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weightloss etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
weightloss etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

How to Lose 12lbs in 6 Weeks

Losing 12 pounds is not only a realistic goal but can be done in a short amount of time. Still with me?

Skip The Diet, Just Live Healthy

I'm not talking about a fad diet or weight loss gimmick. I'm referring to healthy weight loss using appropriate methods. This means a healthy lifestyle that includes:
  • Consistent healthy eating (at least 80% of the time)
  • Intuitive eating (listen to satiety and hunger body cues)
  • Regular exercise (3-5 times weekly)
  • Adequate water intake
  • Limited alcohol intake
  • Plenty of rest
  • Positive mindset
  • An active lifestyle outside the gym

Healthy Weight Loss

Applying a healthy lifestyle is said to promote successful weight loss at a rate of 1 to 3 pounds per week. This is considered sustainable and healthy weight loss.

I find those clients following my nutritional coaching combined with consistent workouts are losing in the middle range of 2 pounds per week. Although weight loss will happen differently for each person.

Think about what this means in terms of time. This is only six weeks of sticking to a consistent fitness program. This is not a diet but eating lots of amazing healthy food.

Sodas are eliminated and alcohol is limited to not more than two nights per week and 2 drink maximum for a male, 1 drink maximum for a female. Water intake is increased to drinking 1/2 your body weight in ounces daily to start.

It also means exercising 3 to 5 times weekly for at least thirty minutes per session. 

Sound like something you could do?

Get Motivated

Sometimes it just takes someone to motivate you to start. The great thing about this program is it's not considered a diet but simply living healthily. No diet stigma or frustration that goes along with feeling food restricted. The truth about diets is that they don't work because they can't be sustained.

Healthy living is sustainable and the best way to promote fat loss, and lean mass gains. It improves the quality of your health and life. Are you motivated? 

Get Fit the Right Way

Doesn't this sound reasonable, exciting, and realistic? Getting fit the right way shouldn't feel like a burden or complicated. What it does do is provide you with the knowledge of what and how to eat, how to exercise, and how to successfully apply a healthy lifestyle

Adopting a healthy lifestyle is getting fit the right way. It becomes an enjoyable habit and way of life. It's not a temporary condition and the results are maintained for a lifetime.

It's time we stop over-complicating weight loss and start implementing the simplicity of eating healthy and exercise. Fitness is often thought to be a difficult process with overwhelming life changes. Not true. Diet culture and diet marketing make things harder than they really are.

Change Takes Change
Change does take change. Yes, weight loss and getting fit require some choices and changes. It means creating healthy habits. This isn't a bad thing.

It also means applying realistic thinking about losing weight and getting fit. We want all the results but don't want to give up a current unhealthy lifestyle. Sound familiar?

If you want to see changes, you need to be willing to make the necessary changes.

The Bottom Line

Giving 100% effort for at least six weeks will provide personal feedback and positive results. This will allow enough time for you to embrace a healthy lifestyle and keep going with healthy choices.

You can do it!

My Typical Healthy Day

I like to teach by example and will eat something similar to the following menu on any given day:
  • 1 cup coffee with natural vanilla creamer
  • Meal 1: Organic morning round with 1tbsp natural organic peanut butter
  • Meal 2: Green shake: 1 cutie, ½-cup chopped pineapple 2 large handfuls power greens, water and blend until combined. 1 slice organic seeded toast topped with a soft-cooked organic egg to accompany my green shake. 
  • Meal 3: ¼ cup fresh blueberries, ½ cup Greek yogurt, ¼ cup organic ground flax meal, handful raw mixed nuts (stir it up and eat)
  • Meal 4: 4 oz grilled salmon or chicken with large side roasted vegetables like Brussel sprouts and cauliflower (drizzle olive oil on veggies, and large tbsp. basil pesto, mix well, roast)
  • Meal 5: 1oz square of dark chocolate with 1tbsp peanut butter, or 1/2 glass organic low-fat chocolate milk 

I exercise 4 to 5 times per week and for 30 to 60-minutes per session. I believe in focused physical training and complete my workouts in a short period of time. I include a variety of fitness training and enjoy weight lifting, HIIT workouts, and stretching.

