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December etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
December etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Looking Back: December & January & February

And before you know it, poof, a month has already gone by! And then, poof, another! I have been really slacking on posting, but I have been reading your updates when I get a chance; I am just not really commenting as much anymore. Here, in short form, is a summary of my past few months.December quickie:...

Looking Back: December

December was packed full of fun and family and food! I am sad to see it go, while at the same time am looking forward to starting a new year full of fresh new things! I am going to keep this one short, as I mostly already talked about a lot of these same things in my Best Of posts.Running: I picked things up at the end of the month and managed to run 142 miles in December. In addition, I had 4 strength...


There is a guy in my office who sometimes makes this noise when he is overwhelmed, and it sounds like, "woof!" I think he is really saying, "oof" or basically, "phew". However, the first time I heard it, I thought he said WOOF, and so it has kind of stuck. Any time things are getting out of control or we are feeling a little crazy, we call out, "Woof!"So....Woof!The last couple of weeks have been...

Currently: December

Current Book - A Land More Kind Than Home. Actually to say I am "reading" it is kind of a lie; it is sitting on my bedside table though. Current Favorite Celebrity - Brandon Flowers of The Killers. He rocks. Literally. Current Drink - Wine. It's the holidays.  Current Excitement - Last weekend...

Then and Now: December

Happy New Year's Eve! I hope that wherever you are, you are having a great weekend! Have a wonderful time tonight and I will see you next year! The holidays are often very similar each year. There are holiday parties, get-togethers with friends and food to be eaten and presents to open with family....