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Tuesday Training (4)

Hate training posts? Love lists? Check out this list of 10 things that may make you realize that you are in Africa!

As I mentioned last week, I have been very unmotivated lately as far as running goes. However, this has not stopped me from getting out there and doing it anyway! I spent one of the weekends in Massachusetts, where it was HOT and humid. The rest of the time, I've been running in Santa Cruz, where its been in the 70s mostly. For both weeks, I pretty much ditched my speed work and am mostly running what some would call "junk miles". Junk or not, I am just happy that I managed to do any!

One thing I am really noticing lately is that the more I run, the more I eat. I know this is nothing new, but on my rest days, I am always hungry, so I am continuously eating! I'm like a 12 year old boy, appetite-wise. Also, I have a sock tan line which is pretty attractive.

Week 1 - 4
Week 5 - 8
Week 9 - 11

Week 12 - 13

Week 12:

Phoenix Rail Trail

Monday: Rest -- my right calf was giving me pain
Tuesday: Rest -- still in pain, so I decided to take an extra day of rest
Wednesday: 12 miles @ 9:36 pace (calf still hurting)
Thursday: 12.5 miles @ 9:53 pace (hilly trail run)
Friday: 7 miles -- 6 @ 9:40 pace / 1 mile walk on beach in middle
Saturday: Rest -- Travel Day
Sunday: 9 miles @ 9:00 pace

Total Miles: 40.5
Overall feeling: Tired

Week 13:

Norwottuck Rail Trail

Monday: 6 miles @ 8:57 pace (Norwottuck Rail Trail)
Tuesday: 8.5 miles @ 9:19 pace (Phoenix Rail Trail)
Wednesday: Rest -- Travel Day
Thursday: 11 miles @ 8:46 pace
Friday: Rest
Saturday: 10 miles @ 8:31 pace
Sunday: 20 miles @ 9:06 pace (Wilder Ranch)

Total Miles: 55.5
Overall feeling: Okay (better than last week!)

Wilder Ranch SP

What I have learned these past two weeks is that...I don't think I can sustain the required BQ pace of an 8 minute mile for 26.2 miles! I am having a hard enough time sustaining a 9 minute mile! This weekend I have a half marathon, which should give me an idea of my race pace, but I am feeling like maybe I am biting off more than I can chew with the BQ goal right now.

How is your training going? Do you have a hard time maintaining your pace in the heat?

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