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apron etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
apron etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Christmas Bells and Gingham

When I got out the Christmas decorations it remined me that I had picked up a couple aprons at an estate sale in the fall. And one was a Christmas apron! I love the bells on it!Large bells and tiny bells...… It is a little hard to see the seam, but it has a curved pocket. I love discovering all the...

Apple Picking Aprons

We went Apple Picking several weeks ago (in blazing hot, very un-fall like weather!). Sometimes apple time seems to sneak up on us and we end up dashing out last minute to see which apple varieties are still hanging on the trees. But this year we were prepared! I even had time to make myself an apple...

Applesauce and Aprons

Some years we dream of apple pies, some years dried apples, sometimes the dream is just fresh crunchy apples. This year we were dreaming of warm applesauce and spicy apple butter!As fast as we could get the apples home, the apple peeler and stock pot came out.In no time at all we had a pot full of sliced...

Mrs. Santa Claus (Apron)

Are you doing a bit of  cookie baking? Here is an apron that will put in the Christmas spirit!
I don't usually go for Santa fabric, but this was so cheerful and vintage looking! (found at JoAnn Fabrics) At first I didn't know what to make with the fabric, but when an apron was suggested I knew that was what it needed to be! (Why didn't I think of that at first?)
 I melded together two 1940's apron patterns. The skirt portion from one book and the bib from another. This one just needed a bib! Besides, how can you not get messy making cookies?
 A little bit of subtle rick-rack to outline the pockets and bib. I tried binding at first it was not so subtle.....
 In January I will share the pattern. I wasn't completely happy with the way this one turned out, a few adjustments and it will be good.
I love the way the skirt curves, adds a bit of pizzazz, doesn't it?