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Too Busy to Exercise this Holiday Season! Quick Workout Tips for You!

It is entirely possible to burn tons of fat with a short, 15 minute workout.  Today we are giving you ideas for a workout to do when you are too busy for your regular workout schedule.

15 Minute Workout Options:

Option A
This workout uses the 4 minute tabata protocol (20 seconds or work as fast and as hard as you can go with a 10 second rest – repeated 8 times).

Be sure to warm up with a walk, step touches or cardio machine first then perform the following:

1 - jump rope or jump squats or sprint runs outdoors

2 - push ups alternated with burpees

3 - Alternate these exercises doing the first set for the first four minutes, the second set for the second 4 minutes and the final set for the last four minutes.

Option B
Warm up as above.
Perform 8 - 10 reps of each exercise in the circuit below going from one to the next without rest and repeat as many times as possible in 10 minutes. No breaks and move quickly but with excellent technique.

alternating jump squats or jump lunges
push ups or inverted bodyweight rows
core pushups or floppy burpee
*all exercises featured in the warrior workout video below

HIIT IT - and make it count

What is HIIT?  It is high intensity interval training.  Advantages of interval training (are)is that it utilizes the body's two energy producing  systems: the aerobic and the anaerobic.  The aerobic system is the one that allows you to walk or run several miles and uses oxygen to convert carbs into energy. The anaerobic system draws energy from carbs stored in the muscles for short burst of activity such as sprinting, jumping or lifting heavy objects.  This system does not require oxygen and does not provide enough energy for more than the brief activity.

High Intensity Interval Training involves short intervals of high intensity work. The intervals require you to work at 90% of yourmaximum heart rate followed by a rest interval.  The intervals are termed work:rest.  If you are beginning this type of training, you may want to start with 30:60.  This means 30 seconds of work followed by 60 seconds of rest.  As your cardiovascular system becomes stronger and can handle more capacity, you will increase to 30:30 and eventually 60:30.

You can also use a less specific method knows as Fartlek  or speed play.  To use this method, you pick a land mark like a tree or a park bench and walk or run as fast as you can to that point, then walk at an easy pace to recover.

High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) will get you fit and save time.  In the 1994 study published in the journal Metabolism, researchers had one group follow a 15-week HIIT program and another perform only steady-state cardio for 20 weeks.  The data revealed the steady-state group burned 15,000 more calories, but the HIIT group lost significantly more body fat.  A more recent study conducted at the University of New South Wales (Australia) reported that a group of women who took part in a 20-minute HIIT program of eight-second sprints followed by 12 seconds of rest lost six times more body fat than a group that performed steady-state cardio for 40 minutes at 60% Maximum heart rate.  The increase in the intensity boosts your metabolism and keeps it higher longer after your workout.  This is known as EPOC, or the after burn.

So why not cut your cardio session in half and get more benefit?  Seems like a no brainer to me!


Blast the Fat Friday!

Fat loss is a process that takes time, patience, persistence and effort.  That being said, it doesn't mean you have to spend hours in the gym doing cardio.  Remember high intensity workouts will get you faster results!

Try this for a great total body fat blaster!

TRX row or lat pull down
Stability ball push up (legs on ball or hands on ball)
Dumbbell squat with overhead press
Stability ball hamstring curls
Floor Push ups (any version that works for you)
one leg squats
standing mountain climbers
10-12 reps each exercise - repeat circuit 1 to 2 times

1 minute water break

4 min. Tabata HIIT circuit
Skaters (lateral leaps) 20 sec. work 10 sec. rest
squat jumps - 20 sec. work 10 sec. rest
Burpees with med ball or BOSU 20 sec. work 10 sec. rest
Jump rope or step ups 20 sec. work 10 sec. rest
Plyo jacks 20 sec. work 10 sec. rest
Jumping jacks 20 sec. work 10 sec. rest
Skaters (lateral leaps) 20 sec. work 10 sec. rest
Step ups 20 sec. work 10 sec. rest

Finish this up with stretching and a plank!  Eat a healthy post workout meal and feel good that you have gotten this done for the day!

Snow Day in Middle TN AGAIN!

Well, here we are again in the Nashville area with schools closed and the routines upset! Don't let this keep you from your workout.  If you are home with the kids and can't do your regular routine, change it up and make it fun.  Get out and have a snow ball fight or hike in the snow with the kids and dogs.  Play chase, run and jump!  Have fun and get moving and enjoy this beautiful sunny snowy day!