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fitnessmotivation etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Keep Going When Fitness Feels Hard

Life is filled with hard days and we would rather hide our head tucked under the pillow. Of course, this isn't an option in most cases.

What remains important is being able to navigate through everything with healthy responses, attitudes, and choices.

I am just like you and not immune to having down days, life challenges, and lacking exercise motivation. These are the days I would appreciate a hard push from a trainer to help get me through. Because not every day goes as planned and nutrition can get off track.

Sometimes, it's ok to take a step back and away from the gym when you're tired and burned out. These are the days sitting in an Epsom salt bath may take priority. Your feelings are absolutely normal and not a reason to quit but to grow in a positive way. You get back up the next day and carry on.

Life will have challenges and success comes from how you handle the discomfort. Building muscle is an uncomfortable process but you persevere to achieve a positive result. 

Goals are achieved through planning and action. Workouts will be exhausting and eating healthy sometimes tiresome, but tired or not, giving up is never an option. It's important to keep going when fitness feels hard. It will never be easy but you do get stronger.

As long as you give your best no matter what that looks like, it's good enough. Today, my best came through taking an Epsom salt bath and right now my sore muscles are saying thank you. Did you achieve your best today? Something to think about on your fitness journey.

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Setting Realistic Fitness Goals You Can Stick With

Having a realistic mindset when setting fitness goals is important. And there are a few things you should know to feel successful along the way. 

Take it Slow

Many of us can jump too far ahead wanting instant results. Unrealistic expectations can derail how you feel about yourself and your fitness program. The goal is to avoid frustration and maintain a positive outlook.

Part of being successful with your program is learning to slow down and allow yourself to be a beginner. This will take being patient and trusting the process.

If you have reached your goals and fallen back into unhealthy habits, this is for you as well. Recovering from injury will also require being patient and conservative with your fitness.

Stay Consistent

Fitness takes time and consistent effort. Achieving your goals is a life-long progressive program. We are always a work in progress.

And there will be times you don't feel motivated and must depend on a disciplined lifestyle to keep going. And that is the important thing - not to give up. And discipline helps you stay consistent.

Staying consistent is what develops a healthy life, body, and mind. Remember it's what you do all the time that matters.

Stay Positive

You can't develop a positive life in a negative mind. Staying positive is so important in health, fitness, and life. And this takes daily work and choices.

We all have blah days and can feel overwhelmed with our fitness program. When results are slow, sometimes staying positive is difficult. 

What is helpful in these moments is reading positive affirmations, talking your feelings through with a supportive spouse or friend, and not lose focus on the realistic expectations of all fitness programs.

Helpful Tips

The following tips on how to set realistic fitness goals will be helpful:
  • Allow yourself to be a beginner.
  • Adopt the mindset that fitness is a life-long journey.
  • Results don't happen fast so be patient with your progress.
  • It's ok not to know everything at once.
  • Start where you are and enjoy the process.
  • Take one day at a time and avoid jumping too far ahead.
  • Healthy weight loss is 1lb to no more than 3lbs per week.
  • Muscle takes time to build, be patient.
  • It will feel hard and that is normal, keep going.
  • Maintain a fitness journal and repeat healthy weeks.
  • Baby steps create big results.
  • Avoid quick-fix diets and fitness gimmicks.
  • Workout 3-5 days per week for at least 30 minutes. (this is doable)
  • Drink more water, eliminate soda, decrease alcohol. (you can do it)
  • Focus on today and making healthy choices.
  • Don't expect to lose 20lbs in one week - stay realistic.
  • Avoid comparing yourself to others.
  • Each day you will become healthier, stronger, and better.
  • Start by making 3 healthy changes per day and repeat until it's a habit.
  • You can do it!
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