This year, at times it has been hard to find the good amidst all of the things going on. However, there have been some! I have heard many a parent or grandparent say that without this situation, they would have never been able to spend so much quality time with their kids/grandkids. My friend's mom is teaching her daughter to cook, which my friend never would have done. There are some silver linings...
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Looking Back etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Looking Back etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Looking Back: September

Oh September, you devil you. Normally you are one of my favorite months, one full of vacations and adventures and great weather and friends. This year, you are not at the top of my list. September was a rough month for California. It was one of many wildfires; I read somewhere that there was a fire...
Looking Back: August

The last time I did a "looking back" post for August, it started like this: August was a good month! As usual, it was filled with lots of outdoor activities, family and friends! I love summer! Well this year sure is different! Not that I do not love summer, but this year was not filled with very...
Looking Back: March
By Tarihçi at 06:56
2020, Covid-19, Looking Back, reading, Running, Shelter in Place, Travel
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Well hello! The month of March was one for the record books so I figured why not put some of my thoughts in writing?Running: Despite many obstacles, I ran 180 miles in March. The month started out great; summer training was starting to ramp up, it was a little rainy, things were still "normal." Week...
Best of 2018: Books
Well, hello! I am ashamed to say that its been nearly a year since my last confession blog post! I was lurking reading some friends' recaps of 2018 and I decided to round up a few of my own. I do always like looking back at my own recaps sometimes a few years later. So, even if its just for my own eyes, here goes nothing!Each year I list a few of my favorite books from the last year of reading. In...
Looking Back: December & January & February
By Fitness ve Body Blogçusu at 03:00
2018, BOOKS, December, February, January, lists, Looking Back, Running, Travel
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And before you know it, poof, a month has already gone by! And then, poof, another! I have been really slacking on posting, but I have been reading your updates when I get a chance; I am just not really commenting as much anymore. Here, in short form, is a summary of my past few months.December quickie:...
Looking Back: 2017 Money Pie
To welcome in the new year, I always take a moment to look back on where I spent my money. I find it very helpful in organizing my spending for the year ahead. In addition, it sometimes gives me a wake up call, as often it is easy to spend a lot in one category without even realizing it (cough, Costco,...
2017 Goals: Year End Review

Happy New Year!! Last January, I posted nine goals and it's time to look back to find out how I did! 1. Run a 100 mile race -- Done. Bryce 100M is in the books!2. Run 2,400 miles / Climb 450,000 feet -- Done. 2017 Totals = 2,505 miles / 457,400 ft. 3. Conquer the hills -- Not Complete. The goal...
Best of 2017: Books
In 2017, I read over 90 books. According to Goodreads stats, I only gave two of them five stars, 35 were given four stars and 44 were given three stars. I tend to not hand out five star review casually, although it ends up being hard to sort through the four star reviews when there were so many. Probably some of the fours should have been fives, but such is life.An interesting stat: this year,...
Looking Back: November
By bayram cigerli at 03:00
2017, BOOKS, lists, Looking Back, November, Recap, Running, Travel
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November to me means the beginning of many things: the rainy season, the holidays, the end of the year. It is always strange when it hits you that this year is almost over! Then you start to reflect on what has happened over the last year and it all seems to be a bit surreal at times! Here are...
Looking Back: October

October was the month of tying up some loose ends. I got my hair cut, got my oil changed and went to the doctor. I met friends I had not seen in months for a drink. I only slept in my own bed one Saturday in October, and I did not get to bed that Saturday until midnight. It was a productive month,...
Looking Back: August
By bayram cigerli at 03:00
2017, August, BOOKS, lists, Looking Back, Recap, Running, Travel
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August was a good month! As usual, it was filled with lots of outdoor activities, family and friends! I love summer! Running: In August I clocked 197 miles. About 122 of those were in the Wind River Range, and another 31.5 of them were from the Tamalpa Headlands 50k. Other than that, I actually had...