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Routine etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Routine etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Maaxx West's Chest And Triceps Routine

Bodybuilder, Fitness, Muscle Man,Article,Bodybuilding,Tutorial,Posts,Sport Teacher,
Useful Text,Olympus Lyfestyle,WBFF Bikini Diva,Maaxx West, Woman Bodybuilder,Chest,

Maaxx West's Chest And Triceps Routine

Start with a few warm-up sets on the machine flyes, then get to work!
Machine fly: 3 sets, 5 reps slow on the positive, 5 reps slow on the negative, then reps to failure
Seated chest press: 3 sets, 5 reps slow on the positive, 5 reps slow on the negative, then reps to failure
Bench press: 3 sets, 5 reps slow on the positive, 5 reps slow on the negative, then reps to failure
Triceps dip: 3 sets to failure
Cable fly: 4 sets, 10 reps pushing forward, 10 reps pushing downward
Rope push-down: 3 sets, 5 reps slow on the positive, 5 reps slow on the negative, then reps to failure
Reverse-grip push-down: 3 sets, 5 reps slow on the positive, 5 reps slow on the negative, then reps to failure
Overhead triceps extension: 3 sets, 12 reps
Stretch cool-down

Starting a Fitness Routine and Sticking to It

ByR. Duescher

Starting a fitness routine can be tough, especially in this fast paced world we live in. Everybody's busy - you have to make time for yourself to exercise. Whether it's at 11 p.m. or 6 a.m., a regular workout routine will help to make you feel more in control of your health. Having small children can make it more challenging to sneak in those workouts. Be creative! Remember, you don't always have to hire a sitter, or even leave the house to make exercise a part of your life.

Here are some ideas on how to get started, and stay motivated:

• Set goals - Make your goals realistic and attainable. A short-term goal might be to exercise for 5 minutes once or twice a day, then gradually increase as you progress. Your long-term goal may be to build up to 30-60 minutes of exercise 4-5 times per week.

• Put it on paper - What are you hoping to achieve? Lose weight? Boost energy? Sleep better? Manage a chronic health condition? Writing it down may help you stay motivated. Also, logging your exercise duration and how you feel after will help remind you that you are making progress.

• Make exercise a part of your daily routine - Schedule workouts like you would schedule anything else. Exercising first thing in the morning may help eliminate excuses that may come up later. Once you are done, you can concentrate on the rest of the day and not have to worry about trying to fit it in. Also, exercise is a mood regulator - you may find that you are in a better mood for the rest of the day after exercising right away in the morning.

• Make it fun - Mix it up! If you're not enjoying yourself, try something else. Modern exercise machines have many different options to keep things fresh. Watching TV while on an elliptical machine or listening to music while pedaling an exercise bike can also make the workout go by much faster. Workout DVDs are great - there are so many different ones out there for cardio, strength training, circuit training, yoga, pilates, etc. You can rotate them monthly, or more often, to work different muscles or just to spice things up.

• Be flexible - If you do find life getting in the way of your workouts, take a day or two off and relax. Don't beat yourself up if you slide a bit. Just get back to it as soon as you can.

• Join forces with friends, family, or neighbors - You are not alone! Try and recruit others to join you in your fitness quest. Having someone to support you and maybe even workout with can be priceless.

• Reward yourself - After exercising, take a few minutes to enjoy that exhilarating feeling of a hard workout. This type of reward can help you make a long-term commitment to regular exercise. When reaching a long-term goal, treat yourself to a new pair of athletic shoes, new workout gear, or even something unrelated, like a new dress, trendy new shoes, or whatever tickles your fancy. Never make food a reward for exercise - you don't want to cancel out all of your hard work by eating badly.

Remember - Fitness is for Life. As you progress toward your fitness goals, you will find yourself looking forward to your regular exercise routine. Also remember that eating healthy and regular exercise go hand in hand. You cannot exercise away a bad diet.

Author: R. Duescher

I have been writing for many years, and have recently worked my way into writing articles online. My personal experiences and training are the inspiration for my articles.

To further your quest for at home fitness routines and healthy living, please visit

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How to Jumpstart Your Exercise Routine

ByMich Ching

Getting and staying fit can be quite a challenge. For most of us, working out can be such a chore. Between working out and staying in and watching TV, I'm pretty sure many would choose the latter. Furthermore, squeezing a regular exercise routine to a jampacked day to day schedule can really be difficult. However, with proper time management and the right attitude, it is indeed possible to make exercise an integral part of your life. You don't have to work out everyday, but it is important that you maintain a regular fitness routine to achieve your fitness goals. Whether you are interested in losing weight, maintaining your weight or you want to start exercising, here are some tips on how you can jumpstart your exercise routine.

1. Be consistent and gradual. Consistency is definitely the key to fitness. No exercise routine would work for you if you don't do it in a consistent manner. If you're totally out of shape and haven't worked out since forever, try working out for ten minutes a day, every day, for a week. Overexertion can easily lead up to giving up so you really have to do it gradually. Once your body has adjusted with the regular exercise, you can adjust it to fifteen minutes, then twenty minutes, then thirty minutes. They key to getting in tip top shape is to follow a routine that works for you then slowly adjust it to reach your desired goal.

2. Pick a form of exercise that you can enjoy. You're definitely unlikely to stick with a work out that you hate. As a matter of fact, those people who don't exercise think that working out is boring and monotonous that's why they don't work out. Part of making an exercise routine work is by choosing something that you like doing. Working out doesn't mean confining yourself for hours at the gym. Find something that suits you and your interests. If you're an outdoorsy person, you can try swimming or hiking. If you're into challenging stuff, you can try martial arts or extreme sports. Always remember to have fun.

3. Find a workout buddy. Working out with a friend can make your workout time go by much more faster. When you work out alone, chances are you always feel the time drag by. Working out with a friend can also make you more motivated and inspired to become more sexier and fitter.

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Snow Day in Middle TN AGAIN!

Well, here we are again in the Nashville area with schools closed and the routines upset! Don't let this keep you from your workout.  If you are home with the kids and can't do your regular routine, change it up and make it fun.  Get out and have a snow ball fight or hike in the snow with the kids and dogs.  Play chase, run and jump!  Have fun and get moving and enjoy this beautiful sunny snowy day!