I also listen to my body. If I require more rest, I may only exercise four times that week.

I enjoy active rest days being outdoors with hubby, playing with our dog, going on long walks, hikes, or swimming. 

Fit For Life

Studies indicate losing one to three pounds per week provides healthy, long-term sustainable weight loss. Unlike fad diets that may shed weight quickly but is regained plus more once the program is over. 

Now is always the right time to get fit. Start by implementing a six-week fitness challenge makeover. This is a great beginning and short-term goal of shedding 12 pounds. It will be helpful to keep a fitness journal and track your food intake and exercise. Do your best, and have fun with the journey. 

I would love to hear from you. Sharing success stories, asking questions, or sharing concerns is a great way to encourage and support each other along the way.  

Thanks for stopping by my Blog. Don't forget to subscribe and never miss a free update. 



How to Lose Weight and Gain Muscle in 7 Steps

How do I lose weight and gain muscle? This is probably the top-ranked question heard daily as a trainer/coach. The question is not always easily answered.

There is never a one-size-fits-all fitness program. That being said, I'm providing a general list of factors that should be considered to achieve your goals:

1. Mental readiness: If you're not ready mentally, your body is unable to follow. Mental readiness is accepting a change is needed in your life to improve your health. Your desire to finally get serious may come from a doctor saying your cholesterol, triglycerides, or blood pressure is too high. You may have been told being overweight has contributed to these issues and potential for increased risk of diabetes or heart problems.

Many times, the desire to change comes from you reaching a point of not liking how you feel or what you see in the mirror. Moments like this typically motivate you to finally commit to eating healthy and exercising regularly. You are ready for a lifestyle change.

2. Plan to succeed: Nothing happens without good planning. Whether achieving fitness goals with a qualified personal trainer or solo, you will require knowledge and a plan to succeed. If working on your own, you will need reliable nutrition and fitness books or online sources. Stick with realistic approaches and stay away from fad diets and trends. These are typically short-term quick fixes without long-term solutions.

Another strategy is seeking the help of a qualified personal trainer/nutrition counselor. Proper fitness/health coaching can really motivate you in the right direction. If taught correctly, you will gain lifelong education on healthy eating, proper exercise technique, weight loss management, and muscle growth.

3. Food and fitness journals: recording progress is a great strategy for successful weight loss and muscle gain. You can include 'before' pictures and measurements, feelings of the day, daily food and water intake, and exercises performed in your workout. This consistent information will allow you to repeat successful weeks and show you where things didn't go quite right.

4. Progressive fitness: you have heard fitness is about progress, not perfection. Getting fit will require patience and consistent effort. Every positive step toward your goal is making a difference even when you don't see it right away. Progressive fitness means you take it slow, keep going, and trust the process.

5. Eating healthy: losing weight and gaining muscle requires eating for your goals. This means the majority of your food intake will include vegetables and leafy greens, fruits, whole grains, lean proteins, healthy fats, and lots of water. This will be a nutrition lifestyle change taking you from unhealthy eating habits to eating a wide variety of nutrient-dense foods. Physical demands will also increase the number of calories coming from these foods. For example, weightlifters and long distance runners will require more fuel than an individual selecting a light aerobics class for physical activity.

6. Exercise: workouts don't have to be extreme or long duration to be effective. We tend to overcomplicate fitness and consider workouts a burden. Find an exercise you enjoy and stick with it. Working out at least 4 times per week is recommended to increase muscle mass and reduce body fat. A balanced workout program includes exercise that challenges your aerobic, strength, balance and flexibility.

Applying a progressive workout strategy is also important. Allow yourself to be a beginner and increase in exercise intensity and duration slowly. This will give your body time to adapt, promote muscle growth, and progress at a healthy rate reducing the risk of injury.

7. Healthy lifestyle: adopting a healthy lifestyle includes a combination of eating right, exercise, adequate sleep, and balancing work and play. Losing weight and gaining muscle is just a result of living this way. It's really a goal achievable for everyone and simply applying these 7 steps is a great way to start seeing results and living healthy for life.

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Be well and Stay Healthy