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Breathing Exercise Secrets - How To Breathe Properly When Running And Exercising

Breathing while running may prove difficult. Proper breathing is critical for performance and running enjoyment. The better you breathe, the more oxygen is supplied to your body and working muscles, thus performance and stamina improve drastically. Unfortunately, most runners find it hard to find the best breathing rhythm.

In fact, most struggle and fall short of their real potential.Nevertheless, proper breathing can be taught and learned. It's just another skill that needs a bit of practice and diligence.

As a result, here are two breathing techniques that can help.

In From the Nose, Out From the Mouth

When it comes to setting a running-breathing rhythm, nose breathing is the way to go. Inhaling from the nose will help you keep running intensity on the low (thus prevent fatigue and overtraining), stabilize heart rate and improves focus levels. However, during high intensity running session, relying solely on the nose can be tricky. For that, make sure to use your mouth as well in the inhalation process.

Nevertheless, on the exhale, make sure to use your mouth for the task. Exhaling from the mouth helps the elimination of the highest amount of CO2, thus help prevent discomfort and fights off fatigue. In addition, this type of breathing also promotes a sense of relaxation and easygoingness.

Deep Breathing

The reason why most runners find it hard to breathe properly during running is that the most are chest breathers. Sadly enough, chest breathing is a very inefficient when it comes to getting the highest amounts of oxygen delivered to the working muscles. Opting for this breathing pattern will only leave you suffering from the chest aches, and fatigue both during the session and afterwards.

Instead, the way to go is to opt for deep breathing. Also known as diaphragmatic or belly breathing, this type of breathing involves the use of the belly and core muscles in the processes of inhale and the exhale. Opting for deeper breaths does two things: first, it allows the delivery of the maximum amount of oxygen to the body.

Secondly, it makes the process of waste and CO2 elimination more efficient and potent. Thus leading to superior running performance and results.

However, deep breathing is hard to master. For that, you need to practice it in the comfort of your home before you head out for a run. Doing so will only improve your running performance, it will also make out of you a better human. Yogis have known this for centuries, now it's your time to reap similar rewards.

Copyright (c) 2012 runners blueprint

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