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First etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Taking the First Step in Exercising

ByCindy GThe beginning of the journey is the most crucial, and you will see the most gains and results in the first few months. Once you hit a plateau, that's when you start experimenting what works best for you.The purpose is to teach you how to build your foundation by beginning with making small changes in your habits, which eventually will become your goal/results. You need to work on your base...

How Much Running Is Required to Train for a First Half Marathon?

Running a first half marathon is a great way of getting fit, losing weight and maybe even earning some money for a good cause. But how much training is required?The answer depends on two things - how fit you are at the beginning of your training, and how fast you want to compete the 13.1 mile course. Both need to be considered together. Starting from a low level of fitness but trying to run the course...

How Long Does It Take to Train for Your First Half Marathon?

The length of time required to train for a first half marathon depends upon a number of factors. But one of the reasons for the popularity of half marathons is that most people are able to compete in their first event within a relatively short period of time - often as little as 3 months.The idea of running a full, 26.2 mile marathon is something which is extremely daunting for most of us. However,...