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Hong Kong etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Hong Kong etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Two Times Happier

Happy New Year everyone!Here in Hong Kong it is 16 hours ahead of California, so I figured it out: I could actually celebrate New Years here and then hop right on a plane and go home and celebrate it there. It is a 14 hour flight so it would be cutting it close, but I could make it! However, I think instead I will watch the fireworks and maybe the ball drop in Times Square. That's Times Square, Hong...

Escape: Successful

I made it safely to Hong Kong!! Its a gorgeous sunny day! Now I'm just waiting for Mr Lovely who got stuck in the snow in Boston for two days. Once he arrives, we head for Chi...

Go Home!

All I have to say is....2 days until I go home! Yay. Cookies beware, I am going to cook and eat you.Today we are in Hong Kong. First, we spent a quick two days in Guangzhou, China, where all we did was walk around looking at lights and dried snake skins and mushrooms. Actually that is a lie. We also...