Bayram Cigerli Blog

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Currently: March

Current Book - Half Broke Horses by Jeannette Walls -- I loved The Glass Castle and am so far liking this book, even though it's totally different.

Current Drink - Iced Tea. Instead of having another cup of coffee at work, I have been making a glass of iced tea. I always have plenty of lemons on hand! 

Current Excitement - Boston! It's all happening!

Current fashion trend - Pajamas. When I am not in running clothes or work clothes, I am mostly in my pajamas. 

Current Favorite Blog/Website - This site, and others like it. I am itching to travel! 

Current Garden Item - I have radishes! The other things are still just tiny sprouts, but the radishes are taking off!
Current Love - Mangoes. I even eat them at work and that is not a pretty thing.

Current Food - Everything I can get my hands on, as I stated yesterday

Current Indulgence - Pirates Booty

Currently Pondering - Why half of my answers are about food. And of course, what I am going to have for dinner tonight. I did a really bad job grocery shopping this weekend, only getting enough to tide me over for a couple days. Not that I don't have a ton of pantry items that I can work from, but I am low on veggies. 

Current Mood - Tired. I didn't sleep well on Sunday night and that, coupled with early mornings for the forever, as well as later nights, have made for one tired pup. I have been averaging about 6.5 - 7 hours of sleep lately and that is not enough. 

Current New Find - This popcorn from Trader Joes. In fact, it was so good that my roommate ate it all before I could have more than a handful! 

Current Outfit - Besides pajamas, it's mostly been jeans and tank top/t-shirt 

Current Peeve - On Monday, I went early to spin class so I can get a bike in front of the fan. This lady comes in late and MOVES the fan, so it will blow on her! Luckily the guy next to me, who had also gotten in early for the same reason, has bigger balls than me and he went and moved it back and scolded her. 
Current Song - Two Door Cinema Club -- Something Good Can Work



Current Triumph - Broski's attitude about running. I am not sure if it's actually a "triumph", but he is getting more and more into it. Just watch, before we know it, he will be running circles around me at the next marathon. 
Current TV Show - Homeland. I have only seen a couple of them, but so far they are good.

Current Wish-List - More time! The weekends are flying by and actually, the weeks are as well! 

Currently Delaying - Finishing my taxes. I did them but then CA wouldn't let me e-file and so I printed it out but just haven't sent it. I have absolutely no good reason not to do it; I am just lazy. 

What have you been up to lately? What are you delaying? Are there any triumphs in your life?

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