It's 4:49 a.m. My alarm goes off and I hop off of the couch, where I have been sitting and reading. I wash my breakfast dishes, grab my lunch and use the bathroom one last time and then I put on my helmet and grab my bike and my backpack and walk out the door.It's about 2 miles from my house to the train station. Luckily, in the morning, it's mostly downhill. I put on my bike light, hike up one leg...
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transportation etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
transportation etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
On The Road Again
By Rohat Fatih at 03:00
2014, California, Family, Las Vegas, Nevada, Road Trip, transportation, Travel
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I have only three words to explain last week: What A Week!First, work has been slammed lately. Add to that the fact that I took Wednesday - Friday off last week for a road trip to Vegas and the Grand Canyon, and it makes for a very busy Monday and Tuesday. Add to that two different meetings on Monday,...
Strike Two
If you are planning on visiting the Bay Area this week, don't. You have probably heard about the BART strike, but in case you haven't, here's the low down. About a month ago, the workers of the Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) system went on strike because they thought they deserved higher pay.The BART workers are unionized, and according to sources, are requesting a 23% pay increase. According to the...
10 Days of Thanksgiving: Day 4 & 5
By Rohat Fatih at 03:00
10 Days of Thanksgiving, 2012, Bay Area, San Francisco, Thanksgiving, transportation, Where I Live
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I will be foregoing my weekly Fitness Friday post today for a continuation of the 10 days of Thanksgiving. Today we have number 4 and number 5 of the 10 things I am thankful for this year. 4. Where my Parents LiveI have posted about this a million times before, but the place I grew up is so beautiful....
It's Causal
I have had a lot of questions lately about what form of transportation I use when I go into the city. I sometimes take the bus, sometimes the BART, but mostly I use the Casual Carpool (you can also take a boat if you are so inclined). People can understand the bus or the BART, but the looks I get when I tell people that I use the Casual Carpool are priceless. I mean, didn't all of our mothers teach...
A Method to My Madness

You’ve probably seen the movie Planes, Trains and Automobiles. It’s been a long time since I have seen it, but I remember John Candy trying to get somewhere (for Christmas?) and he has to take all these different methods of transportation. I can relate to that! I thought I would go over a few different...
Hell Week
By bayramcigerli at 06:24
2010, africa, Malawi, Namibia, Round the World, transportation, Travel, Zambia
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So what has happened to us, you ask?! Well.....You last left us in Malawi. Big K was doing his diving certification and I was chillin with S and R who were good fun, reading and relaxing at the lakeshore. From there, we had hell day. Wait, it was hell week! From there, which was Nkata Bay, we had...
Mitad Del Mundo and More!!!
By Rohat Fatih at 07:36
2008, Columbia, Danger, Ecuador, South America, transportation, Travel
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For the first time in about 9 months, we are back in the Northern Hemisphere! We spent one week in Ecuador, ending in Quito and visiting the Mitad Del Mundo, or Center of the World, where we straddled the equator and passed for the first time into the N. Hemisphere. Next we crossed over into Columbia, where we are now. Columbia is not as scary as the US Government would lead you to believe, but there...
Huelgas, Desfiles y Fiestas!!
By Rohat Fatih at 08:47
2008, Bolivia, Elections, Protests, South America, transportation, Travel
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The election is in 3 days. Actually it is not an election, it is a referendum. What happens is this... Everyone goes and votes whether they want to keep Evo or not. If so, he remains President. He has been President for 3 years...normally a term is for 5. If they vote no, he gets impeached and they have to vote for a new President. Supposedly, out of the 9 departments (states), only 3 are for Evo...
Sucre - So Sweet
We made it to Sucre, but it took a while to get here! From the town we were in before, Semaipata, we caught a bus...which was supposed to pick us up at 7, but arrived at 8:40 pm instead. We got on and got comfy. About 10 minutes later, the bus stopped for dinner. As we had just gotten on, I stayed on...
By Rohat Fatih at 10:23
2008, Bolivia, Brazil, Death Train, Pantanal, South America, transportation, Travel
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Tuiui (source)We just got out of the Pantanal, where we spent 4 days. We had a great time - we went horseback riding, fishing for piranha, cayman hunting, and on an all day safari. We saw lots of birds, including blue macaw and toucans and a huge giant stork, called in Portuguese "tuiuiu", which is...
Jericoacoara - Land of Sand
By Rohat Fatih at 06:50
2008, beaches, Brazil, Sand, South America, transportation, Travel
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I found my new favorite place! It was hard to get to, but in the end, it was totally worth it! To get here, I had to take a bus for 2 hours, wait for another 2 hours, take another bus for 8 hours, wait for another 2 hours, take a bus for 5 hours, get off and then on to another "bus" (this one is 4 wheel...
The Bane of the Bag
Chris and I always say that our home is where we lay our backpack. However, it is more than that. Not only do we lay our backpack somewhere, but we also lug the damn thing around everywhere before finally laying it down in its temporary home. There are levels of difficulty when carrying a bag that you dont think about when you are traveling in the US with your car and your hotel room and your whatever...
Cataratas do Iguaçu
Well, we are now in Brazil. We had a great time in Buenos Aires, but had to finally move on so we can get everything done that we want to do. One of the things that was on the top of my list was Iguazu Falls (otherwise known as Cataratas de Iguazu - AR- or Cataratas do Iguaçu -BR). So, from Bs As we boarded a bus for Iguazu. We splurged this Argentina there are usually three classes of busses...
Sunday Bloody Sunday
By Rohat Fatih at 14:48
2008, Argentina, soccer, South America, Time, transportation, Travel
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Haha, just when you think you are organized....We had a very interesting Sunday last weekend. First, let me explain a little something. I want to go to a futbol (soccer) game. So, I asked about the schedule while we were at the Sheraton and the concierge told me that River and Boca both played on Sunday, River at 5, Boca at 7. In Buenos Aires. Both stadiums are easy to get to, and he had said that...
Brrrr...It´s Chile
By Rohat Fatih at 17:40
2008, Argentina, Bariloche, Chile, South America, transportation, Travel
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No wait, it´s Argentina. Wait, where am I? No, really, we are in Bariloche, Argentina right now. We were travelling up Chile, going north, with no intention of going back in to Argentina for at least three more weeks, but we ended up flying from Puerto Natales to Puerto Montt instead of taking the...
Vietnam (April 3-April 10)
By Rohat Fatih at 05:13
2006, bus, Dalat, Danang, Hoi An, My Son, Nha Trang, Saigon, Southeast Asia, Thief, traffic, transportation, Travel, vietnam
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And it's one two three what are we fighting for, don't ask me I don't give a damn, next stop is Vietnam...Hoi An (4-5 April)As soon as I could, I got out of Danang. It was another big ugly city and I really wanted to just go to the beach. So another (scary) motorcycle ride and one more bus ride (only 45 mins! how nice is that?) got me to a small town called Hoi An, which is situated 5 km from the...
Laos (March 30-April 3)

See what befell me in the quiet mountains of Laos.Bus Ride or Hell: You decide (3 April 2006)Ohmygoodness, I just had the bus ride from hell! What started out to be a 22 hour busride from Vientiane, the capitol of Laos to Danang Vietnam, turned out to be a 28 hour busride from hell... It all started...