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In Pursuit of Fitness

Training for a marathon is not easy. You have to run a lot. I have skipped a lot of social outings because I needed to get a run in. However, I have not let running be an anvil around my neck (or is it an albatross? I think I am getting two sayings twisted up) .

Instead I have embraced running in all the places I found myself in. If I had a friend to visit, I made sure they knew there would be a run involved. Sometimes they even ran with me. Other times I found out more about a city or a new place than I thought I would. Running brings you closer to the real heart of a place. You get down and dirty and check out the streets, the parks, the people. Running makes you get out of the house and see things. Running makes you "street smart". So, I thought I would show you a few places I may not have known about, or seen, except for the fact that I needed to get out for a run.

Rhode Island: 



Cape Girardeau








Sierra Nevadas

New York:

There are several more but I didn't get photos of all of them! Running really has been a great way to meet new people and to see new places!

Don't forget to go over to Jill's place for Fitness Friday!

Where is your favorite place to run? Have you traveled somewhere specifically for a run/race? Have you discovered new places due to any fitness related activity?

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