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Looking Forward

I haven't done one of these Looking Forward posts in a while, but was just thinking about how much I am enjoying life right now, even though (or maybe because) it's been pretty full of things going on! So I thought this would be the perfect time to look forward to remember some of the things that are going to be happening sooner rather than later!

Today I am looking forward to another nice sunny day and a easy run after work. The evenings have been beautiful and it really brings me joy to have a nice place to run and to wind down after a busy day at work.

lake merritt
Lake Merritt

This week I am looking forward dinner out with friends on Thursday. We will be going to a place that I have not tried before and I always love trying new places! Also, Saturday night a friend is having a late Chinese New Years party. It will be really great to catch up with friends and eat lots of pot-stickers!

This month I am looking forward working in the garden. I started my seeds yesterday and hopefully in about a week they will start sprouting. Also, I spent some time weeding and getting the garden ready for the transplant, but there is still work to be done! It's so calming being outdoors in the sun with your fingers in the dirt, and so satisfying when things begin to grow and produce real food! I have barely bought a store bought tomato since I started growing my own; they just can't compare!

This year I am looking forward to so many things! The Boston marathon, going to hike and spend time with my second family in Oregon, hiking Mt. Shasta with my brother and Dad, going to the Bottle Rock concert in Napa, and possibly taking a couple other short trips to see friends.

*inspired by Lisa

What are you looking forward to? Do you grow any vegetables? Do you have any fun trips on the horizon?

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