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Do as I Say, Not as I Do

Despite my excellent advice just a few days ago, yesterday I went for a 12 mile run with my worst enemy, a bad pair of underwear. Why is it that no matter how many miles we have run, we still do stupid things? In this case, I am talking about things we KNOW are bad, so much so that we dedicate a bullet point in a blog post about it. I am shaking my head in disgust at myself.

However, despite the minor setback, I had a great run! I am back in Oakland, where the trails are easy to get to and I had a fantastic run on the West Ridge section of the Bay Area Ridge Trail. Remember I talked about someday hopefully running, walking and hiking the entire thing? Well, yesterday I tackled 6 more miles of it. Now I am up to approximately 24 out of 325. Not bad, right? Funny story: the ultra I signed up for is mostly on the BA Ridge Trail! I don't think it covers any parts that I have not been on yet, but it will still be fun to run a race on trails close to home!

Speaking of the Ultra, I have a question for the runners out there. I have a marathon coming up in approximately three and a half weeks. So, if I follow my training schedule, I would have a mile heavy week this week (58 miles), a lower mileaage week next week (37 miles) and two taper weeks right before the marathon weekend (30 and 37.2 respectively).

HOWEVER. I have the ultra (50k = 30 miles) next weekend (Aug 12), on the week that is supposed to be a 37 mile week. I was thinking I would just flip flop this week and next week and run 37 miles this week and 58 next week....OR I would run 58 this week and maybe only run 7 additional miles during the week next week. Or....maybe you have a better idea?

Now, just for fun and to TRY to remind myself of the things I should not do, eat or wear for this ultra.


- Peanut butter or any nuts really (I have a problem with this one because it's usually at the aid stations and it's easy to grab and easy to eat...and I like it, but it doesn't like me.)
- Fruity Gu (tried it, almost puked, will stick with chocolate or chomps/chews/baby food)
- Champion Tank top (I love it and it's going to be hot, but it gives me chafe. What a bummer)
- Loose undies (see above)
- Gazelle action in the beginning (this is an EnDuRaNcE race. Remember that!)

I am sure there are other things that even though I know they didn't work last time, I have done again and again. I have a really hard time resisting those PB filled pretzels, but I will just have to wait until the post run BBQ to indulge.

Have you ever done something even though you know it doesn't work for you? Or maybe you have a food you love that doesn't love you back? (Runners: any advice about the last few weeks of training? )

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