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What I Love: Not

You have already heard about the things I love several times, so here I am back again, with a list of things that I don't love, in no particular order. 

- Those U-Verse commercials. Do you know the ones I am talking about? The little girl says to her younger sister, "when I was YOUR age, we couldn't move the TV into any room. We had to watch Mom's dumb channel..." It basically takes your grandpa's "uphill both ways in the snow" and "5 cents for a candy bar" and makes a really annoying copycat (mockery) of those stories. I am not amused.

- Dogs off leashes. You already know I don't like this. But it keeps getting reconfirmed. Maybe I need to stop running outside, on trails where dogs are supposed to be on leash. Why do people feel entitled to break the rules? It bothers me, especially when there are specific areas where your dog IS allowed to be off leash. I avoid them for a reason, people.

- Poop bags. Again, why can't people just follow the rules? If you want to share the space with everyone, keep it clean! Don't leave your poop bag on the trail! And seriously, you already did the dirty part of the job; now you can't even carry the darn bag to the trash can!?

- Litterbugs. Same problem as above, but this time it's not just dog owners. I see TP, bottles, cans and other things in places they don't belong, but it REALLY chaps my hide when I am out in nature and people have littered there. Respect your home, people!

- People that won't shut up. Have you ever been on a plane and had the person next to you talk to you even though you have your headphones on AND your nose in a book!? There is certain body language that people need to learn to read. I don't want to feel (a) obligated to talk to you or (b) rude because I am ignoring you. Don't make me be rude to you. This also pertains to people at work. When I am starting to turn and (try to) walk away, please stop talking about your boyfriend's ex-girlfriend's cousin's daughter's cat. Please.

- Snakes. Yup, it's that time of year again. Remember last year when I saw 12 snakes by May? Well I am hoping not to repeat that again this year! I have my eye out though!

What don't you love? What annoys you? What's the weirdest/worst conversation you have had with a co-worker/airplane seat mate?

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