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Close Grip EZ Bar Curl

Develop Fantastic Biceps with this Routine

JRs Bicep Building Close Grip EZ Bar Curl     •  Stand up with your torso upright while holding an
        E-Z Curl Bar at the closer inner handle. The palms
        of your hands should be facing forward. Elbows
        should be close to the torso.
        This will be your starting position.
     • While holding the upper arms stationary, curl the
        weights forward while contracting the biceps as
        you breathe out. Only the forearms should move.
     • Continue the movement until your biceps are fully
        contracted and hte bar is at shoulder level. Hold the
        contracted positions for a moment.
     • While breathing in, slowly lower the bar to
        starting position
     • Repeat for 3 sets of 20 repetitions.

Great workout for home or at the gym.

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