Bayram Cigerli Blog

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changes etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
changes etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

New Year. New You. New Start? The Choice is Yours.

Upon reading posts on Facebook, browsing pins on Pintrests, and seeing pictures on Instagram, I find that that "new years" often makes people cynical. There are those that mock the "new year, new me" mentality, and then there are people who are desperate for it. I see both sides. What I believe...

Why I have been MIA from Blogging and what has been going on

Hello Blogging world! Did you notice that my blog has been "deleted" for almost 2 weeks? Well, shame on you if you didn't. Kidding.Have you ever heard of the saying by Marilyn Monroe; sometimes GOOD things fall apart so better things come together? Or if you are of Christian faith like I am, "God has...

Life is all about change

I am trying to gather my thoughts and put myself together right now. Writing helps. This week has been one of the most emotionally draining weeks I have ever had. As we have always heard "it is darkest before dawn". And now is when I have to believe it.This week started off with a text message from...

Holy Sh!+ What a Day!

Okay y'all... I just need to breathe for a second.My brain is all over the place right now.It's all good stuff at least!I am marrying an entrepreneur. And it's a crazy life. Marquis, the future worse half of myself, is 44 years old and from a small town in upstate NY. He grew up dirt poor. I'm talking...