The Ice Rink on Evergreen Lake opens Friday, Dec. 29! Opening day hours are 8 AM-8 PM. It's school break, so bring the kids to the lake to enjoy these winter days on the ice.The ice is 12 inches thick, so Evergreen Park & Recreation District's (EPRD) ice maestros can flood the rink...
Evergreen Lake etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Evergreen Lake etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Evergreen Lake North Trail is OPEN ... thanks to EPRD's Parks Department!
By Rohat Fatih at 11:06
bike trail, Evergreen, Evergreen Lake, Evergreen Park & Recreation District, Evergreen Park and Recreation District, trail
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Meet Heart Cameron, EPRD's Park Operations Manager. Heart and his crew, working with the Evergreen Metropolitan District, are the reason the Evergreen Lake Trail between Upper Bear Creek Road and Evergreen Dam along Highway 74 is finally open! They have been working diligently to replace a...