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Fitfluential etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Fitfluential etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

I Will...

My goal is to train for, and eventually run, a 50 mile race. When I volunteered for the Miwok 100k, I was so inspired by the runners and motivated to to it someday myself! So why not start now? It will be quite a journey and I will need both words of encouragement and inspiration from others who...

Over and Over Again

I am currently on week 8 of training for Boston. This training schedule, like my last, I decided to (loosely) follow Hal Higdon's Advanced training program. I have already mentioned how I don't really follow it to a T, because it calls for 6 days of running per week. Sometimes it doesn't matter if you...

Change of Pace

Before the Santa Rosa Marathon, I was feeling a little unmotivated to run. I think it was due to several factors. I had some things going on in my personal life and it was affecting my running. I was pretty busy and I was having a hard time juggling life and running.So I decided that after the marathon,...

Protein Boost

I used to lift weights a lot. I had guns (and buns) the size of Texas. Okay, not really. When I did, I would sometimes use protein powder. The ones I tried were all very chalky tasting. Since I have been running more and lifting less, I stopped taking the protein powders, as I didn't see the need to...

My Bucket is Half Full

It's funny, if you asked me what was on my fitness bucket list a year ago, my main one would have been:To run a marathon.Period. A marathon. It seemed like something that I would the a long time...later...when I was faster or stronger.  Little did the me of June 2011 know, but...