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Taking the First Step in Exercising

ByCindy G

The beginning of the journey is the most crucial, and you will see the most gains and results in the first few months. Once you hit a plateau, that's when you start experimenting what works best for you.

The purpose is to teach you how to build your foundation by beginning with making small changes in your habits, which eventually will become your goal/results. You need to work on your base before anything else, and then gradually progress the further you go. Building your foundation may be the most difficult step because you need to push yourself to changing those small habits that you have. However, once you accomplish the foundation/base, everything will come together and your initial goal will be much easier than when you began.

As noted, the first few months will be difficult, and this is where most people fail, but it is also the most crucial part. You need to start at your own pace and make changes in your habits. Once you reach a specific point where you see the physical and health results, that should give you more motivation to achieve higher goals.

Here is a list of habits you should aim for in your daily routine:

Eat frequently to increase your metabolism. You don't have to have big meals. Many people skip breakfast because of their busy lifestyles, but breakfast is the most important meal of the day because it gives your body the energy it needs for the day. Try to have 4-6 meals a day, and make healthier choices such as packing a lunch instead of buying outside food.
Incorporate exercising into your daily routine. Take the stairs instead of the elevator or bike instead of taking the bus. Small habits such as these can go a long way, and eventually they will lead to changing bigger habits. The main goal is to get you into the habit of exercising, and leading it to an actual workout.
Adjust your sleeping patterns. By having a proper sleeping pattern and enough sleep, it helps your muscles recover from exercising. Sleep for a good 7-9 hours and try to avoid naps.

Exercising could either be cardiovascular training or resistance training. Your main goal is to actually get yourself into exercising. You may not find motivation at the beginning but as long as you are putting an effort into it, that's what counts. For beginners, it is best to have a mixture of both cardiovascular and resistance training within the same day. Try to get some cardiovascular training done (walking, running, etc) to strengthen the heart, and to burn some extra calories. Choose a steady pace where you can go for a long duration (15-30 minutes) and then gradually increase the intensity and duration.

In the end, you are the only one that has the ability to change your lifestyle. Remember to listen to your body and slowly change your habits; don't force your body too much, work gradually. Don't rush things because that is where a lot of people make mistakes and fail. Work at a pace that suits you and soon you will be living a healthier lifestyle.

Cindy is an editor at

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