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weekly nutrition and fitness plan etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
weekly nutrition and fitness plan etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

My Weekly Nutrition and Training Plan

The below nutrition plan is what I eat Monday through Friday. Saturday and Sunday during the day I still eat clean but will eat whatever is left over or what I have around my apartment. Saturday and Sunday's for dinner are when I have my "treat" meals. I switch up my eating every week. I plan the week...

My Weekly Nutrition and Training Plan

The below nutrition plan is what I eat Monday through Friday. Saturday and Sunday during the day I still eat clean but will eat whatever is left over or what I have around my apartment. Saturday and Sunday's for dinner are when I have my "treat" meals. I switch up my eating every week. I plan the week...

My Weekly Training and Nutrition Plan

The below nutrition plan is what I eat Monday through Friday. Saturday and Sunday during the day I still eat clean but will eat whatever is left over or what I have around my apartment. Saturday and Sunday's for dinner are when I have my "treat" meals. I switch up my eating every week. I plan the week...

My Weekly Nutrition and Training Plan

The below nutrition plan is what I eat Monday through Friday. Saturday and Sunday during the day I still eat clean but will eat whatever is left over or what I have around my apartment. Saturday and Sunday's for dinner are when I have my "treat" meals. I switch up my eating every week. I plan the week...

My Weekly Nutrition and Training Plan

I used to post this a while back, but I stopped when I really fell off of the bandwagon. Then in November when I started from scratch with a brand new journey to re-establish myself, I did not want to share my eating with you guys, because I did not want any of you to copy it. Initially I kept my carbohydrate...

Weekly Nutrition and Fitness Plan

I hope I can stay on track with my weekly health plan as closely as possible. My mother is coming into town Thursday and staying with us until Monday. Homegirl LOVES to cook so I can only imagine what she is going to fatten Marquis and I up with! But I don't hate it.Nutrition:Meal 1 (7 AM): 100 calorie...