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March etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
March etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Looking Back: March

A coworker said to me the other day, "You know March; It goes in like a lamb and out like a lion." I asked him if it wasn't the other way around though and he was adamant that it came in mild and went out wild. So I let it be. In Oakland, March started very rainy and has ended full of sunshine and wildflowers,...

Currently: March

I have not done one of these in a long time! However, I am "currently" procrastinating doing a few other things, so why not? Reading:  The Namesake by Jhumpa Lahiri. Loving: The weather, working in the yard, running friends and cottage cheese and fruit. Thinking: About getting my planter boxes finished and putting in some veggies soon! I just need to decide what! Frustrated: About plumbing. I...

Looking Back: March

March is the month of madness! I finally did my taxes (mostly), got a lot of stuff done in the yard/around the house and spent a lot of time with friends who I had not seen in a while. I am feeling like I need to schedule a couple of down days in April before the summer comes along and things get too...

Looking Back: March

Just like that, March is gone and we are back in the month of April again. Before you know it, my birthday will be here and then summer and then baseball season will be over and then I will be on Amazon buying presents again. My year in a nutshell!! But for now, let's just focus on one month at a time....

Currently: March

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In Like a Lion?

Yup, it's my third post this week! Already I nearly have more posts in April than I did in March! March is supposed to go in like a lion and out like a lamb. As you know, I live in a pretty temperate area, so we don't get a lot of temperature fluctuations. However, we had some rain (yay), which was very much needed, and a little bit of snow in the mountains toward the end of the month. So I am...

Currently: March

Current Book - Half Broke Horses by Jeannette Walls -- I loved The Glass Castle and am so far liking this book, even though it's totally different. Current Drink - Iced Tea. Instead of having another cup of coffee at work, I have been making a glass of iced tea. I always have plenty of lemons on hand! Current Excitement - Boston! It's all happening! Current fashion trend - Pajamas. When I am...

Looking Forward

I haven't done one of these Looking Forward posts in a while, but was just thinking about how much I am enjoying life right now, even though (or maybe because) it's been pretty full of things going on! So I thought this would be the perfect time to look forward to remember some of the things that are...

Then and Now: March

Looking back on the last year is fun. I like seeing where I was then vs where I am now. Some things are SO different; others are exactly the same. Last year I was traveling around Southeast Asia. I chopped off my hair in Bangkok, I had a few bad days, and I dealt with some money problems. This year...