prematurely fatigued or worse, injured. Start with a 10-minutes slow jog and gradually increase your running pace.

Develop Good Form

Proper running form boost athletic performance, improves running efficiency and economy, and most importantly, prevents the occurrence of a plethora of training injuries. Yet, most runners are keen on improving proper running mechanics. Sadly enough, doing so can spell disaster on your running program. Instead, make sure to do the following to improve running form:

- Keep your body relaxed throughout the running session.

- Land on the fore-foot, instead of the heel or the toes.

- Bend you arms at 90% angle while keeping the shoulder and fist relaxed at all times.

- Keep gazing 20 feet ahead. Your head slightly bent forward.

Run on Grass Or Trail

Hitting the pavement and sidewalks can doubtless increase the likelihood of running discomforts and injuries. In fact, improper running surface are one of the leading causes of running injuries. Therefore, make sure to do the bulk of your training on "gentler surfaces". Opt for grass routes or dirt trails as they're more soothing and comfortable to run on.

End With a cool-down

A proper cool down can help you regain control over your body by gradually slowing down heart and breathing rate. Bringing your running pace to an immediate halt increases chances of developing aches and injuries afterward. In addition, doing so hinders running recovery, thus compromises performance and running consistency. As a result, make sure to keep moving even after the run is over. Gradually decrease running pace and stretch afterwards.

Copyright (c) 2012 runners blueprint

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