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2013 etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
2013 etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Best Of 2013: Books

This was not a stellar year for reading, both in quantity and quality. I did not really read many books that I couldn't put down. I also did not really read very many books period. However, there were still some that were pretty darn good. Here are the top five in no particular order.  Those Who Save Us by Jenna Blum: I usually enjoy WWII books, and this one did not disappoint. This is a dual...

Best of 2013: Running

It's that time of year again! Time for the recaps to begin! In 2012, one of my favorite running experiences was my first 50k. Let's see what makes the list this year, shall we? Amber did kind of a fun thing and talked about how many posts of hers were related to running. This year, I did not write as...

Looking Back: November

What better time to do a November recap than at the end of December? I actually wrote this at the beginning of the month and then neglected to post it! So, good-bye November, hello and good-bye December! To sum up November in three words, I would say: Work. Eating. Fun.Work: has been crazy; we are still...

Quad Dipsea

So this space has become an area for race recaps and.... not much else.I hope everyone had a really great Thanksgiving! I did. I double booked myself and had BBQed turkey and 3 different kinds of pie at my brother's house and then had second turkey dinner with homemade candy at my aunt's house. The...

Currently: November

Current Book - 22 Brittania Road by Amanda HodgkinsonCurrent Running Path - Running the PresidioCurrent Drink - Lipton tea with milk and sugar Current Excitement - I had a really fun day volunteering at the food bank this week with my family. It was nice to do something for others and to see...

Marine Corps Marathon

**This is the perfect day for this recap! Happy Veterans Day! Now, onto the MCM recap.... Since the Boston Marathon, I have neither run nor trained for a road race. I spent a lot of time training for trail races, which means lots of time on my feet and many miles, but none of them were run at a...

Looking Back: October

After the month of September, where I did a lot of running but no races, October was the month of races but not as many miles. Having a couple of taper weeks really gave me a chance to do something besides running for a change! Here are some of the highlights of October:Lake MerrittRunning: Like I said,...

Firetrails 50

It was a dark and stormy night. Just kidding; it was a cool and foggy morning.  I arrived at the start early, and was chatting with some fellow runners when I Dad and Grandma! They had come to cheer me on! I gave them some good luck hugs, lubed up, went the the restroom, ate an apple (in...

Going The Distance

Yup, it's that time again. Cue the music. It's The Taper.On Saturday, I will run my longest race (or distance in general) EVER. The Firetrails 50 mile.You know, I am actually ready. I am sure you have done something for the first time and been kind of nervous about the entire thing because you aren't really sure what you are getting yourself into. I am like that. However, I remember my first marathon...

Looking Back: September

September was a month with no races, which was a big change from August (2 races) and October (2 races). However, I was ramping up for my biggest race ever, the Firetrails 50, so it was not a month without running! Here are some of the highlights of September:Running: This was one of my highest mileage months ever; I ran 225 miles. Even with being sick and not being able to run as much as my schedule...

Headlands 50k

If you have never been out to the Marin headlands and taken highway 1 to Stinson Beach, you really are missing out on an awesome experience. It's really beautiful and the road is windy and the town of Stinson is idyllic. However, although driving there is fun, it's even more fun to run over the hill...

R & R

Last week was scheduled to be my highest mileage week before starting the big taper for the Firetrails 50 mile race, which is in three weeks (eek). As I have mentioned before, things have been busy at work and it's been hard to fit any miles in at all, never mind a large amount of miles, so I was kind of looking forward to getting this week over with so I can start to return to a normal weekly mileage...

Currently: September

Current Book - Chelsea Chelsea Bang Bang by Chelsea Handler: this is the second book I have read by her and although I don't love her TV personality, her books are pretty funny. They are a bit crude, but are a good way to pass the time, especially since I usually read on the bus ride home, so her short...

Looking Back: August

Whew. August, where did you go? I know, I am so late that September is almost over and here I am talking about August still. However, I had a great month, albeit a busy one, and I had good intentions of talking about it here, but things have gotten a little out of hand over in these parts. So, it's...

People I've Met

I'm having a problem.I can't keep up.How I feel, or a mural in the Mission, SFSo much so that I created a new category in my Reader (aka Feedly). It's called "People I've Met".This category contains 15 blogs. It is the one that I TRY to keep up with. If I have time, I (try to) move to the next category,...