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Conditioning etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Conditioning etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Why Altitude Masks are a Scam

You've all seen those guys in the gym—the ones who look like Bane and sound like Darth Vader hopping from one exercise to the next. Maybe you've though to yourself, "what is that awesome looking gadget," or, if you're like me, something along the lines of "what exactly does this tool think he's accomplishing?"

Many Olympic marathoners utilize altitude training to take their fitness to the next level (pun intended), so it makes sense that these masks would be worth the money.

What these companies aren't telling you, however, is that the research doesn't support these absurd-looking masks. On the contrary.

The positive adaptations of altitude training include an increased red blood cell count. This is one such adaptation that will only come from prolonged exposure to higher altitudes (meaning wearing a mask for an hour a few times per week isn't going to help in that arena. I most often see people wearing these masks on exercise machines (like the bro in the photo). Even if these masks were to work, you certainly wouldn't want to wear them for an exercise that doesn't rely on oxygen for energy (anaerobic exercises).

Another huge flaw in the reasoning behind wearing these masks is that they do not result in a change in barometric (atmospheric) pressure, as we would find in mountainous regions. Instead, they merely restrict your respiratory muscles, which effectively make breathing more challenging. These two things are not the same. In fact, in my opinion, limiting the efficacy of the respiratory muscles is just dangerous and foolish.

Finally, the current theory for altitude training is the "live high, train low." This means that athletes should live in higher altitudes, but train in lower altitudes so as not to impede their physical performance (obviously we cannot perform maximally at 10,000 feet above sea level). The altitude training masks directly contradict this principle, as people are not wearing them to do their household chores, but rather to do biceps curls in the squat rack. You definitely don't need to be an exercise physiologist to understand why this won't confer any added athletic benefits.

If you want to improve your aerobic capacity, avoid the scams and gimmicks. You can't take a shortcut to attain peak fitness levels (without the use of PEDs, of course), so quit throwing your money down the drain and put in the hard work. These masks will make you the laughing stock of your gym and they certainly won't provide any physiological advantage in your training.

What You Should Know If You've Ever Thought of Practicing Aerial Conditioning

I have a friend who is working really hard to strengthen her core and her upper body. She also wants to cultivate balance and get a full range of movement. I think she is also seeking that powerful mind/body connection that so many people crave. I applaud her because she is spending hours, and hours and hours working to achieve those fitness goals.

I have to tell you, I want the same outcomes, but I sure don't want to spend 20 hours a week working out. Since I am always researching new ways to stay fit, I got pretty excited when I learned about Aerial Conditioning classes. I mean, even the name seems pretty neat, right?

It seems like classes for Aerial Conditioning are popping up like the proverbial mushrooms. Little wonder once you understand the benefits. Want a stronger core and upper body; balance and a full range of movement? Of course! Aerial conditioning classes are great for anyone wanting to gain strength and endurance, as well as increase flexibility and coordination.

With Aerial Conditioning classes you embrace gravity while defying it simultaneously. That certainly puts a fun, new twist to working out. Aerial conditioning also emphasizes awareness of breath, dynamic alignment and efficiency as a source of power.

I was curious about Aerial Conditioning and how anything this fun could be so beneficial. After checking out some of the research I found that Aerial Conditioning classes can:

• gently lengthen the spine after those daily tasks that can compress it
• realign any imbalances in your spine
• help you avoid back, neck and joint compression
• support you in building core muscle strength to assist in strengthening the back
• increase your muscle flexibility, balance and agility
• lengthen your muscles and mobilize your joints through their full range of movement
• improve the mind-body connection by enhancing both coordination and balance
• improve your heart and lungs ability to work together
• enhance your spatial and sensorial awareness
• relieve tension in different parts of the body
• heighten the efficiency of your cardiovascular function
• flatten your stomach and diminish any "love handles." Want to guess what that does to your self image?

The benefits are amazing. Of course, I also wondered how Aerial Conditioning gets these outcomes. Stay with me for a moment because there is a bit physiological science involved. Without the spine we would be just a blob of formless tissue and organs sitting in a heap on the floor. The spinal column is our body's support system that allows us to move and bend and flex.

Our spine is actually constructed of 24 bones, called vertebrae and fluid-filled sacks, called discs, that create a soft cushion between the vertebrae to stop them from rubbing against each other. There are also ligaments that hold each vertebra together and attach bone to bone.

And then there are the tendons that attach the muscles to the vertebrae. All of these physiological components work together to create and allow bodily movements, while at the same time protecting the spinal cord. And it is the all-important spinal cord that passes information from our brain to the rest of our body - the muscles, bones, organs. This is why a healthy spine is imperative to live an active and robust life.

Still with me? Here is what you might not be as aware of. Performing daily, seemingly benign tasks such as sitting, walking and running causes the spine to compress. So Aerial Conditioning gently helps to re-lengthen the spine, and re-fill the discs to improve cushioning of the spinal column, which in turn will help to realign the spine.

So where can you go to experience such important health benefits from Aerial Conditioning? LAB5 Fitness in the Capitol Hill area of Seattle ( a perfect example of the new broad-range fitness centers offering Aerial Conditioning classes. So don't hesitate any longer - sign up for a class and begin enjoying the fabulous health benefits of Aerial Conditioning!

Alan Cashman is currently Chairman of the board of directors of Fortune Bank Mr. Cashman formerly served as President of Administrative Systems, Inc. (ASI) from its founding until 2007. Mr. Cashman founded ASI in 1990 as a licensed third party administrator providing back office systems and support to insurance companies. Mr. Cashman also served as Chairman of The Balanced Program, Inc., (BPI) from its founding until 2007.

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